Epic Fail on Revenage in a Musicial

Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



In the Godspeed Prison, there's a column of jail cells where those who have turned humans into a Supernatural being or serial killers are. The worse of them was a nineteen-year-old girl named Pearl Garrett, and she's so bad. They bound her wrists as well as those slim ankles with Silver shackles. 

She was about to get a visitor, she didn't want. Pearl was worried the guards came out, and the She-wolf had a Ball-gag fitted around her mouth to be transported. 

Her binds were removed but then was placed in cuffs for her arms as well as her legs. Pearl had a rope around her neck like something an animal control person would use for a feral animal. 

Pearl was pulled into the Visitor's room, a ghost from her past was standing there.

"Hello, Pearl. You want to hear about my day." Olivia said to her, but for this visit to begin, Pearl had to be bound tight in a spread eagle position. 

Pearl saw a woman behind Olivia with a knife in her had and a suitcase in front of her. She knew it was Kismet by reputation.

"You couldn't just leave me alone, let me tell you about my day...." Olivia was about to start to talk and then looked down to see Pearl had a Diaper on. 

"What happened there?" Olivia asked, and Pearl yelled, "Shut up!" 

The two of them laughed their ass off as Pearl struggle to get free and mauled the both of them, but that shock collar made her stop the attempt.

"She was purposely missing the toilet to make everyone complain." The Guard told Olivia, and Pearl growl then got another shock. 

When this Actress parks her Car in the Pinnacle City parking lot, a bad memory comes back, and she has to block it out of her mind, or her abilities might show up when it's not needed. 

Olivia Luther, she's the lead in the musical, "My Life.", and plays a Diva whose actions from High School to young adulthood lead to someone killing her. As she gets out of her Nissan and looks around, she gets a text...

Have a good rehearsal, I have tickets ready to use...Brooklynn.

The thespian smiles at her Girlfriend's text and opening the Car door, next to her is Bodyguard, Kismet, a Miltary brat as well Kinfe throwing mad woman. 

Olivia has this bad woman following her because when Pearl was on the loose, she tried to turn Olivia into a Werewolf against her will in this parking lot but failed, the Actress used her abilities to defend herself. She calls it the Death-Defying Note; this is the memory Olivia is trying to block. 

"Was that Brooklynn?" Kismet asked. 

"She wants me to have a good rehearsal," Olivia answered. 

"You'll have a safe one, I could secure that, but as for a good rehearsal you need it because your last numbers were lackluster...In short, it bored me...Just playing...You've hit some sharp notes." Kismet gave her opinion, and so they both went through the backdoor after it was opened.

Director Mariti Trumbull walked to Olivia and Kismet in tiny steps as they went towards the dressing room. 

"Olivia, my Love, my star. Kismet, you beautiful amazon woman. Your seat is set, and so is my heart if you ever find yourself single, please take care of our beautiful star as you escort her." She walked off, yelling at everyone in her foreign accent, and Kismet had no words for that exchange. So they walked to the Dressing Room, and everyone greeted them, the lead actor, Corey, gave Kismet a Flower. 

"Thank you for watching out for our lead," Corey said and then went out of the dressing room. Just for precautions, she said, "Christo." He didn't turn around. Most Vampires would do that if they were killers, and he wasn't. So she stood outside the door with Knife ready to hurl that sharp, deadly object and then ask questions. 

Then another actress comes by, and her name is Michelle Leland. 

"I can't believe you are still here, one Werewolf attacks her, and she gets security; I am a star and need protection too." Michelle is actually playing the protagonist in the play and yet is very annoying to work with, just ask the cast. 

Kismet just stares at her, and Michelle flips her hair at her then walks in. Olivia is there doing scales, and Michelle walks in, rolling her eyes. 

"I don't know why you have to keep your Pit Bull out there," Michelle said, and Olivia was not going to have the Diva try to break her concentration. 

The cast member pulled out yet another tea class and pour her Tea in it to begin to warm up. It was this same beverage that "accidentally" was spilled on a dress that Brooklyn gave Olivia to wear on a date. On that same night, Michelle's windows smashed to pieces for some reason, and they couldn't pin it on Olivia. 

As Michelle work on her scales, she takes sips of her Tea and is bother because, in her self righteous mind, she believes the lead is hitting sharp notes. 

"You are so sharp, it's not even funny, I don't know how Ms. Trumbull sees you as such a star." The young Songtress just ignores her. 

She decided to continuously snap her fingers in front of Olivia's face to gain her attention, but it was not broken. After a few more minutes, they were ready. Both Actress walked out, and Michelle made it a point to bump into her hard, she then turned around. 

"Go ahead. Come on. Blow me away with that pitchy screech and rip my body apart. Come on! Give me a reason to make you bleed" Michelle gloat her and Olvia wasn't going to do anything. 

Kismet opened the door, and Michelle turned around. 

"You're leaving, and if you have a problem if that, I'm sure the director would love to hear about this," Kismet told her, and Michelle stomps off. She saw a crystal glass and the Bodyguard motion as Olivia puckered her lips, a low frequency flew out and broke Michelle's tea glasses apart. 

"Did you hear her threat?" Olvia asked, and Kismet shook her head yes. 

