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-Anabel's point of view.-

Dear Diary, Today is Monday, April 6th 2020. On this day, I met him. The man I'm going to marry! I'm not kidding diary, I, Anabel Violet am going to marry Aaron Green. See, we met on the bus today, well actually I...may or may not have fell onto him. OKAY I DID! But it wasn't my fault, it was the stupid drivers! And the equally stupid potholes in the street! I could feel everyones eyes on me, on us! Anyway, Aaron was the sweetest man I've ever met! He smiled and asked if I was okay, even though I had just fallen onto him, isn't that sweet? I eventually found my voice and answered a lame yes, and walked away! My stop came and I exited quickly, going into my house. Now it is midnight, I have a job interview in the morning , and I lie here, in bed, unable to sleep, because of Aaron Green! I can't get him out of my mind diary. And all these what if's are going through my head. Like for instance, what if I had told him my name? Would he have freaked out if I told him I knew him from highschool?What if I told him I wasn't okay, just to talk to him? Ugh why do I have to be so dang shy! Why didn't I just ask him out for coffee or something!? And the biggest what if of all diary, what if I never see Aaron Green ever again? Ugh I can't sleep! Just thinking about him makes me smile uncontrollably diary, like how can a man so sweet, be so hard to talk to? Oh did I mention dearest diary, that this oh so perfect man I plan to marry, was my highschool crush! Yeah you heard me right, I've had a massive crush on him since freshman year of highschool! And during that time, did I ever say a single word to him? No! I was always so shy! Like I was today! I decide to call my bestfriend Hannah Yates, and fill her in on what happened to me. *cue loud laughter* "Are you done yet?" I ask her, annoyance in my voice.

"Y-yeah I'm oh god, done, wow girl you finally have contact with the all mighty Aaron, literally, falling into his lap, and you don't say anything! Only you!" This is my bestfriend diary, the always, tell it like it is girl.

"What was I supposed to say!? I was so embarrassed, I didn't know what to say, or how to react!"

"Well if it was me I'd of said something like, What a great catch, and I don't mean that you caught me, then winked." It was then dear diary that I rolled my eyes, my bestfriend , suggestingthst I'd be flirty! Yeah right!

"Ugh but I'm not flirty! You know that!" "Hey don't get all mad with me, just because your shyness got in the way, yet again, come on girl it's been four years, time to move past your shyness, or move on from him!"

"I know, I know, you're right, ugh I just looked at the clock, it's 3:30 in the morning!" *more laughing*

"Yeah don't you have that interview tomorrow, I mean today?" As usual diary, she was right.

"Ugh yes, I got to go, try and get some sleep, if I can, my mind is going in different directions! "Okay girl, good luck, and bye...Mrs Green." She added that part just to mess with my head diary!

"Don't I wish, goodnight girl." And with that, I hang up, laying in bed, in your pages diary are now the words Mr and Mrs Green, Mrs Anabel Green, Mr Aaron Violet, assuming he takes my last name og course. Well I really should get some sleep, if I can, goodnight diary, love Anabel. ♡


-Aarons point of view-

Dear Journal, the most interesting thing happened to me today. A woman fell onto me, literally on top of me! She seemed embarrassed by it, all eyes were on us, but it didn't bother me at all. And the thing of it was, I knew her from highschool! Anabel Violet, the sweet, shy girl whom I always wanted to get to know. I asked her if she was okay, and helped her up, hoping to strike up a conversation, but she sadly just said yes and ran off! Now I'm laying in bed, thinking about how, and when I'm going to see her again, I must see her again journal! Ugh I can't seem to get to sleep! I lay here thinking about all kinds of questions. Like, if I asked her out for coffee would she have said yes? Would that have been to awkward after she'd just fallen into my lap? Does she live near me? Will I ever see this beautiful, shy, perfect woman ever again? I sure hope so journal, because I'm pretty sure this was fate, no destiny! Telling me to marry this woman! I'm hoping that we have another "accidental" meeting soon. I can't believe I am still awake at almost midnight, thanking about this woman, and how I can't wait to see her again. Did I mention that I have a job interview in the morning journal? Yeah and here I lie, in bed, thinking about my future wife. I decide to text my dude, bestfriend since kindergarten Rob Thompson, fill him in on what went down.

'Dude that's crazy!'

'I know right, I have to see her again, she's just...I don't know how to explain it dude, she's special.

'Bro isn't that the shy girl from highschool? She never even spoke ond word to you, in four yrars!'

Yeah...I,I know, bug today she did, today she said "yeah" and it was the most beautiful yeah I've heard from a woman dude!' Journal I could swear I heard him roll his eyes at that.

'You're hopeless dude, like when, or how are you going to see her again?'

'I don't know dude, but I'll figure it out.'

'If you say so bro, but it's 3:30 dude, don't you got that interview?'

'Oh shoot you're right, ugh gotta go, bye dude!'

'See yuh, Romeo.' At that I roll my eyes.

Mr and Mrs. Green, Anabel Green, Anabel Violet-Green, oh get a hold of yourself! Journal I'm jumping way ahead, she and I haven't even had our first, well anything yet, but I do know, I will make it happen, one way or the other. Ugh it's 4 Am journal, time for bed, goodnight-Aaron.

April 07, 2020 00:38

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1 comment

Amany Sayed
17:58 Apr 14, 2020

This was such a great story! I wish it was longer to see if they would meet again. You have to make a part 2! Great Job! Keep writing!


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