Drama Fantasy Fiction

The sun catches on my dress as I pace the room. I have finally done it, my wicked cousins are gone and I have been given the throne. The lands will be peaceful again and the villages will get their riches back. I am nervous to be queen and today I have my first meeting with the monarchs from over seas.

"My dear you will wear the carpet down."

My lover and soon husband, James, pulls me in a hug.

"You will be the most wonderful queen. Your parents would be proud of you."

I rest my head on his shoulder. He is the only one who makes me calm, he fought right by my side for the throne. I made him head knight after that. He gives me a warm smile and squeezes my hand. My family was killed my cousins who said they were the rightful rulers, my mothers last words were telling me to beat them. My butler knocks and enters, "Your majesty, the others are here."

Taking a deep breath, I straighten my back and nod. The other kings and queens make their way into the conference room taking their spots at the table. James excuses himself and I take my seat. It pains me to see him leave, he has just as good ideas as me. He is even the one who told me we needed to move troops out to far east to fight the invaders. I clear my throat, "Welcome."

The meeting went marvelous . The kings and queens were very agreeable and they said they would make sure they came back again. Most of them left for other business after the meeting. I went to look for James to tell him my success. I thought he might be in the secret garden. Only me and him new about it, it was a place we both went to clear our mind. I was so happy, I was almost skipping when I heard his voice, but I paused when I heard another voice. That couldn't.... be he swore he never would take anyone here with out my permission. I peaked around the hedges and there he was with a girl. He dark hair fell around her face and she clung to him, the worst part was he clung back. He pulled away and kissed her passionately, much so that I turned away.

"We will be together again my love. I just need to marry her to get the title nd then I will make her move me. I told you that I already made her agree to send troops to the east, closer to you."

It was like a knife was plunged in my stomach.

I looked again and they were embracing again. I put a hand over my mouth to stifle a cry. I got up and ran out of there. I collapsed on my bed as soon as I got in there. The tears streamed out of my eyes, he was the only one I had left and he was only using me. My sadness soon turned into rage. He knew he was the only one I had left and he betrayed me. To top it off he brought her to my home, he couldn't even sneak away like a man. I was furious, and I was going to show my wrath.

I was glad I changed, glad to his reaction. My tight emerald green dress did the trick. The slit down my leg helped too. I made my way down the stairs, milking my entrance. His eyes glazed over as I made my way over to him. My teeth shined with my red lipstick, plastering a fake smile on my lips I took his hand. I would just have to fake it through dinner. It was a challenge to not grimace or rip out his eye balls during our meal, but honey always catches more flies than vinegar. By the time dinner was over I played my part beautiful. Excusing myself from dinner I waited at my window until I saw him ride away in the night. Then, I watched as my spymaster followed after him.

The next morning, as I was sorting through paperwork, My spymaster came in.

"Your majesty." he bowed.

"Veneo, please shut the door behind you."

"Her name is Sarah, she lives in the east village with her family. Your majesty, it pains me to say this but they are planning to run away together after your married."

"They won't get the chance. You will help me Veneo, right?"

His lips curled into a small smile.

That night after James left, Veneo and I left the castle. It was quite thrilling, riding on horse back with Veneo's body pressed against mine. We made it to the house around midnight. Veneo knocked on the door and held me behind him as the door opened.

"What is the meaning of this?" a man asked

"Your majesty wishes to speak to you." Veneo moved to I was in the mans line of sight.

"Your majesty."

The man grabbed his wife and she made me a cup of tea.

"I hope this is to your liking." Her hands shook as she gave me the cup.

"Your house if quite lovely."

"Thank you your majesty."

I put a hand up, "I wouldn't do that just yet.

Veneo snorted and adjusted himself in his chair.

"Your daughter Sarah is of interest to me. It seems that she has been caught...well she is invested with my fiancé and I am not very happy about that. They both plan to throw me off the throne once he marries me too."

The woman clutches her chest.

"You may ask her if you would like, my spies are rarely wrong."

Veneo shoots me a smile.

"Now just a roomer of that is enough for me to call for her execution, but I am a merciful queen and I will give her a choice."

Her father woke up her and her younger sister bringing them in the kitchen to meet us.

Sarah eyes widen when we saw me and looked between the door and me. With a move of my head my spymaster moved to block her way out.

"Dear Sarah, you are lovely. I can't quite find myself to enjoy you though, see I found out about your little romance with James. And I am here to give you a choice. You may go run away with James tonight and I take your sister OR I kill you and your family lives."

Her mother has silent tears running down her face. No more merciful queen who lets anyone do what they want. I have been stepped on for the last time.

"I'm waiting."

Sarah looks at her sister her eyes pleading, "My sister, I choose my sister to be taken."

The fear in her sisters eyes cut deep in my soul. I lifted my chin and smirked.

The wind cut my face, but I didn't mind. I was going to get my perfect revenge. I heard him jump of his horse and call out to me.

"Sarah.." He grabbed my shoulder pulling me to face him.

"Weren't expeting me, darling?" I snarled

"Amelia, please let me explain."

"James I know everything, I know of your plans and I know you were using me. That is a crime punishable by death."

Then Veno brings out Sarah with a gag in her mouth. James drops to his knees," Please, I will do anything."

"Too late. I gave her a choice, to live with you and sacrifice her sister or sacrifice herself and let her family live in peace. She decided on the first choice. I don't take kindly to selfish people, so this is her punishment."

James eyes fill with tears, "Why?", chokes out.

"Why? WHY? Because I want you to fell every last bit of pain and rage I felt when I found you in my garden. The garden I trusted you to keep to us. You knew you were the last person I had left and you betrayed me! You were going to rid of me! And now you are going to pay for it."

I walked up to Sarah and pulled a knife from my thigh strap.

"I am sorry that he dragged you into this." I plunged the knife into her stomach and watched the blood pull from her mouth. Veno dropped and James crawled to her.

"Sarah please wake up. You monster." James turned on me, but Veno stepped in front of me.

"James, I here by strip you of all your titles. You will longer have a residence at the castle and I will make it well know that you betrayed my trust."

"That...That will ruin me."

"Isn't that sad." I turned on my heel storming out with my spymaster by my side.

February 03, 2021 14:56

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