Shatter Gets Sidetracked

Written in response to: Write about someone giving or receiving a gift.... view prompt


Adventure Crime Romance

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Ok, where do I start? 

I should probably start with my little hobbit hole that I call a home. Well actually, I have a bunch of 'em all over the world. That morning I woke up in one of my favorites: an abandoned cigar factory in Moscow. I looked at my watch, saw the time, and shot up out of my snowy bed under the hole in the roof. That December day was important to me. No, it wasn’t Christmas and no, it wasn’t the birthday of anyone I knew at the time. It was important because as I got my clothes on and I walked around my little factory home, I looked on the wall at the schedule for the day. 

    Man, that day was busy. 

    But the most important thing on that list happened at 11:18 P.M. 

    Let me explain.

    When I was ten, I found a mask. 

    This mask put me into the body of a baby in the Stone Age. Since then, I have reincarnated over and over and over again. I have lived many lives over the years but three things have remained the same. 1. I have superpowers. 2. I have a list of bad people that I either have to kill or capture in that life time. 3. I fall in love. 

When I died the last time, I reappeared in my original body at ten years old, at the very second that I touched the mask for the first time. Now, seven years later, I continue to use the mask to help free the world of as many bad people as I can. In my first life I was given a name that I decided to keep as a handle for my crime fighting alter ego: Shatter. 

    Now, how does this relate to that one day? Well I’ll tell you. All you need to know is that the small little shoe box in the corner with the big red bow on top was for a very special girl. I have had many soul mates. This girl feels like my soul mate for this life. The moment I heard her voice for the first time it was like lightning inside of me. It made me want to scream and laugh and cry and clap my hands all at the same time. Is that crazy? Yes. Is that love? Absso-frigin-lutely. 

    So I grabbed the box and put it in my backpack. I then walked to the door when I felt something tug at me. I reached into my backpack and pulled out this life’s list of evil people. Apparently, Jengo Raltz was on the move. I could tell because his name was glowing. I had a lot planned for that day but it would have to take a rain check because out of all the baddies on my list, Jengo Raltz is the worst. So I pulled my mask and my gear from my backpack and put it all on. When I was in my full crime fighting attire I put my backpack on my back and I jumped through a portal to Hong Kong. 

    A little run down on Jengo Raltz. Jengo Raltz is the real life Joker. This guy is a cereal killer, kidnapper, and gangster. He even looked super creepy. Jengo Raltz is a bald guy with albinism so his skin is white as snow. He had legs and arms that never seemed to stop to grow. Because of this, Raltz began to call himself The Slenderman. He even puts makeup on to give him a wide and creepy smile at all times. Even when he’s frowning it looks like he’s got a shark’s set of teeth barred and ready to rip you apart. He has the intellect of a real life Moriarty and an anger I haven’t seen since I tangled with Al Capone. That man was mad 24/7. The Slenderman has evaded capture for twenty years since his first recorded crime of poisoning a batch of syrup in a candy factory which provided most of North America with delicious treats and I was finally going to bring him to justice. 

    Once I crossed through the portal I looked out at the afternoon view of downtown Hong Kong from the top of a hotel. Taking out my list again, I saw that the magical piece of paper had morphed from a list of names to a map of the city. This happens whenever I am within a certain distance of the target. On the map was a glowing golden mark that represented The Slenderman. There was also a black arrow which represented me. I looked at my watch and set it to Louisiana time. I had a total of 24 hours and 45 minutes to track down and either kill or capture one of the greatest evil masterminds the world has ever seen and I had to do it with a valuable package in my backpack all by myself. A part of me considered asking the girl for help, but I didn’t want to spoil the surprise of my visit. 

    I took another look at the map and saw that the slenderman was on the move. I then quickly folded my magical parchment and put it away safely so that I could teleport from rooftop to rooftop in a truly  epic fashion if I do say so myself. 

    I chased The Slenderman all over Hong Kong. He put up a pretty good fight. I have the bullet wounds to prove it. He shot me on the Tsing Ma Bridge during a traffic jam. 

After he evaded me on the bridge, I found him again inside a bar he owned at the time. The bar is now closed because the police received an anonymous tip that the bar was a cover for illegal gambling. Now I can cross “get into a bar fight” off of my bucket list. It was classic. The bar was themed as a western saloon so of course there would be a bar fight there. It was hilarious. Deadly, but hilarious! There was even a short Chinese man playing the piano like in the movies! 

Sorry, I’m getting off track. 

    The Slenderman got away in the chaos of the brawl, but I had a feeling where he was going. 

