Bintor Manor

Submitted into Contest #64 in response to: Set your story in a Gothic manor house.... view prompt


Fiction Horror Fantasy

Bintor Manor

Where Heaven and Hell meet

A Short Story


Penny Worsham

Penny Worsham

Chapter 1 moving in 

The Hargrove family was moving into their new mansion. Amelia is standing outside looking up at the house and it gives her an eerie feeling. But dad was a novelist, and he loved the eerie feeling of the manor. He says it will help with his creativity. The manor was quite expansive for only two people. Dana the realtor who he had been dating for over two years now had handpicked it for him. I guess two years in this place wouldn’t hurt me. Since I would be leaving for college soon. As the movers move our stuff in. I go exploring to pick my bedroom out. I found the perfect one. 

Binter Manor was her new home, and she had lots of exploring to do. She found a remarkable room at the end of the hallway. It was expansive and charming in its own way. The manor was hidden away trees encumbered it away from everything. From the world, you would never know it was there. It had been on the market for years but no one wanted to live that far away from town and near the dank swamp that surrounded its borders. The house its self was built in the eighteen hundreds so it had lots of history.

Amelia walks downstairs to tell the movers which room to put her stuff in. 

“Dad I am going to walk the property ok!” She screams out as her voice echoes throughout the manor.

“Alright don’t be gone too long.”

“I won't dad, be back soon.” She walks out the door just little rays of light shown through the canopies of trees. She decides to explore the west side of the property first. She weaves in and out of trees realizing it was like another whole world out here. The property was so secluded you could scream to the top of your lungs and no one would hear you. She decides to test her theory out and screams with all her might.

“Hello, I am here come find me!” Out of the silence, she hears a branch falling as it crashes to the forest floor and jumps. She looks around not seeing anything out of the ordinary. But her heart was pounding from the fright it had caused. Amelia wasn’t afraid of most things except mice which she really hated. Her dad wrote scary stories for Christ’s sake. She knew things that go bump was just a figment of the imagination. She heads back toward the house. The wind started kicking up pulling her ribbon from her long blonde hair. She chases after it but can’t catch it. The wind carries it to the east side of the property.

“Amelia time to come in and unpack your room. I already had your bed set up.”

“Ok, dad on my way.” She turns and walks back into the house. And forgets the ribbon flying through the air, 

Chapter 2 exploring

 Last night she didn’t sleep that well the house was creaking and settling from where it had new occupants her dad had said. She had to convince herself it was like all the other houses they had lived in before. She pulls on her jeans and shirt and a light fall jacket and her backpack. She had plans to explore the East side today and make a day of it. She was on fall break and wouldn’t start her new school for a week. She heads down the stairs and into the dining hall eats breakfast. She makes herself a lunch and puts in her backpack. She is ready to explore today. 

As she walks through the overgrown thicket and onto a path. She follows the path in and out of the huge trees. This side of the property has caverns. She comes across one you can smell the damp musky smell of the earth. She decides to walk to its end. Just a normal cave. She walks on down the path. The trees become thicker no little bit of rays shown through here. She spots another cave but as she draws closer to it. A salty smell engulfs her. At the entrance of the cave, she could hear some waves crashing onto a shore. Smell the Salty water the breeze was caring out of the cave, This cave was different from the other. She follows the path all the way to the end the salty smell becoming overwhelming. She comes upon a portal at the end of the cave unsure of what to make of it. She puts her arm in it. She can feel the spray of the water touching her fingertips. She pulls her hand back out. And tastes the water on her fingers. It tasted like the ocean. She hesitates before deciding to walk through it. Seagulls surround her. She flails her arms so they fly off. She looks around at her surroundings it is peaceful and beautiful here. She walks further in light is everywhere but there is not a sun in the sky anywhere.

She decides to explore it a bit. In the distance, she can hear the roar of a lion. She stops in her tracks if there is a lion here, I have no way to defend myself. She runs back out of the portal. She sticks her head in it one more time.

