Catfish for Dinner

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Write a story where a meal or dinner goes horribly wrong.... view prompt


Fantasy Teens & Young Adult

Thenson searched for the entrance to Fiddle Dock Valley. He knew he should be close. He would pick up a stone every few feet and throw it forward. “Sparlado, is this where you remember the entrance being?”

“Yes Sire, the marker stones behind us confirmed the entrance was close. We should have run into it by now.” Sparlado replied.

“There is buggery afoot here. Pull your weapon and start backtracking to the marker stones.” Thenson said. “Protect the Man Benny.”

Sparlado pulled his sword and started backing up with Benny behind him. They had reached the marker stone when the underbrush in front of them opened to a platoon of Brownies. Two score charged at the three travelers with malicious intent.

“Get behind me and run Thenson.” Sparlado yelled as he pushed forward. He was already in the process of gigantic morphing when he reached Thenson. He grabbed Thenson and threw him toward Benny. He looked into Thenson’s eyes with the last of his intellect intact. “Protect the Man Benny,” he mouthed and turned to face the oncoming Brownies. As Thenson and Benny were running they heard the unmistakable sounds of weapons clashing, creatures straining and individuals dying. They ran over the ridge and down into the opposite valley. Thenson prayed to the Green Man to assist Sparlado and help him through this skirmish.

The old Gnome stopped at the edge of the forest next to the Loblolly River. He needed to rest. He found a protective outcrop where they could rest about twenty feet up the embankment. They would be able to see an enemy approaching and could remain hidden.

Thenson and Benny set back against the rocks and let their breathing regulate. “We have to warn Dalvina; she will walk right into a trap.” Benny said.

“Let me think,” he said

Benny looked at the gnome that was mumbling and talking in almost a trance. Benny was almost convinced the old soldier had blown a gasket and was completely loco until Thenson stopped and looked straight at Benny, “you need to go swimming.”

“Have you completely lost all your marbles?” Benny cried.

“Nae, I have never been more serious. And by the way, you have to be completely naked.” Thenson said, as he got up and started toward the water’s edge. “Come along, come along; we have to hurry.”

Benny followed Thenson to the river trying to make sense of why the old gnome was acting so strange.

“Come on, come on; get out of your grip. It will only work if you’re naked and exposed.” Thenson said agitated.

“Look, before I take anything off you are going to tell me what we are doing and why?”

“It has not been used since the separation of Fae and Human, but a human can summon a sprite under the right conditions. How the sprite will accept the summons cannot be determined, but it is our only chance to communicate with Dalvina,” Thenson grinned. “We are summoning a water sprite. In order to make the summons, you have to be naked and, in the river, understand?”

“Are you sure this will work?” Benny asked, not sure of his next move. “Have you ever done it before?”

“If I could do it, I would be butt naked in the river. I can’t do it, only a human can summon a sprite. I didn’t make the rules.” Thenson blurted, undeniably perturbed. “We don’t have all day; Dalvina could be on her way back by now.”

Benny stripped his closed off and placed them on a rock above the sand. He stepped into the edge of the river.

“Sit down on the river’s edge, make sure you are in contact with the river at all times and let’s hope she is a pretty one’s and not an old water hag.”

“What do you mean?” Benny asked.

“I mean whoever the water sprite is for this pool of the river.” Thenson said, his grin turning to a giggle. “Pick up that small stone beside you.”

Benny picked up the stone and held it out to show Thenson. Thenson grabbed his hand and cut a small laceration in his palm, just enough to present blood onto the stone.

“Throw the stone across the water; the more stone skips the better.”

Benny skipped the stone three times across the river and turned to look at Thenson.

“Repeat after me,” Thenson said, “word for word and no mistakes.”

  “Sit down where the catfish lie; bend an ear and close one eye.

Come to my aid lady aqua sprite, at mid-day or dead of night

 Coomerderlawdlay, Coomerderlawdlee; show your true self and render my plea.

A message I seek to inform the Clan; time is of essence, desperations at hand.”

Benny watched in amazement as a wave started forty yards down the creek and made a bee-line straight for them and was getting really nervous and started to rise when he felt Thenson’s hand on his shoulder pushing him back down. 

“Don’t move a muscle.” 

Benny watched the wave slow down as it got close to him. He could see a very large catfish with long whiskers and a mighty tail hovering in the water two feet in front of him. He got the sense that the fish was sizing him up. He hoped it was not for a meal.

The catfish took on a blueish hue and a dull illumination showed under the waterline. Benny watched as the fish morphed into a beautiful young woman with sea-foam colored skin, kelp colored hair, and glacier blue eyes. Barring Dalvina, this was the most beautiful woman that Benny had ever seen and she happened to be as naked as he was. He felt his face flushed hot red and he heard the old gnome start to giggle.

The eyes of the sprite locked onto Benny’s and with a stern voice asked. “Why have you summoned me human? I have not quandary with you.” 