    So when Raltz walked into his penthouse apartment among the skyscrapers of Hong Kong, I was sitting on his couch with my 21S loaded and my finger twitching on the trigger. 

    Raltz looked at me with his makeup looking like he had a giant smile, but I could see the from of his lips and the anger in his eyes. This was a man who had the blood of hundreds on his pale, boney hands and I, some kid in a mask and a fashionable costume, had him cornered. 

    Raltz Is from New Jersey, so his accent shown through when he said “You little…”

    “Uh uh uh,” I said, Interrupting the mad man before me, “watch your language.”

    The Slenderman chuckled, stretched his mouth into a psychotic smile,  and said, “You have been a pain in my side all day.”

    “Well, under different circumstances, I’d say that if you have a pain in your side then you should have a doctor check that out, but right now seeing as I have a loaded gun aimed at your head, I’d say you have bigger things to worry about than a pain in your side.” 

    I finally had him. 

But then he laughed. 

He laughed like I had just told the funniest joke in history.

He laughed as though he knew something that I didn’t. 

And he did. 

“You think I don’t know who you are?” He said as he began to move about the room. “I know everything about you, Shatter! Cool name by the way. But a stupid name, a costume, and a mask doesn’t make you a hero and it certainly doesn’t make you worth my time.”

At this point, The Slenderman was sitting next to me on the couch with his forehead a few inches away from the barrel of my gun. 

“This little game of yours is over. If you kill me, my men have orders to blow this building, as well as the rest of this city block, to kingdom come. Now, I know you can zap or whoosh yourself to safety or whatever, but think about all the lives that would be lost if you pull that trigger!”

He was right. I couldn’t do it. I put my gun down and teleported to a nearby rooftop in defeat. From there I could still hear that evil man’s laughter. I cried. I sobbed. He scared me. What if he was right and I’m just some kid playing dress up.

A part of me wanted to give up on anything but then the other part of me checked the facts and the fact was that I have overthrown empires, I have started and ended wars, I have been to places and done things that most people don’t believe to be possible. I am Shatter: globetrotting, teleporting, woman wooing, dragon slaying, pirate killing, day saving, bad guy stopping, totally awesome crime fighting vigilante!

And in that moment of inspiration and confidence, my watch beeped. 


I gasped and then jumped off the building and through a portal. After landing on my feet in New Orleans, I took off running, dropped off the package, and teleported to the top of the building. Moments later, a black van rolled up, dropped off a girl, and then drove away. The beautiful girl walked up to the door and picked up the package (which was surprisingly in one piece, I might add). She opened the box to find a small radio with a lightswitch attached. The girl flipped the switch and a pin on my belt began to beep. Usually I’d check the quadrilateral on the little screen on the pin to see where the girl was, but I could see that she was a member of a secret organization that required her to spend her winter break training which is why she was in New Orleans. 

I teleported behind the lovely girl and taped her on the shoulder. She looked at me with those beautiful eyes and I said,

“Hey Carli.”

November 23, 2021 22:00

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TJ Squared
14:20 Dec 08, 2021

Heyyy how’s it going lately?


Cooper Armstrong
15:31 Dec 08, 2021

Hey Wolfie! We miss you on the doc. I’m ok. I’m just scared that all the drama is gonna tear the skribbles fam apart. I mean, you already left and according to the family tree you’re my mother! Lol. But, yeah, we miss you. I miss you. But now have you been?


TJ Squared
15:53 Dec 08, 2021

Yeah I’ll miss you guys too. Yeah I understand that fear. All we can do is pray though. Been okay ig for the most part.


Cooper Armstrong
19:14 Dec 08, 2021

Would you like random stoof to make you feel better? I have access to a link to a song made 100% of puns


TJ Squared
20:01 Dec 08, 2021

That’d be nice, thanks <3


Cooper Armstrong
14:42 Dec 13, 2021

Sorry it took me so long to reply to this lol


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Cooper Armstrong
14:55 Dec 03, 2021

OMG, one great story and I'm named cooper armstrong I saw you commenting on someone else's work and your very close in age to me isn't that weird


Cooper Armstrong
15:10 Dec 03, 2021

OMG! This is hilarious! It’s nice to meet you Cooper! BTW, this story makes more sense if you’ve read some of my others. But this is awesome! Welcome to Reedsy! Are you a writer too? How old are you? Where are you from?


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Cooper Armstrong
02:47 Dec 11, 2021

Also, can you please fill this out Cooper? I need as many people to fill it out as possible!


