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Fantasy Speculative Adventure


“Reflections are not lies, but can be very deceptive. The eye of the beholder must choose to decide if what they see is really as it is supposed to be. Glamours, illusions, mirages all look real from some angle. Perspective is the key to wisdom of one’s true self. The essence of one’s true reflection can’t be seen with mortal eyes.” Unknown

The inscription was carved in the bottom of the bulky Maple dark wooden frame inlaid with a massive mirror.  

Finn come look at this. It’s insane. I look at the mirror from the left side and I look like a deranged murderer, but then the right side I look like the next king of England. Bloody hell, its maddening. It’s a riot man.” Jorish said

The sales clerk lowered his gaze staring down at the two rich young men. His beady grey eyes peered just over the ridge of his wire frame glasses. His scholarly gaze had a primal menace to it that made the young men pause.

“How much for this one sir?” Jorish asked

The lanky man scratched at a few wisps of his white hairs that stuck out.

And cleared his throat.

“Did you read the inscription at the bottom sir?” He asked

The young men looked at each other briefly.

“Yes sir, it appears to be very old and even seems, well sort of magical.” Jorish said

The store owner squinted and a mischievous grin lit up his face.

“It appears truth is magical and sometimes even unrecognizable. Most folks deny their shadow self, but no matter how bright a candle shines it still casts a shadow all the same. The flame gets all the glory while the shadow gets the shame. Tsk Tsk. He chimed  

Finn touched the side of his temple, crossed his eyes and acted like he was crazy. Jorish hid the growing grin about to burst forth. “How much you reckon this one goes for, I didn’t see a price on it?” Jorish asked again

The man looked half elf and half gnome with only a vague semblance of a human being.

His eyes scrutinized Jorish and for a brief moment.

Jorish felt like he was on trial for murder and the verdict had already been passed as guilty. He swallowed as the silence almost enveloped him.

“I only sell enchanted items to those who are willing to sign a contract.” He said

“Sounds a bit weird, but yeah sure, I guess so.” Jorish consented

The creepy looking sales clerk looked at him even more grim if that were even possible. “They must make a promise and seal it with their blood.” He said

“Alright Jorish this has been fun and all, but I think I’ll go outside and get some fresh air while you haggle over your first born with Mr. Grim Reaper over there. I’m out. Finn hurried out of the store.

The way the store clerk’s eyes tracked Finn reminded Jorish of the time he saw his cat stalking a lizard.

Jorish walked slowly up to the man.

“Sorry about him. He lacks manners, and doesn’t believe in magic, but I do sir. I saw something once. In the woods behind my Nana’s cottage when I was a young boy. Glowing fairy type creatures were stealing bits and pieces of rope, but I knew no one would believe me, so I never told anyone until now.” Jorish Said

The man’s face softened a little.

“I don’t mean to pry sir, but might I inquire as to why you want the mirror?” He asked

Jorish looked down at his polished leather boots. A few times I have seen myself looking

angry almost deranged even. I caught my reflection in a fountain one time when I almost killed a servant. Seeing my reflection in the water was the only thing that saved his life. I guess I feel like I need reminding of who I don’t want to be.” Jorish said

The clerk looked down his gaze at Jorish and his piercing stare chilled Jorish to his marrow. He didn’t realize how close he was to the older man. He could smell his sour breath. It reeked of fish, old honey and some kind of earthy scent.

“That’s one way to look at it.” The strange clerk said.

“Why what do you mean?” Jorish asked

Without realizing it Jorish had reached his hand out and gently placed it on the man’s forearm.

The man patted his hand affectionately and smiled.

Jorish didn’t want to seem rude so he didn’t pull his hand away. He gave the old man a gentle squeeze and smiled back at him before removing his hand.

“The mirror lad, is supposed to bring balance to one’s life. Not hiding and ignoring the shadow or darker side, but owning it and using both. Harnessing the darker side maybe by protecting someone you love or seeking justice or much needed vengeance.“ He said

Jorish nodded.

