Drama Gay

Part 7 of Home. It doesn't have anything to do with the prompt. Enjoy!

Daniel can’t sleep.

He’s sharing the bed in the blue room with TJ, who is already asleep. He has his back against TJ’s chest, and TJ’s arms are wrapped around Daniel’s waist, and their legs are tangled together.

The room is completely dark, just as he likes it, and he’s comfortable, so he doesn’t know what the problem is.

He sighs. Yes he does. It’s his dad. He’s worried. Nobody mentioned anything about the text messages at dinner, but he couldn't stop thinking about it.

What would TJ tell me to do? He thinks. Probably to think happy thoughts.

He decides it couldn't hurt to try.

He tries to think of a happy memory. It annoys him that he can't think of anything.

It’s not that he’s not happy, he just doesn't have amazing memories.

The best things in life right now are, Catherine, Angel and...TJ.

He thinks of his favorite time with TJ.

“Guys, uh, I have something I want to tell you.” Daniel said.

He was in ninth grade, and with his friends at lunch. He had finally decided to tell his friends he was gay.

He only had four close friends he wanted to tell. He had known them for years.

Debbie Chance, who had long brown hair, red glasses, and peach skin. She was always making everybody laugh. 

Chaz Micheals was the smartest out of all of them. He had short black hair, and pale skin.

Taylor Melendez had short blonde hair, big glasses, and tanned skin. She was quiet out of their friend group.

The last was TJ. Daniel had liked him a lot for a long time. They’d been friends for years.

They were sitting outside, on the grass, and lunch was nearly over. Daniel wanted to tell them, and he knew he’d lose his courage if he didn't tell them now.

“Uh, I want to tell you guys something.”

“What is it?” Taylor asked.

Debbie rolled onto her back. “Ooh, let's guess!”

He rolled his eyes, and was about to tell them to forget it, when Debbie started guessing.

“You're leaving the state for China? Are you getting married to a bear? Your skipping five grades? You’re gay? You’re secretly a famous rapper?” 

Daniel bit his lip. “Um, one of those was right.”

“Wait, seriously?” She said, sitting up.

Chaz got it first. “You’re gay?” He asked in amazement.

He nodded slowly, holding his breath.

Debbie looked shocked, Taylor looked nervous, Chaz looked disgusted, and TJ was studying Daniel's face.  

They were quiet until the bell rang. Daniel was trying hard not to cry. Taylor, Debbie, and Chaz all got up quietly, and went towards the door. TJ and Daniel had a free period, which Daniel was glad about.

“Um, I think you need to breathe.” TJ asked.

He hadn't even realized he was holding his breath.

“You want me to just breathe? Three of my best friends basically unfriended me!” He took a deep breath. TJ was right.

TJ was quiet. Then, “I’m sorry they did that. You didn't deserve that.”

“You're not going to ignore me? Or hate me for being gay?” Daniel asked, taking a sip of water.

TJ grinned. “Nope. I am too.”

Daniel choked, and squeezed his eyes shut.

When he opened them, TJ was still smiling.

“Are you serious?” He demanded.

TJ nodded. “Yes.”

Daniel couldn't believe it. He drank some more water while he processed this.

“Will you go out with me?” TJ asked him.

Daniel choked again.

“Are you serious?”

TJ grinned. “Yes.”

“I-I don’t-I mean, yes, if you're serious, yes.” He stammered.

TJ raised an eyebrow, and smiled. “I’m serious.”

They kept talking until they had to get to class. They both lived near the school, so at the end of the day, TJ offered to walk Daniel home.

His dad wasn't home, so they went inside.

TJ had been over plenty of times, but this felt different to Daniel. They sat beside each other on the bed in Daniel’s room, quiet. 

Finally, Daniel spoke. “So-”

“Shh. I’m thinking.” TJ said, putting a finger on Daniel’s lips, hushing him.

 Daniel hesitated “Uh, what are you thinking about?”

“The best way to ask if I can kiss you.” He told him.

Daniel couldn’t believe it. “You could just ask.”

TJ smiled. “Can I kiss you?”

Daniel nodded.

TJ leaned forward, and gently kissed him. He brought a hand up the side of Daniel’s face.

Daniel melted into TJ, this being the best kiss ever, to him.

But then he heard the front door open.

“My dad’s home.” He said quietly, moving away from TJ.

“Daniel?” His father called. “Are you here?”

“In my room, dad! TJ’s here, too!”

“Come help me with the groceries!”

“Alright, be there in a second!”

He turned back to TJ. “We can’t tell my dad about this.”

“Alright. Can I tell my parents? I’m pretty sure they’ve got a bet going.”

Daniel laughed, and nodded. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

He still can’t sleep. Great.

He turns, sighing, and puts his head against TJ’s chest. TJ shifts, and wraps his arms around Daniel. That makes him feel better.

“What’s wrong?” TJ mumbles.

Daniel didn’t realize he was awake. “Nothing. Just thinking.”

“Your dad?” 


“It’ll be fine, Danny.” 

"Yeah. You're right."

He lays there, still worrying.

"Go to sleep, Danny. It's alright."

He nods, and curls closer to TJ. Finally, while listening to his steady heartbeat, he falls asleep.

Hope you liked it.

January 27, 2021 22:09

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00:24 Jan 28, 2021

Also 🏳‍🌈. Your bio is just.........very long .


Ari Berri
17:33 Jan 28, 2021



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00:18 Jan 28, 2021

O.M.G!!! Wow ! This is wonderful! Keep on writing, Ari . I love to read your work. I larbe this series.


Ari Berri
00:23 Jan 28, 2021

Thank you!


00:24 Jan 28, 2021

You are welcome! 😊


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Meera Lakshmi
13:26 Mar 24, 2021



Ari Berri
14:08 Mar 24, 2021



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Felicity Anne
16:53 Jan 28, 2021

Read your bio!! 🏳️‍🌈


Ari Berri
16:57 Jan 28, 2021



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Ari Berri
16:57 Jan 28, 2021



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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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Amel Parvez
15:47 Jan 28, 2021

Damn! Why are they both so cute?♥ I really just love both of them and yes, of course the story too. I wanna read the next part. Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)


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