Sad Romance

This story contains sensitive content

July 12, 2022

· I’m grateful for a beautiful girlfriend who gave me this wonderful gratitude journal (please note the sarcasm. Sarcasm on the word wonderful, not on the word beautiful).

· I’m grateful you’re only making me use it once a month.

· I’m grateful for the sunset we saw today (and that you told me to write that, because I couldn’t think of a third thing on my own. Why do you like sunsets so much anyway?)

August 12, 2022

· I’m grateful for the fun date we had last night at that delicious (yet slightly overpriced) restaurant.

· I’m grateful to be dating a girl who can make me laugh like no one else can.

· I’m grateful that month two of the gratitude journal is now complete.

September 12, 2022

· I’m grateful that you have such a wonderful memory, to remind me to write in here every month (note the sarcasm again).

· I’m grateful that our relationship is deepening and that we get to spend so much time together.

· I’m grateful that you help me see the beauty in life that I often miss.

October 12, 2022

· I’m grateful that I had a birthday last week, and that you made it amazing!

· I’m grateful for a girlfriend who is so thoughtful and kind and caring in so many ways.

· I’m even grateful (no sarcasm this time) for the awesome new pen you got me that I can use to write in here with (it really is an incredible pen. You know me so well!)

November 12, 2022

· I’m grateful your mom invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner this year, because she’s a way better cook than my mom (don’t tell her I said that!)

· I’m grateful that I’ll get to meet more of your family.

· I’m grateful that our relationship is progressing so well.

December 12, 2022

· I’m grateful that I don’t need to shovel snow because I live in an apartment.

· I’m grateful that it’s finally Christmas time, so I don’t need to be embarrassed when you play Christmas music (do you really need to start right after Halloween?)

· I’m grateful that we’ll get to spend so much time together during the holidays this year (my parents are excited to see you again too, they love you!)

January 12, 2023

· I’m grateful that we got to go ring shopping together!

· I’m grateful that you like the simple, less expensive designs.

· I’m grateful you picked out the ring instead of making me do it (that would have been so stressful!)

Febuary February 12, 2023

· I’m grateful that this pen has no eraser, and that February is spelled stupidly (sarcasm again!)

· I’m grateful that you’re no longer my girlfriend….

· I’m grateful that you’re my fiancé!!!

March 12, 2023

· I’m grateful that March is a lot easier to spell than Febuary February (gosh darn it).

· I’m grateful to be engaged to the most amazing woman ever!

· I’m grateful for the beautiful world we live in.

April 12, 2023

· I’m grateful that between you, your mom, my mom, your three sisters, and my two sisters, I don’t have to be involved one bit in our wedding planning (I’m not even sure I’m allowed to be involved!)

· I’m grateful that we’re getting married in July! (Long engagements are the worst. Why do people do that? I just want to be married to you now!)

· I’m grateful for the promotion I got at work (life is just so good to us).

May 12, 2023

· I’m grateful that Costa Vida has some awesome deals this month (you know how much I love that place).

· I’m grateful that we spend every day together after work laughing and cuddling and just being with each other.

· I’m grateful that you make me the best version of myself.

June 12, 2023

· I’m grateful that we get married next month!

· I’m grateful that our parents are footing the bill for the wedding (who knew these things were so expensive!?)

· I’m grateful for the beautiful sunset we saw together tonight (and for a fiancé who’s taught me to appreciate such things!)

July 12, 2023

· I’m grateful to be on our honeymoon together!

· I’m grateful you reminded me to pack my gratitude journal (I’ve officially been doing this for a year! I never thought I’d make it this long. I’m excited for many more years of gratitude!)

· I’m grateful that you’re no longer my fiancé, you’re my wife!

August 12, 2023

· I’m grateful for our adorable little apartment that we share.

· I’m grateful for air conditioning.

· I’m grateful to be married to the best wife ever!

September 12, 2023

· I’m grateful for amazing doctors that caught your cancer when they did.

· I’m grateful for chemotherapy and the positive prognosis you have.

· I’m grateful that you’re always so optimistic and positive, even in hard times.

October 12, 2023

· I’m grateful for a wife who puts effort into celebrating my birthday, even when she’s doing chemotherapy.

· I’m grateful to not be the only bald one in our relationship anymore.

· I’m grateful to still be the only one with a beard!

November 12, 2023

· I’m grateful that the chemotherapy is going well.

· I’m grateful we have such good insurance.

· I’m grateful to be married to such a rockstar who is kicking cancer in the butt!

December 12, 2023

· I’m grateful for the beautiful snow (I know how much you love looking at freshly fallen snow).