"Hey, Diva. Christo." Michelle flinches a couple of times and then turned around as her eyes became bloodshot red, his fangs came out. She smelled like innocent blood from half-way across the backstage. The Director gasp to see this development, and that created a standoff at this moment. 

"I guess I went a little too far." Michelle said, and The Director pleaded, "Please don't kill me, I'm too young, and I haven't lived!" 

"You know this could end badly, but it doesn't have too. We go on and go through this production, I promise to be on my best behavior, and then at the end of the run, I will go my way. I didn't want to become this, but I had no choice." Michelle said, and Olivia asked, "What do you mean?" 

"Some Wolf Bitch told me that if I let her turned me, I could rid of you, and I loved her Pearl necklace. So we had a deal, but she told me I wasn't worth it and handed me off to a Vampire who turned me, he gave me healthy blood and didn't know they were killed by him! I wanted to just kill you!" Michelle fell down and started to cry. Everyone stopped for a moment to watch this, and then Corey appeared.

"She's telling the truth, a little overdramatic, but she's right," Corey said and spout wings. 

"She's a pain in the ass but deserves to be forgiven for her sins. Olivia gets ready when I say now." Olvia was confused about what was about to happen. 

"You'll see." He smiled and grabbed hold of Michelle tightly. He said a prayer in his heart, and something was ripping away from the Diva's body. Kismet yelled for the Director to come close to her, and Olivia got ready, it was a Doppelganger of Michelle's Vampiric self. Olivia let her Siren blast out of her mouth, and it ripped the Doppelganger body apart which then exploded, a hole opened up and took the remains to Hell itself, then closed. 

 They looked up and saw Corey's body was on the floor. Something came out from him, which looked like his spirit. He smiles. 

"I get to go back home now, she's human again, but as for being a pain, I'm sorry, not possible to cure." Michelle slowly got up and look up to see Corey in spirit form, above her. She cried real tears that fell fast from her eyes. 

"I'm so sorry about being so vengeful, I love you," Michelle told her Ex-Boyfriend after she was bitten they broke up because all she was fixated on was revenge.

"It's okay. I told you my love for you, it's unconditional, and that will never change." His spirit ascended into Heaven, and Olivia stood there with Kismet while Director Trumbull was making notes for a play or musical from this experience. 

The rehearsal was cut short, and the production was going to be shut down, the Director was vibrant, so she promises to honor everyone's contract. She walked to Kismet and Olivia. 

"Thank you for saving everyone and made me realize my writing was a lie. I had no emotional depth, and I saw this beautiful tragedy in front of me, I am inspired. I will send your money, my beautiful; Olivia and Kismet." She walked off in short steps screaming at the God above for the inspiration, and it was then Michelle who walked to them. 

"Thank you for not killing me before Corey stepped in, and despite the fact you are sharp constantly, you are a good person inside Olivia. I'm jealous because I like you, and I know you have a girlfriend, but I'm flexible in bed." Michelle walked off, and Brooklyn ran from her Car to hug her woman. 

"What happened? Kismet, just text me 911.." Brooklynn said, and Olivia took a breath. 

 "Michelle was a Vampire who was turned against her will and fed blood by people who were killed. Corey was really an angel, and in his last act on earth, divided the Vampire to make a Doppleganger, then I blasted Doppelganger. The Director wants to make a musicial out of this own experience, and most of all, Michelle wants to fuck me." Olivia said, and Kismet added, "So a usual night in Pinnacle City." 

"Do I need to punch Michelle in the face?" Brooklynn asked, and Olivia kissed her Girlfriend then told her, "Why do that when you get pampered me after my traumatic night?" 

"That's good too," Olivia said to her, and Kismet gagged because her woman was away. 

Olivia finished the story, and Pearl had the Lady Balls enough to laugh. 

"You got away from me, what am I suppose to do?" Pearl asked, and Kismet threw a knife that just missed her head. Kismet threw several more Knives, and they were purposely just short of all her vital organs of the body. Olivia got up and simply said, "Michelle was saved, your plan sucked...." 

Kismet opened her suitcase full of her favorite weapons.

"Now, you will tell me every single being you have coming after me or the next Knife she throws will hit a vital organ that won't kill you but will poison the fuck out of you." Pearl didn't want to live anymore but didn't want these two to be the reason she was sent to Hell.

First Knives whist by her like a Bullet, and it went into the wall. 

"Okay! I will tell you everything! Please STOP!" Pearl yelled, and after she listed the ten people. The guards came and led her back to the cell, Olivia followed...

"One of these days, I'll get you," Pearl said, and Olivia motion her eyes to the fan as she looked at murdering Wolf, who was bound down. 

"You know the warden said that if that fan is ever tampered with, there's a fail-safe, and it will close up to just be a wall. The only air you would get are those vents down there for a few hours. " Olivia said, and Pearl pleased, "Please don't." It didn't stop Olivia from using her blast from her mouth at half-power. 

The Fan disappears into a wall, the Werewolf screamed no. The cell door was shut, and then the lead door. As the darkest surround Pearl, she cried in frustration that Olivia escapes her. 

July 18, 2020 23:24

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