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Dhwani Jain
07:04 Dec 16, 2021

Okay, this was a nice twist to the regular "Oh! Lady I am here to save the day"-superhero-stories. It was fun, it was enchanting and it didn't have all that (sometimes unnecessary) fighting sequences. The "Hi Carli" at the end was justcute! I found this story funny at some point and I absolutely loved this line, it made The Slenderman seem so childish. I know it might be a typo, but it was so cute, that I am going to like this story just for this one line: This guy is a cereal killer, kidnapper, and gangster.


Cooper Armstrong
12:50 Dec 16, 2021

Thank you, I think? I kinda like those stories XD Ok. IKR! Oh dang it! Frigin typos!


Dhwani Jain
05:24 Dec 17, 2021



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Unknown User
13:47 Dec 14, 2021

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
15:59 Dec 13, 2021

<removed by user>


Cooper Armstrong
00:36 Dec 14, 2021

OF COURSE!!!!!!!!


Unknown User
00:56 Dec 14, 2021

<removed by user>


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Unknown User
01:10 Dec 14, 2021

<removed by user>


Unknown User
01:14 Dec 14, 2021

<removed by user>


Cooper Armstrong
03:30 Dec 14, 2021

Ok, good. Because as someone who is on the spectrum, I felt very uncomfortable with Autism as an option.


Cooper Armstrong
03:46 Dec 14, 2021

Also, you said that “too many people answered last time” but I haven’t gotten a whole lot of answers to my current google form, why do you think that is?


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Unknown User
23:54 Dec 01, 2021

<removed by user>


Cooper Armstrong
00:01 Dec 02, 2021

Thanks, I really needed to hear that. This made me cry. I know you’re young and I know you’re “not qualified” but I hate that that stops people from listening to each other’s problems. Thank you for listening to mine. It means so so so much to me thank you! ❤️ 😭


Unknown User
00:03 Dec 02, 2021

<removed by user>


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Hi Cooper. Thanks for following me. This story really catches my eye, and I really enjoyed reading it. Good luck on your writing journey! -v


Cooper Armstrong
00:57 Dec 01, 2021

Thank you so much!


Of course:) If its not to much to ask, if you have time could you check out my story?


Cooper Armstrong
03:03 Dec 01, 2021

Of course I could! It would have to be tomorrow but I would love to read your story. What is it called?


Thank you! Sure, np:) I have a bunch so you can pick which u want to read :))


Cooper Armstrong
12:50 Dec 01, 2021

Awesome! I just saw that you’re on the Skribbls doc too? I’m new on there so I don’t know for sure who is or isn’t on there. Also, I just read some of your stories. You need to keep writing. If you do not then the world will be deprived of such goodness and light and awesomeness which Earth needs a lot of right now. We need more MARSHMELLO writers in the world, not less.


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Keya J.
17:51 Nov 30, 2021

Wait a second, was that Carli Evans? Or this is another different side piece? I liked how you developed the thrill all way through your story, carving good instances of action. It gave me TKC vibes, jumping from portal to portal, u know. Good work with this one!


Cooper Armstrong
19:20 Nov 30, 2021

Yes that was Carli Evans. Thank you. What’s TKC?


Keya J.
03:42 Dec 01, 2021

TKC (The Kane Chronicles) is basically a book series written by Rick Riordan.


Cooper Armstrong
03:45 Dec 01, 2021

I’ve never heard of it. What’s it about?


Keya J.
03:48 Dec 01, 2021

It's based on Egyptian mythology executed in a beautiful tale through action, adventure and friendship. If you ever wish to give it a try, you could start with reading the 'Percy Jackson' series which is way more intriguing and heart-winning. :)


Cooper Armstrong
12:42 Dec 01, 2021



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Victor .
17:12 Nov 29, 2021

Hello, my name is Nightmare Phantom, but you can call me Night or Mare or any other name you see fit. I am reaching out on reedsy to find more friends and meet more amazing people. If you are interested in getting to know me more, feel free to respond, if not, that's completely fine. I may seem stiff and emotionless at first but I'm a great person once you get to know me, at least I'd hope I am. ~Nightmare Phantom


Cooper Armstrong
17:18 Nov 29, 2021

Hi. I’m honored that I was one of the people you reached out to. Someone else did that too a few days ago but he was a lot creepier with it. I’m Cooper, welcome to reedsy NP. Is it ok if I call you N.P.? I’m so glad you reached out and I am so so so glad to have this opportunity to make a new friend!


Victor .
17:23 Nov 29, 2021

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope there's nothing creepy about this. And yes, N.P. is fine. I'm glad to see there are good people on Reedsy like you.