“Anybody home?” She screams to the top of her lungs but gets no answer but the roaring of the lion. She sits down at the portal and decides to eat her lunch there. She takes a bite of her p& b sandwich. She hears someone screaming back. “ Where are you?” She decides to put her head in once again “I am here!” She screams out with everything in her. She stands up and decides to walk back in.She sees a figure walking towards her and freezes. As the figure gets closer it starts forming a guy. Not an ordinary one he has wings. She watches him in amazement.

Chapter 3 Ara fin

“Hello, Who are you?”

“I am Lucus who are you?”

“I am Amelia Hargrove. What are you? Do you fly? I have never seen anyone like you. How long have you been here? Can you go out there?” She rambles nervously and pointing at the portal.

“I am a Seraphkin. Yes, I fly I have wings, don’t I? I have lived here all my life. No Leo doesn’t allow us outside the boundary. You are in Ara fin.” He answers with a raised brow all of her questions without reservation. He found her strikingly beautiful.

“Who is Leo? How old are you? What is your name?” She asks very intrigued.

“I am Lucus Bintor. I am nineteen years old. Leo is the ruler here every creature here obeys him.”A grin covers his face.

“Come with me Amelia, Leo would like to meet you.” He pulls my arm in the direction he had come from. We walk up a steep hill that overlooks the ocean. I look and kind of take a few steps back. It was nothing I had ever seen.

“Come on he, won't hurt you, Amelia. He is curious about you is all?” He pulls me out of my stance.

Hello Leo I am Amelia.”I stutter as I talk to him through my nervousness.

“Hello, Amelia welcome to Ara fin.” A younger Seraphkin comes running up and hugs Leo’s neck.

“Amelia this is my brother Charles Bintor.”

“Nice to meet you miss Amelia. You can call me Charlie. ” He says in a friendly manner.

“So the manor we live in belonged to your family. Tell me how and why this is possible?”I ask without understanding.

“It was once upon a time we have been here since.” He stops and Leo picks it up.

“They have been here for around a hundred years now.”

I look at them out of disbelief “How is that even possible?”I ask in wonderment,

“Here you never age Amelia this is a celestial place only the innocent can enter Amelia,” Leo explains as he stretches his wings.

“Wow, Leo you are impressive,” I admit.

“So where are their parents?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“They are in Dharma on the other side of the property where you must not go. Amelia evil lives there.” Leo warns me.

“Amelia, it is dark in your universe so instead of the way you came in Lucus show her the other portal so she returns home safely..” Leo instructs in a demanding tone.

As we walk Lucus explains.

“See in our world, there is never darkness it is filled with light, constantly we never age or get sick. Time passes by in a blink of an eye here.” Lucus explains as we reach another portal.

Lucus points as we enter an ending says. “ I hope you come back Amelia it was nice talking to you.”

I walk through the portal and up into our dank cellar. I walk upstairs.

“ Dad! Dad! Where are you?” I shout running through the house.

“ Amelia your dad is busy in the study with the guest we have invited for dinner. .You need to go clean up and change into something appropriate, skedaddle now.” She pushes me toward the stairs.

Chapter 4 bumps in the night


I run up the stairs and get dressed. The company it has to be people Dana has invited. Dad didn’t know anyone He is definitely not sociable. I put on my blue denim dress and tied a darker blue sash around my waist. I put on my fedora hat. I glanced in the mirror and was satisfied with my look. I went downstairs the knocker on the door echoed through the manor. Dana stands us in a line as if we are in a procession line to greet our company.

“Welcome to Bintor Manor home of Alex and Amelia Hargrove.”I snicker Dana is such a dingy blonde.

“We are the Cummings family my wife Annabelle, My oldest son Damon, my youngest daughter Annalise. Nice to meet you all. We all head to the parlor for conversations before dinner.

“Are you going to Banter Hall Academy when fall break is up? The boys there are all lame.” Annalise blurts out in a cheerful manner.

“Because you are so ugly. and way to chipper for any boy to like you Annalise.” Damon scolds his sister.

“You better shut up before I tell on you Damon.” Annalise sticks out her tongue in protest. I snort at the reaction they give each other.

