Friendship Teens & Young Adult Funny

I hurriedly fasten my belt and look over my shoulder to the hotel room’s digital clock that had bright white letters saying “8:16”. I only have 14 more minutes until I have to leave to head to the venue. 

It’s April 1st, the infamous April Fools. Besides the holiday, it's also the wedding day of my best friend named Ben. The mixture of the dates couldn’t fit better together, especially since we had always had a lighthearted and fun friendship. Ben’s wife Linda is super laid back and perfect for him, she’d been part of our friend group for ages. The two lovebirds were bound to have a great wedding, but I’m taking it upon myself to make sure the wedding doesn’t go too stale - especially during the ceremony. I had worked on constructing a perfect plan since the save the date came in the mail a year ago and I couldn’t wait for it to finally come to life. I mean, it is April Fools, and who doesn't love a little prank?

My alarm goes off at 8:30 reminding me to get going to pick up Ashe, who was one of my good friends and is attending the wedding as maid of honor. She was going to help me with my plan along with the other groomsmen.

I pull up to her house and text her that I’m here. Almost immediately after the fake blonde whips open the door and comes to the car with a t-shirt and running shorts on with her duffel bag in her hand and her bridesmaid dress draped over her shoulder. 

“Did you wake up late?” I laughed.

“Oh hello, and for information no I did not. I barely slept with excitement.”

I took a double-take at her outfit and scoffed “Then what is this?”

“You must be blind because I look hot. Besides that, you might want to start paying more attention to the group chat because Ben and Linda's text said we are getting ready at the venue” Ashe replies dramatically while putting the lavender-colored dress in the backseat.


“Great you already messed up!”

“Ok, ok shut-up and get in the car we got to go.”

Ashe plopped down in the front seat with a large smile as we began to brush up any details about our ceremony plan. I was probably overthinking about it, but I wanted to make sure it ran well and I don’t just make it awkward for everybody.

When I pulled up to the venue we were greeted by the wedding planner who already knew about our prank so she wouldn’t freak out. Ashe was directed to the room where the bride and bridesmaids were while I stayed to talk to the wedding planner.

“Do you have the empty ring boxes?” I ask her in an almost whisper.

“Of course! I’ll give them to you and the other groomsmen after the groom leaves for the ceremony but before you guys go. Sounds good?” The petite woman responds.

“Yes thank you” I respond before walking off to the men’s dressing room. 

 Being the dramatic person I am, I walked into the room screaming and waving my arms. All of the 3 other groomsmen were already there in their light gray suits and Ben with his dark lavender one. They quickly joined in on my screaming and the energy was out of the roof. 

When the ceremony was about to start the wedding planner came into the room and called Ben to go to where the ceremony was going to take place. Ben leaves and gives me the small lavender box that holds the two rings since I am the best man… little does he know. After the door closes behind Ben the wedding planner turns towards us gives us a bag with about 20 empty ring boxes, a bit smaller than the actual one but it works. Each of us takes 5 boxes and hides them somewhere in our suits. I give the actual ring box to the wedding planner, who will find a way to give it to Ashe. 

I wipe my hands on my pant legs and laugh with excitement before I head to the ceremony. The venue is an open lavender field with a small rectangle of trimmed grass to fit the wedding, perfect for the spring wedding. With the guests already in their seats, the other groomsmen and I stand a bit behind the groom’s family side and wait until our cue. 

I meet with Ashe at the beginning of the aisle and hook arms with her. She changed into her off-the-shoulders lavender dress and styled her artificial blond hair lavender hair clips. The bouquet in hr

I leaned into her and whispered, “Are you ready?”

“Since I was born chief.”

I straighten my posture and we begin to walk down the aisle together, splitting when the chairs end. When I pass by Ben I give him an affirmative head and pat him on the back. The other groomsmen and bridesmaids follow us with a flower girl trailing behind them before Linda appears. With her ginger hair in a low bun and a long-sleeved wedding gown that had a faint lavender tint, she walks down the aisle with her father as everybody stood up. Looking over to Ben I see his eyes tearing up and him never breaking eye contact with his bride. 

Wow. The man really is whipped.

Linda reaches the wedding arch and the ceremony begins. The vows are exchanged and marriage is pronounced before the pastor says that it is time to exchange the rings. I take a step forward and take one of the empty boxes from my coat and open it. Linda and Ben look at me only to see there are no rings in the box. Ben arches an eyebrow and looks down at the empty box in my hand.

“Uhh” I fake panic.

Ben pinches the bridge of his nose out of stress and looks forward to Linda. She raises her eyebrows causing Ben to shrug as he doesn’t know what is happening either. 

“Sorry, sorry,” I say looking up to the couple and tossing the empty box behind me.

“It might be in this one…” I half-whisper under my breath as I pull out another empty box.

Tossing that one behind me while also looking at the other groomsmen and I ask “Do you guys know where the rings went?”

The guys began patting their suits and taking out empty boxes as well and throwing them behind them as I was doing. At this point, everyone knew it was a joke and the guests erupted in laughter. Linda started to laugh also as she began to understand what was happening. I think Ben stayed shocked in the whole situation as he didn’t understand. 

“Where you have it man?” He quickly asked.

“I don't know! You didn’t give it to me!” I exclaimed as I continued to dig out more empty boxes. 

Ashe stepped forward with the actual ring case and asked “Oh? Is this what you're looking for?” 

“Ah! Yes! Thank you so much.” I reply dramatically as I take the box from her. 

“You’re so stupid dude,” Ben says sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

“Ya’ know you love me” I respond and click my tongue while winking after.

Linda laughs and shakes her head from behind Ben. The guests calm down and the pastor restarts. He finishes the ceremony and tells the groom to kiss the bride. The audience erupts in cheer as Ben dips Linda into a kiss. They turn back to the crowd hand in hand and raise their free hands in the air. After they reach the end I meet Ashe at the beginning of the aisle. We fist bump and I wink.

“Hey I pulled it off,” I said with my chin in the air.

“Okay Mr. big guy, it was all me so don't get too ahead of yourself.”

“Excuse me? Not true, we both know I was the mastermind of this master plan.” I huff as we link arms and head up the aisle.  

March 27, 2021 03:40

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