Cooper Armstrong
17:38 Nov 29, 2021

It’s fine. I swear I’m not judgey of him but I just have this gut feeling that Jack Crisis is up to no good. IDK. Absolutely not there is nothing creepy about this you gave a good explanation he gave no explanation. You see, really really nice. Also, I think you should meet some friends of mine. Wolf Warrior, Aron Burr’s Umbrella, Sapphire, and Here By The Grace Of God And Rescued By His Love And Mercy which I see you have already followed.


Victor .
17:45 Nov 29, 2021

Jack Crisis? Hm. I won't ask for further details because it's not my business. Ah, understandable. I hope I come off as nice, lots ofpeople usually see me as dark and stiff and mean until they get to know me. I believe I'm following everyone there yes, I sent a message to everyone I followed (which I hope isn't creepy or rude) introducing myself.


Cooper Armstrong
19:16 Nov 29, 2021

It absolutely isn’t creepy or rude


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TJ Squared
00:20 Nov 24, 2021

That was great, Cooper. I love this series that you seem to have. I love how they all connect in their own special way, but we still get to see the big picture. And Shatter and Carli… looks like things are getting real (too bad, cause I wanted him lolll) :D Another great story from another great writer ;D How have you been lately?


Cooper Armstrong
01:27 Nov 24, 2021

Thank you so much! This means so much to me!!! This world I have created in my mind just can’t be contained to one story it just can’t! Hmmm...I have an idea. You might like it Wolfie. Mwahaha! You melt my heart! I’m not that good. But still, thank you so much Wolfie you just made my day. I’ve been in pain cause I just got my wisdom teeth taken out three days ago.


TJ Squared
02:09 Nov 24, 2021

Yeah lol it makes sense. I wouldn’t be able to contain a whole world in my mind either lol. Ooo sUsPeNsE loll Yes you are Cooper! God made you to be able to express your mind through stories, it his talent given to you :) Oof I’ll pray that the pain will go away <333


Cooper Armstrong
04:02 Nov 24, 2021

I can but it’s much more fun to share it with people don’t you think? Just do me a favor. Describe yourself to me as if you were describing a character. Also, if you could live in any time period in history then what would it be? ☺️ Thank you so much Wolfie! I like to think of it as a way that I can connect to God because we’re both creators. He, of course, is infinitely greater than me at creating, but still it feels like I’m interested in something that my Father is interested in. Do you know what I mean? That sounds weird and confusing bu...


TJ Squared
04:05 Nov 24, 2021

very true lol hmm well I usually go with the cliche blond hair blue eyes look lol. ANY time period? Well, then I gotta say Medieval with knights and dragons and the caste system and all that lol. Very true! It's a great connection :D yeah i getcha lol. Aren't we all weird and confusing sometimes lol Yeah, that would sure be nice so you can munch down on all the good stuff lol


Cooper Armstrong
06:51 Nov 24, 2021

Ok. I was kinda seeing you as more of a brunette but blonde works too. What about personality wise?


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Lilliane Wei
20:02 Dec 28, 2021

Hey Cooper! I feel like you should've lingered a little bit longer on Shatter crying and afraid, because it makes it sound more realistic. Also, where did Shatter get all this gear?? Was it with the mask? How does it teleport with him? Also why was he given the nickname Shatter? I think that would be interesting to explore and provide some more depth the the character. -Livia


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Dhwani Jain
11:22 Dec 15, 2021

A few things: 1. There are some typos in your bio (Ares, witches) 2. I know a theatre kid on Reedsy. Her name is Em, but currently she has changed it to Aaron Burr's Umbrella or something like that. She's a really nice person. 3. Can you please review some of my stories/comment on my blog/both? 4. How have you been?


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Boutat Driss
07:35 Dec 11, 2021

amazing tale. I love it


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Dhwani Jain
05:33 Dec 06, 2021

Can we get a face reveal on Skribbls? I know we got the VOICE reveal, but I want the face too!


Cooper Armstrong
13:24 Dec 06, 2021

I’ve put my face on there multiple times. Frankly, I don’t know that many non-skribbls people


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Unknown User
18:34 Dec 03, 2021

<removed by user>


Cooper Armstrong
19:27 Dec 03, 2021



Unknown User
20:12 Dec 03, 2021

<removed by user>


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Jack Crisis
20:39 Nov 28, 2021



Cooper Armstrong
14:31 Nov 29, 2021

Ok, who are you? Why did you follow me? Why did you follow my friends? Why do you use such creepy language? Don’t get me wrong, I kinda love this whole vibe you got going on, but seriously who the heck are you?


Jack Crisis
14:33 Nov 29, 2021

𝖂𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉𝖓'𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜.


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