An Unforgettable Trip

Submitted into Contest #47 in response to: Suitcase in hand, you head to the station.... view prompt



Suitcase in hand and you head to the station, then you realized that you took the wrong suitcase, it was too light, and there was nothing in it, accept for some dirty socks and clothes which you did not washed from the last trip to your parents house. You have left in a hurry this morning, going to meetings after meetings after meetings, you did not even have a chance to check your suitcase which was in your car boot, until now.

You gently straighten your office coat, and stared at your reflection in front of the glass window. You gently brushed your short brown hair with your fingers, and tugging the loose hair behind your ears. 

“That’s just great!” You gasped out of breath. This is another day of clumsiness and forgetfulness for you. You can only blame yourself from partying all night with your colleagues. If only you had just returned home just as you have planned. And if only you had just gone to bed early. Well, there’s so many “IF ONLY” running through your mind, and you could not do anything about it. 

How am I going to be on time? You thought to yourself panically. 

You know you have only 30 minutes to check-in for boarding. You can never make it. This is a journey you have been wanting to go, you have made it so far, for the past two years, you have worked so hard. Saving all your money for this Europe Trip. You have been imagining yourself in your new white dress in front of the Eiffel Tower. In the cafe, with lovely breakfast to show off. Wine at night in the bar to show off to all your friends.

But you could not do anything as of now. You sighed as you know this is it. You just have to step into the train with or without that suitcase with all your beautiful dresses and that expensive camera you have bought last week. Now, you can not post any beautiful photos on Instagram, or Facebook. You only have your phone and a coat you are wearing and some dirty clothes, which you really do not want to be reminded of.

Suddenly, your phone rang. You reached into your pocket and picked it up. It’s your house-mate, Caren. You wished you could ask a favor from her. But you know she could not drive, and she did not even have a car to begin with. You gently slide your finger across the screen to answer the call.

“Hey, Judy!” Caren screams excitedly to you on the phone. “Guess what! I’ve cooked dinner for us! Spaghetti Bolognese with really juicy meatball and extra extra cheese, just the way you like it! It’s our secret cheat day!!! What time are you coming back today?”

You tried to reply, and Caren let out a loud gasped. You thought something horrible happened to her, and before you could say anything, she screamed again, “OH MY GOD! I totally forgot, you are heading to the train station now right?” She continued on, sometimes you just wondered how did she do it? How could she think and ask a question so fast at the same time. “I am so jealous! Please tell me everything when you come back! No, wait! You should update me everything every single day!! Can you promise me that! Please! Please! Please! And, and please take a lot, a lot, a lot of pictures!! You bought your new camera with you right?” She paused and you could not say anything. You were speechless. 

“OH MY GOD! You did not!” You could hear Caren running around the house, opening your creaky bedroom door. “Judy! Seriously? Oh my God!!! You did not even take your suitcase this morning!”

“I know! I just realized!”

“Hang on, where are you now? Let me call James.” James is Caren’s step-brother. The one guy who would do just about anything for her step-sister. He is your only hope. But then again, who could be able to rush in on time. You can not miss this train, or you will miss your flight. You really regret at this point you did not buy the direct flight. At least, you don’t have to rush like this, climbing into a long train ride and then later into a long flight again. If you had just spend extra for the flight ticket, you would still have enough time to return home for a bath after work, and you could probably enjoy a mouthful of that delicious spaghetti from Caren, before the trip.

“No! It’s okay. You won’t make it on time. I have to board the train in less than 15 minutes. It’s too late. Hello? Hello?” Caren had already hanged up the call. She did not even hear what you said. 

You are standing at the departure door. The immigration officer were staring strictly at you as if you had drugs on you or as if you are an illegal immigrant. You tried to give him a smile. But you could not. You felt so nervous, and clueless what to do next.

The officer waved at you, and motion for you to get in line. There were several travelers  in front of you, all with cheerful smile, all excited with their own trip. For a moment, you were stunned, and really did not know how to respond to anything around you. 

“Hey, miss. Are you boarding? Can I have your ticket?” The officer said.

You reached into your little shoulder bag for your ticket, and passed it to him.


“Here.” You passed it to him.

“First time to Paris?”


“Ah... well, enjoy your trip.”

“Uh...” Before you could reply, your phone rings again.

You picked up and it was Caren again, “Hey. I’m so sorry. James is out with his wife.” 

The sound of the statement shatters your heart. There was absolutely nothing Caren could do for you. You know it is impossible from the start. And you know, you did not want to trouble anyone for this trip anyways. But the bad news from Caren, seems to shaken you a lot.

“It’s okay. I’ll do without it. I will be fine.” You said softly to Caren. Trying to convinced her, but you were not convinced yourself. But what could you do? This is the situation you are in, and you’ve just got to go with it. Hang on! And live your life to the fullest, regardless of what the future brings. Or at this point, what the trip would be.

You hold on tight to your almost empty suitcase and walk right into the departure hall. Right in to an adventure of your lifetime. .

June 24, 2020 17:11

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Terri Strom
00:58 Jul 02, 2020

Hi there, Diana. Your story was cute. There are some missed spelled words, and the story was a bit disconnected. The parts I put together made a cute story. It was an honor to read your work. Blessings be upon you, Terri Strom


Diana 潘娴诗
18:19 Jul 02, 2020

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.


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