Internal Power

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



The world is often cruel and unforgiving. Your luck in early life is as random as someone rolling a dice. It just so happens that I rolled a one.

John thought about this as he woke up. The state of his dingy apartment used to bother him but he has since become numb. His standards have lowered to a crawl and he was stuck in auto-pilot.

Another day another grind, he said to himself. John groggily went through his daily routine and was ready for work soon after. Just as he was about to head through the door, he saw a letter for past-due rent. All he could do was sigh heavily.

Just like his life, the sky was grey and bleak. He drove to his work and arrived soon after. The day didn't really register in his brain. He worked in his cubicle, forced some smiles for his superiors, and headed back home.

John opened a door and headed outside of the office building. There used to be a beautiful sunset around this time but the sky was only dark with clouds. He got into his car and drove back towards his apartment. For some reason, the drive back felt much longer for John than the morning one.

Regardless, time didn't really mean anything to him. He drove past bright street lights that seemed to merge and blur over time. He didn't really pay it any mind since it didn't matter. His eyes soon began to feel heavy and he fought it at first. I can't fall asleep I need to keep working so I can stay alive! he thought. Is this what I'm doing? Living!? No... this is hell. A hell that I want to be free from, he finished. John finally gave in and his eyes closed shut.

He was transported into a black void. There was nothing in there for him, just like his life before. He tried to call out for anyone but could not move his body, let alone his mouth. He was by himself and all alone. He figured the isolation would eventually get to him but strangely it did not. He didn't care to wonder how long he been in there because it was a welcome rest from a tough life.

The black void eventually began to change. There was a faint glowing orb of white light hovering some distance in front of him. Huh? What is that? he wondered. The orb began moving closer and closer to John. It soon came to a stop right in front of him. He stared at it for a while and was startled when it spoke.

"What is it that you seek?" said the strange orb.

John tried to speak but remembered his mouth doesn't work.

"Speak through your mind and I shall hear you," the orb resumed.

"I don't want anything. I mean, I'm dead right?" John replied.

"That all depends on you. I can offer you a choice," said the orb.

"A choice? What choice?" John asked?

"A choice to return to the world with a gift. Go now, back to the world of the living. If you feel the same way in two days I will give you peace. Use that gift to love the world and the world will give you love in return," the orb finished at last.

Before John could reply, the orb vanished and so did he.

John awoke to a bright beam of sunlight hitting his face. He sat up and saw himself in the same apartment as before. Damn it all! it was just a dream! he thought. However, at the same time, he felt a little bit of happiness he had not felt in a long time. John got up and went through his routine as normal. He showered, brushed his teeth, and shaved before heading to work. He looked into the mirror and saw a man in his late twenties with short brown hair, a slim nose, dull eyes, and a firm mouth.

He ate his breakfast and headed out the front door. The sky was partly cloudy with sunbeams peering through the sky. John got in his car and drove to work once again. He arrived, went into his cubicle, shared smiles with his coworkers, and before he knew it, the day was over. He stepped outside from the building and looked at the sky like he had done before. The warm orange color of the sunset briefly lit the sky up before it turned dark.

John got into his car and started the drive back. Usually, his drive is a boring one. His mind would wander and he would almost fall asleep, which would most likely result in his death. As he was driving, he saw something on the side of the rode that caught his eye. He slowed down and got out of his car.

The thing that caught his attention was a box but it wasn't empty. There was an abandoned kitten inside. The kitten got startled and leap out of the box and ran into an alleyway. "Hey wait!" John said as he ran after it. He was almost able to catch the kitten before it ran over an open manhole "No!" John cried out. He tried to catch it but didn't feel any fur on his hand. He thought he lost it and looked into the manhole. To his surprise, the kitten was floating in mid-air. "What the heck!?" he blurted out.

He thought about moving it to his hand and slowly the kitten started to move. John recalled the strange dream and realized it wasn't a dream after all. He took the kitten back to his car and drove to the pet store for pet supplies. He didn't know why he's taking care of this animal but the feeling he got when he looked at it is one he never wanted to lose.

John got back to his apartment and the first thing he did was set up the area for the kitten. With a sigh of exhaustion, he plopped on his bed. I don't why I was given this chance, but I'm glad I got it! he thought. A smile began to form on his face and this was the only true smile he had experienced in years. He once again fell asleep and was looking forward to the next day.

The next day came and so did the many days after it. The weather cleared up and there was a record period of sunny days without a cloud in sight. John quit his old job and found work as a blogger for a local website. He much preferred his new job as this let him spend more time with his cat, pickles. Pickles was meowing at him and with a wave of John's hand, a toy began dashing across the floor, to which pickles was in hot pursuit of it.

John could have used his new power for a much more exciting life but he preferred spending his days with pickles. I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I'm excited to see what comes, John thought with a large smile.

July 02, 2020 21:22

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Grace M'mbone
07:49 Jul 26, 2020

The ending is gladdening and satisfying. Minor grammatical error but other than that,this was a delightful read. Please keep gifting the world with your creativity Brandon. We need it.


Brandon Johnson
20:02 Jul 26, 2020

Glad you enjoyed it!


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