Eddie Baby

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Set your story on (or in) a winding river.... view prompt


Gay Fantasy LGBTQ+

"Hey Richie, where do you think this river leads to?

A brunette had said, pointing down the long gushing river. Charlie, a black haired boy had looked over and adjusted his glasses. blinking with his auburn eyes as he picked up a large toad. The toad had croaked in displeasure from being lifted up from its grassy terrain.

"I'm... not sure. I heard it goes many places, maybe back into your mom."

"richie not now-"

"Fine eds, but being honest, i dunno where it goes. probably far away from derry..."

Richie had seemed to think for a while. taking in the possibilities of where that river may go. Maybe to where that clown sleeps... It was odd, where did it even lead to? he would always ask himself this as it was away from anywhere else the losers had gone to. the gorgeous scenery made him be in denial about this being Derry.

"Wanna find out?"

"find out--?! hell no!! if we're out to late my mom will kill me!"

Eddie exclaimed to his partner in crime as Richie let out a laugh. Eddie slipping in the water with his boyfriend and shivering. Only to have Richie splash at him making Eddie scowl. Eddie splashing water on richie as Richie let a dramatic playful gasp out and flopped back into the water. Laying on his back and floating.

"You've wounded me my darling, you've wounded me!"

Richie said in a dramatic manor and swam on his back making Eddie roll his eyes at his boyfriend. the toad being left on land as he fell.

"you're so dramatic Richie."

"You know you love it darling."

This only led Eddie to blush intensely. Crossing his arms and huffing away from the other teenager in a pout. Eddie turned away from his boyfriend to show how pouty he was going to be and there was nothing richie could do to stop it.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. This led Eddie out of his pouting phase, and to find ground that was solid. But strangely enough, golden lanterns started emerging from the water one by one leaving the two boys without words. Many lanterns, so many it left the boys in awe. Well, as much as they can have as Eddie would soon start to panic in the thought of something else entirely which made his stomach drop weakly.

As they stared a ship started to emerge to land, up and out of the sea. They couldn't believe their eyes, this wasn't possible, but they had gone through the impossible before. could this be the clown back? it was unlikely, but... there was a possibility. They thought they had put the damned thing to sleep months ago, so why so soon? Did they cause something in it to awaken? These thoughts ran through Richie's head but he did his best to keep his cool, best to not show the panic slowly building up in his chest.

The boat seemed to eerily tow down the river, leaving a luminous glow through the water that resembled gold. Like an inkish gold mixed in with the water of the lake. Like someone had poured gold ink into the lake but it had a glow to it. It was shocking, really. and as Eddie sputtered out:

"r-richie what the fuck is this--"

He seemed to choke on his breath from fear.

"baby i don't know?!"

Richie shouted back in response, his glasses falling off a bit. Messy curls bounced as he moved.

"i-i thought we killed it i thought we--"

"Eddie calm the fuck down it is dead i know it is!"

Richie said, grabbing onto his boyfriends shoulders and holding them close as the boat passed by them. It made an unsettling creek as it moved along the river. Quite frankly this was impossible seeing how small the river was but... here we were. watching a boat seemingly float by. Eddie quickly went for his inhaler but soon was stopped. Richie who was also internally panicking needed to find a solaice in his boyfriends eyes, they looked like chestnuts, and he found that absolutely adorable.and the way they glimmered when the sun went down sent Richie to heaven.

"you don't need it, calm down eddie baby."

Richie said soothingly to his boyfriend, taking his hand in his own. Eddie who was jittering nearly pulled his hand away, but didn't. needing to take a deep breath, best of his ability. Eddie stared the other boy in the eyes, and slowly he felt at peace. Its like the knot in his stomach had been undone and now he felt okay again. It would always happen with Richie, Richie always knew what to do.

Eddie was unsure of the situation, very unsure. as much as he hated to admit it. sometimes it grew too overwhelming but when he saw Richie's soft smile he felt at peace. The lanterns floating through the air, and the sun setting would make this moment beyond perfect. Softly, Richie began to hum to a soft tune he had heard off to the left. Richie's voice was always beautiful to Eddie, and it always was able to soothe the storm. The tune grew louder and louder.

Eddie did question where the music had been coming from, but as he looked around he didn't see a single thing. But, the sound was familiar. Eddie baby. It had been playing from richies phone, and as boats floated by Eddie couldn't help but smile at his dork, his dork. The one who confessed to him at the movies with the rest of the losers, his dork who painted his face with hard to wash face paint, his dork.

And he absolutely loved his dork. Richie sung along to the song, holding both of Eddie's hands and spinned making Eddie let out a laugh. The large boats had softly drifted down the stream, one by one. the beautiful golden plated boats took the boys hearts away.

"oooh eddie baby won't you come to my aarrmmmss tooniight?"

Richie had sung loudly, this only leaving eddie to snort and start laughing more.

The charaters in this story are richie and eddie from IT. I do not own them as well as am not very well known to other religon and such.

June 15, 2021 00:47

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