Fantasy Coming of Age Fiction

2000 years, 6 months and 2 days ago...that's the last time I had seen my parents, well my true mother at least. I had never asked to be a changeling, of course...that was the nature of changelings. 4000 years ago a light angel baby had been situated in the mortal world as a scientific experiment done by the Royal Scientific Insitute of the Light Angels...that light angel had grown up and realised her true origins through years of painstaking research, a fact that annoyed both my true mother and my adopted mother to no end. 

I was the first of my kind...the first angelic changeling known of in the existence of the universe. Based upon this fact alone, you can imagine how hard it was for me growing into maturity. All adolescents, all young adults struggled with their identity as they grew up. Now, imagine these usual growing pains coupled with a supernatural element added in...I was literally from another dimension, no wonder I had struggled all throughout my youth to fit in on the mortal plane. 

My adopted mother...bless her soul, had insisted that my struggle to fit it was completely normal. Well, she had believed that until my eyes changed to a luminant violet, my pupils had disappeared...and downy soft wings the full length of my spine had sprouted out of my back. 

To her credit, she had approached the whole situation remarably well. A devout Christian, she had simply taken the existence of angels into stride and had aided me in melding into society despite my new physical...unique traits. When she had peacefully passed away at the ripe old age of 102, I had fled the hometown where I had spent my first 60 years of life. Without her help in hiding me from the outside world, there was no choice for me but to leave the only town I had ever known. 

Back then, I had been a 60 year old light angel...stuck forever in the body of a young woman appearing to be in her early 20's with large gossamer like wings, indigo pupiless eyes and features so symmetrical that onlookers would feel uncomfortable to look at me. My existence was an abnormality and if there is anything humans...if there is anything the church liked, it was investigating the paranormal. 

I had left the cosy, small suburban town where I had spent my youth and had spent the next 2 millenia or so travelling around the world. Without the need to sleep or eat thanks to an angel's intricate connection with universal energy, I had all the time in the world...quite literally to explore my origins. It had been about 5am, on an early yet already balmy Spring morning near Uluru, Australia where I had met my birth mother.

I had been drawn to the area thanks to the remarkably high energy rays that surrounded the sacred site...although I had been expecting to have a spiritual and life changing experience, perhaps some more answers to my origin...meeting my birth mother certainly hadn't been on my list of things to potentially accomplish. 

I had been stretching my wings high up above the sacred rock when a strong feeling of pins and needles had awashed over me. Despite my ego repelling against the idea, I had followed my intuition over to a rocky clearing where I had nimbly landed next to several winged silhouettes.

A few minutes later, and I was being embraced by these supernatural looking creatures...figures that looked exactly like me in the pale pastel lighting of the rising dawn. Despite my initial shock at seeing the first of my kind in a long time...2000 years in fact, I quickly settled into the feeling of relief that had enveloped me.

After literal millenia of feeling alone and lost in the world...I had finally found my Tribe, I had found my own kind. After inviting me back to their camp for tea and coffee, we had spent the morning getting to know one. Once they had realised that I was a changeling...my world had literally been turned upside down. Before I could process what was happening, the oldest looking male angel had waved his hand in an arc and had opened a silver tinged glowing portal...like something out of a Star Trek episode.

Gently pulling me into it, I followed the other angels into a surreal looking world...a world that was as angelic as it's occupants. A spotless periwinkle blue sky stretched expansively above a glittering golden tinted suburbia, the picteresque town bordered perfectly by an emerald green meadow. Gently rushing rivers refracting the bright daylight like hundreds of shattered crystals lazily ran their course throughout the sea of green as we hiked up to the town...the sounds of bell like bird calls echoing through the air heavily perfumed with the scents of thousands of flowers. 

This paradise like, perfect moment was swiftly interrupted by the woman who had birthed me. Fast forward to sunset, and I had been relocated to the Royal Institute of Light Angels where I had been questioned for hours on my experience as a changeling in the mortal world. There was no ' I missed you' or ' I am glad you found your way back to us'. In fact, she...my mother had been disappointed that I had made my way back in the first place, she had wanted me to stay in the mortal world indefinetly to see what would happen and so she could happily continue her experiment. 

After checking in the Angelic High Council where I had been taught on how to find my way back to the angelic realm at anytime...I had fled back to Earth to continue my roaming. Sure I may be an immortal in a mortal world...yet this was better than being in a realm where my own blood saw me as simply an experiement...a way for them to advance in their career.

I would choose my family, a family that had loved me for who I was...not who they wanted me to be over my genetic yet emotionless and uncaring relations any day. And that....that was why I wasn't going home, not yet anyway. I had a whole world to explore and all the time to do it.

February 04, 2021 10:02

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