My story is entitled On New Year's day.

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My story is entitled On New Year's day.

Once upon a time, New year's day is celebrated when families and friends gather to share a meal often with a toast and a song.

Most Americans enjoy the tradition of watching the New year's festivities at the Times square in New York City which are broadcast on television.

The New year's day which is January 1st is a national holiday in the United States of America.

Also the New year's day is a date chosen partly in honour of Janus the Roman God of beginnings and the months namesake.

Christians officially established January 1st as New year's day in the year 1582.

The New year's day which often marks the start of the year in Gregorian calendar it happens to be a public holiday in many countries.

However in the Gregorian calendar the New year's day is celebrated almost worldwide on January 1st.

Some countries like the Pacific Islands of Tonga, Samoa and Kiribati are the countries that will welcome the New year's first January.

It is noted as a fitting choice since January was named after Janus ,the Roman God of all beginning. Also March was named after the God of war, Mars.

In addition New year's day is considered so special because during New year celebrations most people could go back to the past and then move forward to the future.

In order to celebrate the occasion New year day ,most Ancient people would offer sacrifices to the God of beginnings they will decorate their homes and then exchange gifts.

The New year occurs on January 1st.

Also the New year's day is preceded by New year's Eve.

Again the New year is also the first day of the year in the original Julian calendar and the Roman calendar.

As often noted the New year energises us ,encourages us and then inspires us to run toward that ultimate goal.

Whenever the New year dawns ,we have to make ourselves conscious of the fact that we have to transcend ourselves in that year.

During the New year we have to go beyond our present capacity and also beyond our present achievement.

The last day of the year is commonly referred to as New year's Eve.

As in many countries New year's Eve is celebrated with dancing, eating, drinking, and watching or lighting fireworks.

Most Christians attend a watchnight service.

The New year is also the day when sunlight and darkness are equally long.

Often people don't clean the house on New years day since they may wash any good luck luck that comes their way.

Also washing on New year's day is seen as as washing your fortune away and then dramatically reduces the chances of prosperity in the years ahead.

As often the uninhabited island of Baker Island and Howland located near the United States of America will be the last places in the world to welcome the New year.

There are about 195 recognized countries in the world according to the United Nations.

As officially noted the last country to celebrate the new year is the United States of America.

The uninhabited American territories of Baker Island and Howland Island marks the final places where the day ends.

The first of January marks the the fresh start of a new year after a period of remembrance of the passing year including on radio, television and in newspapers which starts in early December in countries around the world.

January is the first month of the year.

People kiss on New year's day because New year kiss carries superstition.

Others believe that locking lips at the stroke of midnight can strengthen an already existing relationship and then offer good luck.

Some countries do not celebrate New year's day on January 1st.

Among such countries are China, Nyepin ,Korea and Iran.

According to the popular belief in the West January 1st is not an Orthodox Christian holiday.

However this date January 1st is a religious holiday in itself because January 1st marks the feast of the circumcision of Christ which took precisely seven days after Christ was born as well as the celebration of Saints.

New year's day which is a Catholic feast day is always celebrated on January 1st.

It is known as the feast of circumcision of the Lord and the Octave of the Nativity which happens to be a fancy way of saying that it was the eighth day after the birth of Jesus Christ thus the day he was circumcised in accordance with Jewish traditions.

Some cultures believe that grapes ,noodles ,pork or promegranate can be considered lucky when eaten on New year's day.

Most spiritual people on New year often end and begin the year with meditation.

During the New year individuals have to take some time to mentally review the year focusing on special memories and other accomplishments.

Also before midnight settle in to meditate. When meditating do focus on your breath.

Again during the New year some people attend parties and other fireworks displays while others participate in religious ceremonies or make some resolutions for the new year.

As in many countries New year is also a time for families and friends to come together and then celebrate the start of a new year.

There are foods that brings good luck during the New year.

Among some of these foods includes Donuts, for the new year, Twirl Soba noodles for longevity,Pork for Prosperity, and success.

Kissing on New year's day at midnight is a way to show some excitement for the new year.

Actually if you kiss someone you love as the clock strikes midnight those sentiment will then continue for the next twelve months.

Whenever you wash your hair you could be washing away your luck.

It is not advisable to do your laundry or wash dishes on New year's day as you could be washing for the dead in the New year.

Some families across the African diaspora eat some form of peas or beans along with rice and protein rich legume.

According to the laundry rule people believe that you should not do any cleaning including dusting or hoovering on New year's Eve.

This is because they claim it is an aminous act that would see the good fortune and luck of the family swept away in an instant.

The smallest country in the world is Vatican city. Also the United States of America upholds the status as the major global economy and the richest country of the world.

Almost every year as a the New year begins the United States of America boasts of a remarkable diversity , propelled by important sectors.

Most countries today during the New years festivities begins on 31st December but some celebrate it at other times.

January is the one of the largest month of the year with 31 days.

Most Christians say have a prosperous New year,Have a sparkling New year.

In the Bible ,the Psalm 100:4 talks about the New year. It says :

" Enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise ,give thanks to him and praise his name.

The Bible verse about new beginnings reminds us of the importance of giving thanks to God and praising Christ.

Eating cornbread,black eyed peas will keep your purse full all year round on New year.

Finally, the New year's day is a time for people to reflect on the past year and then set goals for the new year.

Lastly New year's day is a holiday that is celebrated on January 1st.

In conclusion,the New year is celebrated with al lreligious,cultural.abd social observance around the world.

January 01, 2024 09:18

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