“So what do I have to promise?” Jorish asked

The man scuttled behind the counter and pulled out a huge ancient looking leather bound book. It had golden glow about it.

He picked up a quill and licked the tip of the nib before dabbing it into the ink bottle.

“This is the business end of the deal I’m afraid and everything cost something. The mirror will bring you luck and wealth because it will balance you and people will want to be around you even give you favor if you will, but as the old saying goes you can’t get something for nothing. It will cost you ten years of your life.“ He said

“Jorish wrinkled his brow. Uh what? Like how does that even work? “ He asked

The man breathed out slowly his face getting redder. Jorish watched him try to reign in a rage just under the surface.

“In twenty years you will have to forfeit ten years of you life. I will take it from you and you will have aged ten years in a matter of moments. Usually, one will sleep for two days or so and then you will live out the rest of your life. Now do we have a deal Jorish? He said

The fact that he said his name made Jorish want to turn tail and run out as fast as Finn did, but Jorish had never stopped wanting something magical since he saw the fairies in the woods.

“It’s a deal. He reached out his hand to shake on it. The wiry man slashed the pen faster than Jorish could follow. Pain throbbed in his hand and he saw blood welling up from his palm. The pen was dripping with his blood. Just sign right here lad. Write your name as legibly as possible.” He said cheerily

 Jorish just blinked dumbly.

“Hurry the blood will dry up. Jorish signed his name. The paper absorbed the blood and it dried to that of brownish ink. A golden glimmer lit up in his eyes. The older man ran his fingers over it with an errie fondness in his eyes. His sinister smile seemed to hint that some of his problems were going away while Jorish felt the weight of what he had just done and knew his were just beginning.

The old man rang a bell. Garthak will assist you with loading the mirror its heavier than it looks. Jorish thought it looked heavy indeed. By the by whats your name good sir?” Jorish asked

“Oh very few have ever known my name and it cost me more than care to think about. Just call me the clerk or merchant it’s not necessary anyways. A big ogre looking beast came out.

The shadow mirror Garthak and be quick about it, but do be careful.

Garthak looked confused. “But I thought it not for…

A loud slam cut of Garthak’s words and the whole counter shook with the force the old man slammed the book. “I don’t pay you to think Garthak. Load the damn thing and then pack the cart we have a journey to make. It looked as if the man had aged a few years when Jorish saw him but he vanished behind some shelves and a wooden partition.

The next morning Jorish got a letter notifying him his father had died. Since he was the oldest son the estate, and finances all went to Jorish. He wasted no time in earning trust and becoming a very wealthy man.  He went abroad the country side righting the wrongs and helping farmers and less fortunate townsfolk. He grew in fame and popularity. Once the king was out boar hunting with his men, but he took a nasty tumble down the side of a hill and broke his leg. The hog was wounded with three spears sticking out of him. He spied the king. It let out a guttural snarl and charged the king. Jorish channeled his shadow-self and in a raging fury picked up the spear at the kings feet and drove into the mouth of the beast as it jumped toward the king. The spear lodged itself deep inside the boar. It fell to the side thrashing and kicking in its death throes, but Jorish stood between it and the king keeping him safe until it stopped twitching. The kings knights joined them and stabbed at the beast making sure it was dead. That night a feast was given in Honor of Jorish the kings savior. The most beautiful woman Jorish had ever seen came in running up to the king. She threw her arms around him and cried. She was shaking with loud sobs.

“ Father you could have been killed. Please don’t take risks like that anymore. I don’t have my mother I only have you and I’m not ready to lose you just yet.” She said

The king hugged her neck and turned to face Jorish.

 “Well this is the man you have to thank. He risked his life to save mine. I don’t even think he knew I was the king. “ The king said

She looked at Jorish and she hugged him so hard it was difficult for him to breathe.

“Thank you Thank you so much. We will give a reward a big reward. Right dad?” She asked

Her tears fell on his cheek and her intoxicating perfume filled his nostrils.