Benny was shell shocked from the event that he had just witnessed and failed to speak.

“I, Thenson the Tenacious, begged the human for summons of your audience. The responsibility is mine and mine alone. I am in dire need of your assistance, my lady. We have to communicate with Dalvina, third daughter of Weldinco, Chieftain of the Clan of the Azaleas. It is a life-or-death situation. I apologize for the disturbance but we were ambushed and our brethren, Sparlado the Spriggan, may or may not be in this realm any longer. Dalvina was scheduled to meet us on the Fiddle Dock Path and she will be ambushed by the Brownies if she is not fore warned.”

Thenson bowed his head and spoke reverently. “Gracious Lady of the Siren Clan, please assist us with a communication spell.”

The sprite’s voice softened and she took her hand and gently grabbed Benny’s chin and tilted it up to her. She looked deep into his eyes and nodded her head with an undeniable truth. 

“I, Willowmaria, daughter of Tucanarae the Temperate, will do your bidding, I can see the affection this human has for the flower nymph. There will be a price to pay,” she decreed, “sir gnome, you understand the cost.” 

“Aye, my lady. I am well aware of the associated cost.” Thenson said as he sliced his palm and let blood drop into the water.

The solemn obligation I vow to take; a bidding you desire is my chore to make.

When Dementos oath concludes; and I remain a survivor, I’ll surrender to you at this spot in the river. 

If I should renege to this solemn obligation; my life you can take without hesitation.”

Willowmaria nodded at Thenson.

“The deal is sealed; however, it is the human that has to communicate with the nymph.”

Benny had caught on to what was happening and the sacrifice the old gnome made for Dalvina. He took a deep breath and looked at the sprite.

“Thank you, Miss Willowmaria,” Benny said.

“Call me, Kitty,” she said taking his hand, “follow me.”

They entered the water and walked out into the river until the water reached their shoulders. Kitty turned to Benny and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged as close to him as she could. Benny felt an enormous heat penetrate his entire body.

“Clear your mind and mentally call out to Dalvina.” Kitty whispered.

Benny closed his eyes and thought about Dalvina. He concentrated about how much he loved her when she was a wolf and how much he loved her as her true self. He spoke the truth of how his heart hurt because she was not within sight of him. How much he worried that she could be in danger. He confessed that he hoped too never be away from her again. He opened his eyes.

Kitty had traded places with Dalvina. Dalvina was neck deep in water, naked and hanging onto him. She had heard all the thoughts and feeling that were going through him. She was smiling.

“I love you, too, Man Benny,” she whispered, “but we have to hurry. This process is exhausting.”

“We were attacked at the entrance to Fiddle Dock Valley. A platoon of Brownies lay in ambush for us. We do not know the disposition of Sparlado or whether he survived. He took on the platoon to allow us to escape. We need to know where we need to meet you and when.”

“My father wants to have feast and council this night. We will meet on the morrow; two hours shy of high noon at Huckleberry Pass. Just follow the Loblolly downstream on the east bank.” She hugged Benny tighter and they shared a longing they’d never known before. “I love you, Man Benny, be careful.” 

Dalvina kissed Benny and he closed his eyes, reveling in the passion and feelings. He put his best effort into the process and felt the return passion until he opened his eyes and realized he was making out with Kitty. 

He abruptly stopped and stepped back, his face immediately taking on a glowing red hue. Kitty smiled at him.

“If you ever decide Dalvina is not the one for you, take a trip to the river. I’ll be there.” She looked at Thenson. “Be careful with your current obligation. I have plans for you.”

“Yes, my lady.” Thenson smiled and waved.

Benny watched as Kitty dipped below the water line. He saw the beautiful sprite return to an enormous catfish. He started walking toward the shore when the catfish came completely out of the water about ten feet away, made a half turn in the air and splashed into the current of the river. 

That time, Benny smiled.

“We need to meet her at ten o’clock tomorrow at Huckleberry Pass.” Benny said as he reached the rock with his clothes on it.

“That means we have time to look for Sparlado,” Thenson stated, “I hope the old boy made it.”


It was a troubling time of war but Weldinco was happy to have two of his three daughters present at the royal dining table. It was the first time it had been used for a dining engagement since the death of his wife, Emmagishnia the Elegant, three score and four years ago. 

Emma was the picture of a perfect traditional pure-bred Green Fae. She hailed from the Clan of the Cedar, an evergreen. Weldinco loved her from the moment he met her at the Moon of the Serpent gathering so, so many years ago. 

Revoprianna the Rebellious, their second daughter, was the perfect replication of her mother and the hue of her Green was as radiant as Emma’s.  When it came to her incredible wild and free spirit; well, that was all on Weldinco. He taught and nurtured her from birth to be independent and free-willed. 

