Adventure Fantasy Teens & Young Adult

Although I was covered in darkness, I could still make out swirling shapes of the making their way. Nothing certain but something glided under my head, soft…and humming. I wasn’t even using my own legs; it seemed more like a swim where I could float as the current moved me lazily along. I could have floated all night with no worry in the world, that’s how I liked it anyway. But something else had other plans, as a harsh light stabbed through, I curled covering my eyes as my darkness evaporated from me. I could feel my legs touching solid ground. The air fluttering around me, I could even taste salt in the air.

“Miss? Are you going or what?”

I walked through the single land bridge connecting for the castle, as pieces of it crumbled amidst the swirling oceanic vortex surrounding it. The only thing louder than the roar of the churning water was my own thumping heart. I didn’t want to do this. I didn’t want to go in. Every single part of me screamed at me, DANGER, DANGER, RUN! All I wanted in that moment was to hide in the shadows, in my own personal void again. My feet remained stubbornly planted into the gravel. The guards on either side of me stared, waiting, with their hands on the hilt of their swords. Could I run? Could I fight them to get away?

A part of me wanted to choose this…but another part of me knew, begrudgingly for some darn reason, I had to go in. With a deep breath I fixed my cape and marched, or, well, a mix of a shuffle and a march. I fought with the burning desire to flee as we headed deeper, as my legs practically screamed at me to hide. The guards opened the door for me, and I stepped in. I was met with my reflection. It was a throne room, making up all of the castle, where everything gleamed like a mirror in the golden hue of the sun. Ornate details carved, bejeweled, and grand banners of a smiling face. A smile that once told me, ‘Everything is alright’; now it just seemed so…fake. Ahead of me came a clap. Sitting on a throne, covered in golden robes and a bejeweled crown, with that same false smile upon his lips, as he chuckled amusingly.

“You’ve come back at last; I was afraid you were ignoring all my summons.”

I tried to look away, but he was in every reflection, I finally found looking at myself from where I stood. But before I knew it, he was in front of me, circling around me in the most aggravating pompous strut.

“I assume you’ve brought it then?”

My heart stopped dead. Brought what? What was I supposed to bring? Before I knew what I was doing my arms moved on their own, and I pulled from out of the air a sword, made of a colorful dancing light and a swirling magical aura. I don’t know how, but I could tell it was a part of me, it made me warm, protected and safe. I almost cracked a smile before his reflection came around again.

“Very nice, I couldn’t expect any better from my own blood. So talented just like me in my heydays you know?” He laughed. “Now, if you’d please,” He reached out. I stayed still, the indecision freezing me once more. “What’s the matter milady, cat got your tongue?” He chuckled.

I could remember a time I found that laugh comforting, usually with an embrace to warm my heart deep in my chest. Now all I could feel was the cold draft of the vortex outside.

“Dad…” I swallowed. “I can’t…I don’t know…”

“Come now dear,” His reflections spoke. 3 of them around my own. They came out, gently holding my hands and arms, guiding me to my knees as each one spoke.

“I need it if I am to fix my castle.”

“If you want to see me again like before.”

“It’ll be like I never left.”

The reflection changed, to before when I was young and in the brightest of dresses and a wonderful pink veil over my eyes as he hugged me, held me. I could almost feel that warmth again. I was tempted to fall into that memory again, like it was before everything. Almost. I could see the true king slowly reach out, his hands over my light and I watch as it slowly drains of its color.

“No!” I scream, pulling it back last minute. “Dad, it can’t be like it was before!” I hugged my sword. “After everything you did, not just me but my brothers and sisters, to mom…why would you even call out to me?” My throat started to close before I asked him my final question. “If you’ve truly regret what you’ve done…say it.”

The silence was achingly long. But he finally uttered,

“I love you.”

That was enough. I raised my sword up…and plunged it into the mirrored floors. The most pained scream erupted, the whole throne room shaking and broken glass rain from above, large cracks allowed for a heavy rain. Each apparition of the king struck me with wailing cries,




One by one I sliced the apparitions, each dispersing on their own until only the true king and I remained. He had his hands up, a smile again on his lips. Before I knew what I was doing I swung, aiming for his heart with a deep and piercing scream.


I screamed thrusting up, my heart still pounding. I was in my bed, my blankets thrown to the ground and window letting streams of sunlight float inside, illuminating my posters and plushies. Morning already.

“Sweetie?” The door swings and it’s mom. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, yeah I’m alright.”

“Were you having a nightmare?”

Flashes of the castle came into mind, the feeling of the light sword in my hand as I clutched the air. “No. I don’t think so.”

She casted a wary look before saying, “Ok. Well, come down, I just finished making breakfast.” She closed the door behind her.

I didn’t even have time to rub my eyes before my phone buzzed. I picked it up. 14 new messages already, from the crown emoji, the most recent stating:

I love you.

I tried to gather that courage again. It was time, no more stalling. I took a deep breath and replied,

We need to talk.

February 26, 2025 15:13

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