· I’m grateful that the cancer is almost gone!

· I’m grateful for your laugh, it never fails to fill me with joy and brighten my whole day.

January 12, 2024

· I’m grateful that we have a new doctor (how could our other doctor have missed that second tumor!? I thought he said you were almost cancer free!?)

· I’m grateful that there is still a decent chance for you to win this fight.

· I’m grateful that you’re there to comfort me through such hard news, even though I should really be the one to comfort you.

February 12, 2024

· I’m grateful for your beautiful eyes that have never lost their sparkle, even through the illness.

· I’m grateful for your continuous optimism, even though things just keep getting worse.

· I’m grateful I spelled February right this time around (I’m starting to grasp at straws here, there doesn’t seem to be much to be grateful for these days).

March 12, 2024

· I’m grateful that you say you don’t mind the hospital food (although it looks terrible to me).

· I’m grateful that my boss is letting me take so much time off to care for you.

· I’m grateful for the beautiful sunset I saw tonight (I wish you could see it from your hospital room).

April 12, 2024

· I’m grateful for your never-ending sense of humor.

· I’m grateful for a wife who keeps fighting, even when cancer seems to have already won (but it hasn’t won yet! You can do this!)

· I’m grateful that we got married, even with everything we’re going through.

May 12, 2024

· I’m grateful for…… nothing

June 12, 2024

· I’m grateful the funeral went well. So many people showed up, you’ve really left quite an impression on this world.

· I’m grateful for God (even though I’m mad as hell at him too, but I’ll keep that conversation in my prayers, not here).

· I’m grateful that I haven’t flooded our quiet apartment yet with my tears (although I think I’m getting close).

July 12, 2024

· I’m grateful my parents let me move in with them, so I don’t have to spend all my time alone in our apartment where everything so painfully reminds me of you.

· I’m grateful my boss let me transfer to work in the city where my parents live.

· I’m grateful I haven’t been fired for taking so much time off to mourn.

August 12, 2024

· I’m grateful for grief counselors.

· I’m grateful that I’m to the point where I can talk about you without crying every time.

· I’m grateful for understanding family and friends.

September 12, 2024

· I’m grateful you made me do this stupid gratitude journal, which makes me remember you in the most amazing (and sometimes most painful) ways possible.

· I’m grateful you taught me how to love the sunsets before you left.

· I’m grateful we have video recordings of your perfect laugh.

October 12, 2024

· I’m grateful to have the most thoughtful, kind, amazing, perfect wife ever! When did you order those Costa Vida gift cards? How did you make it so they’d arrive on my birthday with a note from you? I didn’t know you could order something so far in advance like that! Even when you were so sick that you couldn’t get out of bed, you still planned a birthday surprise for me months in advance. Wow. I cried all day when I got that. Thank you. Thank you.

· I’m grateful I only got a few tears on this page while writing that.

· I’m grateful that I only spilled a little Tomatillo Ranch on this page too.

November 12, 2024

· I’m grateful that you taught me to start listening to Christmas music so early.

· I’m grateful your family invited me over for Thanksgiving again.

· I’m grateful that I smile when I think of you now more often than I cry.

December 12, 2024

· I’m grateful that you taught me how to find joy and beauty in this life. That you taught me how to be optimistic and how to laugh during hard times. That you taught me how to truly live, something you were amazing at, even on your death bed.

· I’m grateful to be married to you, even though I miss you terribly.

· I’m grateful for the absolutely stunning sunset I watched tonight.

July 30, 2024 04:00

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Kristi Gott
16:27 Jul 30, 2024

This unique format for the gratitude journal expresses so much in the concise lines of the journal. The tone and emotions are vivid yet shown, not told, by suggestion and implying in the brief entries of the journal. This makes them hit the target of the heartfelt feelings stronger than if they were elaborated upon in some type of longer, less concise format. Very, very clever and skillful! The story and plot tell an arc starting with the reluctant, sarcastic main character inspired and encouraged by the loved one to do the gratitude journal...


McKade Kerr
18:06 Jul 30, 2024

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment, Kristi! It was fun to try to convey a deep emotional story in this type of format, I’m glad it worked so well! While it isn’t based on just one true story, I drew on a couple real stories. My aunt passed away from cancer last week, so that was on my mind. I reflected on what losing a spouse to cancer might feel like, and I took it from there.


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Alexis Araneta
08:15 Jul 30, 2024

McKade !!! You made me cry ! Such a beautiful, poignant story told in such sparse words. I love how at first, your protagonist was kind of reluctant at starting the journal, but once the twist was revealed, he clung on to it. Beautifully emotional. Lovely work ! Two things: 1. February is easy to spell for me. That's my birth month. Hahahaha ! 2. Your protagonist might not like the fact that in the Philippines, we start celebrating Christmas in September.