There was not a day that passed that Weldinco didn’t think about Revo and how she vanished without a trace. How her absence ultimately drove Emma to an early grave. She never gave up on finding Revo, she used every spell and creatures’ capabilities available to find her daughter. 

The longing, desperation and influence of some undesirable creatures led Emma to seek advice in Dark Magic with the use of cooked dust. 

The experiments failed to bring forth knowledge of Revo’s whereabouts and Emma’s last five years were spent locked in a cell, her beauty contorted into the ugliness of a troll and her mind lost to the four winds.

Herophonina and Dalvina watched the transformation of their mother and Weldinco couldn’t bear the heartbreak he saw in both of them. At great expense, he instructed Micandu to erase all knowledge of the truth of Emma’s demise and created the narrative of an accidental death into the fabric of truth. 

The Magi and Weldinco are the only souls with knowledge of this. The beautiful queen Emmagishnia the Elegant, was given a proper burial. A replacements essence, generated by Micandu was given in Emma’s ceremony but the clan was not allowed to use the queen’s essence for making dust. The citizens in the clan respected the decision and were never the wiser.

At the head of the enormous table, Weldinco looked upon his two daughters with extreme pride. They had made council with Dalvina’s stone and Micandu shared his stone with Dalvina to bring her up to date with the progress on the war. 

Weldinco locked eyes with Micandu. “Great Magi, have we been able to locate where Marcodino is hiding?”

“No, the young sorcerer is getting stronger; the Dark Magic is consuming him. With the cloaking spell he has cast, the army could be anywhere.”

“Should we bring the army beyond Honeysuckle Valley back toward the Azalea or send it north toward the Clan of the Gladiola?” Weldinco asked.

“He was unsuccessful and too bold coming toward the Clan of the Azalea. He will correct that and use stealth the next time, probably against the Gladiola. His powers will dictate that for him to keep the spells working on this scale, he will need more dust and need it in a hurry.” The Magi said. “I think we should be prepared on both fronts, Azalea and Gladiola.”

The chairs around the table slid back and all the participants jumped up and moved away, except for where Dalvina had sat. There was now a large catfish flopping on the table and destroying the food and the tableware in its wake. Dalvina’s clothing was in the chair.

Weldinco drew his sword and raised it over his head to strike. 

The Magi yelled. “Do not harm it, my lord.”

“It is some Dark Magic, sent by the Merciless.” Weldinco cried, his sword still raised.

“No, this is not Dark Magic, it is Fae Magic. Very old Fae Magic, but Fae none the less.” 

The Magi pointed his staff at the space in front of the fireplace. The tip glowed bright for a split second and a lightning bolt shot out of it. The light faded and a large tub filled with water was present. He grabbed the catfish and threw it in the tub.

“Micandu, would you let us know what is going on? Where is my daughter?” Weldinco cried. “Where is Dalvina?”

“I haven’t seen this spell performed in many years. It can only be cast by a human. Dalvina is holding council with the one she calls Man Benny. She will be back in a few minutes; a human bound spell doesn’t last long.” Micandu said watching the fish. “Curious choice though, water sprites are not known for their generosity.”

Weldinco started to say something and water spilled out of the tub and onto the floor. The space inside the tub was now filled with a beautiful naked fairy with a yellow hue.

They rushed to her side to see if she was harmed but relaxed when she rose up from the tub with a huge grin on her perfectly flushed face. 

When she dressed and they sat back down at the table, she told them what had happened and where they would meet Thenson and Man Benny the next morning.

“The army must be in the area of Huckleberry Valley if the platoon of Brownies were cloaked until they attacked. How far can he be away from the troops and keep them cloaked?” Weldinco asked.

“It depends on the amount of his strength, but even the strongest of sorcerers would have to be within a couple of miles. It could be they are camped in the Honeysuckle Valley under the cloak.” Micandu was getting excited. “We could end this war if we could find them. Either way, we are approaching the Moon of the Elk in sixteen days.”

“What does that have to do with Marcodino’s army?” Garacius asked.

“Dalvina, you have to get the Man Benny to the tree of origin before the Elk Moon. Whatever the cost, he has to be there.” Micandu said and turned to Garacius. “It has nothing to do with the army and everything to do with the war.”

“Herophonina, you and Purvisio take a small group of soldiers and make sure Dalvina and this Man Benny gets to the tree of origin,” Weldinco said. “I will take the remainder under Garacius and search for the cloaked army near Fiddle Dock Valley.”

“Father, it might be better to have Garacius come with us to the Tree of Origin. If the Merciless has knowledge or rumors of the prophesy, he will be expecting Garacius to be in route. If his spies see Garacius with you, it could trigger unwanted curiosity from him.” Herophonina said.

The Chieftain laughed and smiled at his oldest, “As you wish, my daughter. I will take Purvisio, and you take Garacius,” turning to Dalvina, “keep an eye on those two, will you Dalvie,” pointing to Garacius and Herophonina laughing.

June 25, 2021 17:45

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