The king smiled and laughed of course we will honey that’s what I was going to announce it after the feast.” The king said

At the end of the feast the king announced that Jorish could have wagons full of gold and jewles or land and cattle or a combination of the two if he wanted. All eyes fell to Jorish, but his heart wasn’t aching for gold for he was already a wealthy man and had land and cattle plenty.

Jorish stood up and bowed to the people and the king. I have no need for land or gold your majesty. I did not save you because you were king for I truly did not know. You have honored me with this feast. I do have a request if I may ask?” Jorish asked

The king’s rosey cheeks glowed and his with danced with mirth. He nodded.

“I ask for your daughter to spend a week getting to know me and if she likes me after the week and I have earned her love and affection just as I have yours my king then I will ask for her hand in marriage, but if she does not find me worthy of a husband or wishes to not marry then I will accept that and you owe me nothing. Spending time with someone as lovely as her even if but a week will be the kindest thing anyone has every done for me.” Jorish said

The king looked at his daughter. She stood up.

“You risked your life to save a stranger and in showing bravery and courage you delivered a kingdom from the turmoil of falling into the greed of civil unrest to select who would wear the crown next. You also saved my father he might be the king but you will never no how important he is to me. Hot tears trailed down her cheeks. I would be honored to spend a week showing you the castle and the lands and getting to know you. At the end of the week I will give you my answer. I thank you with all my heart not only for saving my father, but not demanding I marry you and giving me a choice in the matter. You are a true gentleman.” She said

The King roared and clapped and the whole court erupted in applause.

The princess showed him the whole kingdom and Jorish picked her flowers, read poetry to her and begged to see the library. The spent two days in the library and at the end of the week she told him she was in love with him. They got married and had a boy then a girl. The king passed away from a sickness and Jorish became the new king. One day in the garden a strange familiar elf looking man emerged from the bushes. It seems like the mirror helped you get the life you always wanted. I’ll take those ten years from you now. The old man said

“As a king there is always a clause to contracts so what can I do to keep my ten years?’’  Jorish asked

“Ha ha haaa. You would have to guess my name. I’ll give you three chances, but if you fail to then you owe men fifteen years instead of just ten. “ he said

“Agreed. Jorish said

Jorish used all his power as king and finally got word the one he was looking for was found.

So Jorish entered the tavern and immediately recognized the large ogre.

“Garthak, your employer must sign this to get this reward of gold and jewels.” Jorish said

Garthak stood up. His arms was in a sling and looked mangled.

“My former boss abandon me after I saved him from a pack of wild wolves. Saved himself and left me to die. “ He said

“Just tell me his name and all this gold and jewles will go to you for service rendered and payment for years of service.

“I can’t write, and not sure what his name is, but once I saw inside his book and it said property of.”  Garthak stopped and looked around he leaned over and whispered into Jorish’s ear.

The next day when the old man showed up in the garden.

“Let’s get this over with lad.” The older elf said

“Let give you a word of advice. Having the mirror all these years has taught me to not just own my shadow self and use it, but to make it count for something. We must protect those around us. Jorish lashed out with all the speed and rage his shadow-self ignited in him. Where’s Garthak?”

Jorish squeezed his throat harder then released gradually.

“Ack, uck, agh. He’s of no consequence. He matters not. All of the sudden several hounds snarling and slobbering came out from all angles of the garden.

“This changes nothing. You forfeit your fifteen years if you don’t know my name.” The elf said

If Garthak was here you might have survived, but now you will never trick anyone ever again Rumplestilskin.

The elfs eyes went wide.

“Noooooooo! He screamed

Run Rumplestilskin run! Jorish yelled

He ran into the woods. The hounds charged after him. The sound of bone crunching echoed through the garden. Jorsih looked down into a fountain at his sinister reflection and splashed his hand in it. Then walked away grinning.

November 21, 2023 18:46

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1 comment

Del Gibson
20:29 Nov 30, 2023

Wow Jim this is a fantastic fairy tale! I like the retelling you have created, great job and keep up the amazing writing!


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