Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Generally when we talk about superheroes, first thing that strikes on our minds are all the superheroes whom we daily watch on our television. Nowadays Avengers are on the both minds and hearts of everyone specially adults. Everyone knows that they are not real but all of them admired to be like them.Someone wanted to be intelligent like Iron Man, powerful like Captain America etc etc and my favourite is thor.

But what if I ask you about someone having real superpowers. Most of you will be blank and it's natural because superheroes does not exist. We all are human beings and we all are same.No one is born with supernatural powers. Everyone gains intelligence after their birth with their hardwork and karma. But I think there is someone between us who truly have superpowers and it has purest soul.

For me a person who has superpowers is-MOTHER. No one can define mother because whole universe lie in her hands .Where there is mother there is life. I think every mother has some kind of magics in their fingers as they have solutions of our every problem. It is just like God has given all superpowers to them. From day to night they do lots of work simultaneously and never get tired. Most of the time we feel useless in front of her. Instead of getting tired, she never forget to keep that beautiful smile on her face. Even if we can't tell her our problems, she reads them by looking at our faces. When we cry ,she cry with us . When we smile ,she smile with us too. She look her dreams in our dreams.

Isn't all these superpowers. She gives us life. She protects us from all threats .A mother has all the qualities of superheroes. What if you worship God daily or everyday you go to the temples but still you don't treat your mother politely then all these worships are worthless. First you have to know that 'Mother lie above all the Gods' because mother has given birth to all gods.

I don't have any idols. My inspiration is my mother . Throughout my life I have been through many problems . Every day I face some kind of trouble. I have faced soo much criticism. Sometimes for not being good in studies , sometimes for my mal alligned teeths and also for my short height. My relatives used to give advices to my mom like why you send her to private school if she is not good in studies. I don't know why people talk about our imperfectness without looking at their own. Most of the time I ignore all these nonsense gossips but somewhere it hurts and also develops a myth in your brain and then you start caring about what others tell about you. Then you start finding fault in yourself. So, I have been through all these. But my mom never let these things impact on me. Once she told me ' love your flaws and love yourself the way you are and never change yourself for others'. My mom transformed me from a girl who is very emotional who start crying over small shits to a strong girl. Whenever mom hugs me it feels like all of my problems have disappeared. No matter how big or small is problem, she always stay by my side and when I am wrong she scolds me too. She taught me that one should always follow right track. She believes that if you are right no matter this world is against you , you should always raise your chin up while moving towards your goal.I admired to be strong, intelligent and independent women like my mother.

If we talk about the mother of this whole world i.e Mother Earth. Mother earth gives life to this world ,to all the beautiful mountains, oceans, rivers and many other beautiful places of the world. Sometimes when we get angry on our mother for not fulfilling our needs or whatever reason it is but she still take care of us. In the same way ,we are also not treating our Mother Earth properly. We are ruining her beauty. Everyday we are giving her lots of pain by pollution, cutting down the trees.But Mother Earth still take care of us without giving us any obstacle.

Now I am going to tell you a story of a mother who has become an inspiration for everyone.

Asha Devi, I think you all have heard this name . If not , I will tell you. Asha Devi, mother of Nirbhaya(a girl from India who was brutally raped 8 years ago in the capital New Delhi). A woman who constantly fought for eight years for the justice of her daughter by breaking all the barriers. A woman who transformed all of her pain and anger into her driving force. A woman who proved that justice cannot be delayed. A woman who is an inspiration for all the ladies and girls. She is the true ray of hope for all those people who step back to fight against false and those who don't have faith in justice. She is the real superwoman.

She is fearless. Many times these cowards may have threatened her to step back. Can you imagine the anger of a mother whose daughter have been brutally killed by those cowards.These threats are nothing in front of her. Because when you have courage and faith in your heart ,no one can stop you.

I think mother is the most powerful person in the world. She can do anything for the sake of her loved ones. She has the kindest soul and a beautiful heart. She is full of love and compassion. She herself faces lots of problems from family ,society . Whenever a child does something wrong . Everyone taunts like 'you mother didn't taught you manners'.But mother bear everything. There is nothing in the world which is comparable with mother.

So, a mother is a real superhero who have all the superpowers. 

June 29, 2020 05:10

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02:48 Jul 09, 2020

Hi! Wow, how powerful and sweet...I do hope you send a copy of this to your own mother. I respect the obvious passion you have for your subject, but there are some issues with the story as it stands now. These are easily corrected, though. First - please, please, PLEASE proofread your submissions. There are spelling, syntax and punctuation errors running through the entire story... your talent gets choked off by them, like a vine strangling a sapling. In order for it to grow and thrive, the vines must be cut off and unwound from the trunk ...


03:27 Jul 11, 2020

Thankyou very much for your suggestions. They are very helpful.


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