“Yes, I will be attending Banter Hall after fall break is up.”

“Good, hopefully, we have classes together.” She says with her cheerful attitude. Damon just snarls up his nose and turns his head.

“So is it scary living here?”

“No not anything out of the ordinary except the portal I found. It’s like walking into heaven. Leo says evil lives on the west side of the property. I plan on exploring there tomorrow. He is a lion with wings and the there is Lucus and Charlie, Lucus is our age  they all have wings like angels.” I blabber on excited to tell someone.

“Oh, can Damon and me go with you tomorrow on the west side, and then maybe you can show us the east side.”

“Yea right sounds like a fairy tale to me.” Damon barks out. I look at Damon with a scolding look.

“Your brother is rude Annalise,” I whisper in her ear she starts giggling I couldn’t help but join in.

“Stupid girls you two are retarded.” Damon remarks and walks over to join in on the adult conversation.

“You and your twin are polar opposites, Annalise.” We finish with our dinner, and they leave with plans to come back tomorrow. I lay in bed thinking about tomorrow as the thoughts filled my head. I could hear someone pacing back and forth upstairs. I picked up a book and threw it up at the ceiling. The trampling stopped for a minute. Then it sounded like someone was jumping up and down on the floor. Dad's room wasn’t above mine so I decided to go in search of the noise.

Chapter 5 Westside 

 I walk up the spiral staircase at the end of the hall to the next floor. Each room I searched was liked it hadn’t been used in years dusty dank smell like the windows needed to be opened up. Except for the room above mine it had a scent of fresh flowers in it. The more I walked in it the colder it got. I could see my breath in the air. The room had been decorated for a girl. I searched the room and found a picture of a family. A mom and dad and three little girls triplets I assumed. The bed a king-size bed so this must have been their room. As I sat on the bed looking at the picture a hollow figure appeared in front of me.

“Please help me find my sisters I miss them terribly?”I jumped to my feet and ran out of the room shutting the door behind me. I could hear the weeping of the little girl from outside the door. I went back to my room I wasn’t normally a scaredy-cat but that did scare the bah Jesus out of me. I pull my covers up to my chin and finally dozed off to sleep. I woke up the next morning feeling rough and exhausted.

I pull my hair into a messy bun and throw on a pair of jeans and a blue silk shirt I pull my sash through the belt loops then tie it in a loose Knot and pull the knot to my side. I head downstairs to wait for the twins to show up. I packed us all three lunch for our excursion. We head out towards the west side of the property. There was a somewhat path but fallen trees lay across it. It split into two different ways one went north the other south. We decided to go south but as we walked down it. The path started turning west again. We started coming upon caverns like on the east side. The first to have the dusty smell of the earth.

The third one had the smell of burnt tar and screams coming from it. Damon being braver than us went in first as we stayed close behind him. The further we go into the cavern the louder the screams become. They were so loud I stuck my fingers in my ears. 

We get to the end and there is a portal there. We walk into it everything is black. Annalise and I both grab a hold of Damon. We come to what looks like a tar pit blazing with flames it lights the surroundings up. Then a man came around a tree his wings were black.

“What are you doing in Dharma?”

“We are exploring my property and stumbled on this cave. Who are you?”

“I am Samael. I am the overseer of this place.” He wickedly and overly devilishly laughs. It echoes thru-out Dharma. 

“Are you a seraphkin?”

“Sort of. “ He answers being evasive.

“You two are very beautiful and I can smell your innocence on you. And it stinks.”He looks Annalise and me over.

“But you are a different story.”He walks over to Damon. A red shaped man with horns appeared over the pit.

“Bring them closer so that I may devour them.”The image wickedly laughs. I grab Annalises' arm and start running out the portal Damon follows us. As we step out of the portal we are in the cellar. Half of the day has passed.

“So do you think that was a fairy tale, Damon?” My words stutter from fear of that place.

“It gave me the heeby jeeby’s. I don’t want to do in there again.”Annalise says shivering all over.

“Oh, you two are wimps,” Damon replies with a chuckle.

October 19, 2020 00:04

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