McKade Kerr
12:09 Jul 30, 2024

Hey Alexis, thank you so much for your comment! I don’t normally write sad stories, but I think I was inspired by the one you wrote for last week’s contest. I’m glad the emotion came through well! Haha, February has always been hard for me to spell. I guess me and my protagonist have that in common 😂 And wow, you start celebrating Christmas in September! Yeah, I don’t think he would like that much, haha, but I could definitely get behind it, I love Christmas! 😂


Alexis Araneta
12:48 Jul 30, 2024

Oh wow ! In that case, I'm so honoured to be able to inspire such brilliant work ! As for February, it's that pesky extra R, I know. Hahahaha !


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Esther Aardsma
01:14 Aug 09, 2024

It made me cry! I wasn't really sure about it up until the cancer showed up, but I loved the contrast between shallow and growing depth. Very touching.


McKade Kerr
02:32 Aug 09, 2024

Thank you so much, I’m glad you found it so touching! Yeah, I’ve wondered if the start is a little too slow, but I’m glad it worked overall!


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22:03 Aug 08, 2024

Emotionally fulfilled!!!! You made me laugh! I saw the prompt as a funny story. Unexpectedly you made me cry! And I like it.


McKade Kerr
02:31 Aug 09, 2024

Thank you so much! I’m so glad that all the different emotions came through!


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C.C. James
22:36 Aug 07, 2024

Great story! I enjoyed the emotion and thought you put into it. The sarcasm was the best for me. Inspiring! Wonderful job!


McKade Kerr
23:29 Aug 07, 2024

Thank you so much! I’m glad the sarcasm worked well, I find it tricky to do in writing sometimes.


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Jim LaFleur
10:57 Aug 07, 2024

This story is beautifully written. The way you conveyed the protagonist’s journey from cynicism to heartfelt gratitude is both poignant and inspiring. Your ability to evoke such strong emotions with concise journal entries is impressive. Well done!


McKade Kerr
12:05 Aug 07, 2024

Thank you so much, Jim! That means a lot to me. I’m glad you liked it!


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Shirley Medhurst
19:58 Aug 06, 2024

This is such a tragic story, and so perfectly executed. At the start, I had no clue where you were taking us, then you subtly drew us in, oh-so-gently. The 2nd prognosis (after her almost recovering) is then doubly poignant! Well done 👍


Shirley Medhurst
06:06 Aug 07, 2024

Yes, sometimes fun to try writing outside one’s ’comfort zone’, hey?


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McKade Kerr
23:20 Aug 06, 2024

Thank you so much for your comment, Shirley! This is a different style than I usually do, but it was fun to try. I’m glad it worked well!


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Myranda Marie
03:22 Aug 05, 2024

All the feels ! So well written, so emotional.


McKade Kerr
03:55 Aug 05, 2024

Thank you so much! I don’t usually write sad stories, so it was fun to try. I’m glad you liked it!


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Daniel Rogers
03:04 Aug 05, 2024

You're correct. February is spelled stupidly. Very touching story.


McKade Kerr
03:57 Aug 05, 2024

Haha, yeah, I always struggle with it 😂 Thank you!


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Darvico Ulmeli
11:59 Aug 04, 2024

A beautiful way to express gratitude. I like this concept of writing. Enjoyed.


McKade Kerr
14:53 Aug 04, 2024

Thank you so much!


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04:40 Aug 04, 2024

Seamless plot where we can feel the effort the MC puts into being positive despite the angst. He becomes a better person. A perfect arc. Beautifully done in a chronological narrative style. His loss is palpable, and we clearly see how brave he is to face the cancer his wife has in a positive way.


McKade Kerr
04:56 Aug 04, 2024

Thank you so much! I was really happy with how this one turned out, so I’m so glad you liked it!


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Jeremy Burgess
22:59 Aug 02, 2024

This is a really beautiful story; well paced and an excellent use of the format. It does a great job of showing your protagonist's arc. I thought you did a good job of preparing us as readers for something to go wrong as well - things were so idyllic that it couldn't possibly last. Nice work!


McKade Kerr
04:19 Aug 03, 2024

Thank you so much! It was fun to try to get a whole story and character arc in this format, I’m glad you liked it!


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Mary Bendickson
12:32 Jul 31, 2024

So much living between the lines. Sorry for loss of your aunt.


McKade Kerr
12:42 Jul 31, 2024

Thank you so much! 🙏


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