The Last Radiance

Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Start or end your story with a hero losing their powers.... view prompt


Fantasy Science Fiction Adventure

The once-glorious Starspire, a towering structure of gleaming crystal, now loomed ominously in shadow as its protector, Saliria, traversed the night. Her luminous powers had once infused Hargren with vitality, serving as both a beacon of hope and a barrier against the dark forces encroaching upon their land.

The menace threatening Hargren was not merely an elemental force; it was a malevolent entity pressing against the fringes of Saliria’s light. With each fleeting moment, her ceaseless battle drained her energy, causing her light to diminish. The weight of her responsibility to protect her people, coupled with her fear of failure, shrouded her in deep emotional weariness that further diminished her strength.

In the heart of the city, vibrant festivities celebrated the annual Festival of Light. However, beneath the joyful exterior, an undercurrent of apprehension persisted. Draped in a cloak adorned with shimmering stars, Saliria made her way to the central square, where the once-resplendent Starspire towered. The lively crowd stood in hushed expectation; their enthusiasm dulled as the beacon's illumination flickered erratically.

"Saliria, you don't look well," called Torim, an adventurous young swordsman who admired the guardian. Concern etched on his face as he drew closer to her.

"I'm not alone in my distress," Saliria murmured, her voice a soft tremor. "The Starspire is dimming. The darkness is encroaching faster than we anticipated."

Torim's features hardened with resolve. “There’s a legend of a mystical star hidden within the Corteron Sector. It’s said to have the power to restore any lost light. We have to find it.”

Saliria felt a heaviness in her heart at the mere mention. The Corteron Sector was infamous—a land of shadows and illusions where many explorers had vanished without a trace. Yet, Torim’s steadfast spirit ignited a small spark of hope in her. “If there’s even a chance, we have to chase it.”

As night bathed the city, the ambient glow faded, and tension among the people thickened. Saliria and Torim prepared for their perilous journey, gathering supplies and making preparations for the long journey ahead of them.

Into the Void

The journey to the Corteron Sector was not just a passage through space but a trek into the unknown depths of an ancient realm. As Saliria and Torim breached Hargren’s borders, the familiar landscape began to change drastically. What had once been rolling hills and lush forests quickly became a desolate wasteland. The bright greens of the grass and trees and the brilliant sparkle of the surging river were replaced with muted shades of gray and black, as though life had been drained from the land itself.

Even though it was early in the day, the further they moved along the path, the more and more the sky darkened, thick, ominous clouds blotting out the light from the sky so that the world around them seemed to be forever cast in twilight. There was a new chill in the air, and the wind picked up, sweeping across the barren land, carrying with it whispers of forgotten souls and the faint echoes of lost memories.

After three days of travel, the pair finally stepped into the area known as the Corteron Sector. The landscape continued to twist and warp in unnatural directions around them, with towering cliffs that seemed to rise and fall on their own accord. Vast chasms opened before them, threatening to swallow them whole. This was a place laced with danger, both seen and unseen.

It grew darker and darker the further they traveled, and they could hear rustling and whispers on all sides of them. Out of the corner of his eye, Torim could see what appeared to be glowing eyes following his every move. Though he remained alert, he chose not to turn and face whatever creature was watching him so closely.

Despite their fear and the overwhelming odds, the pair pressed on, knowing that the only chance of Hargren’s survival lay in the success of this mission. The journey was a test of willpower and endurance, but in her weakened state, Saliria drew strength from Torim’s unwavering determination.

“Stay close,” Saliria instructed, her voice barely audible over the oppressive silence. The very air seemed to drain the warmth from their bodies, leaving them chilled and anxious.

As they ventured deeper, a monstrous apparition emerged from the darkness—an ancient guardian of the realm, its eyes glowing with malevolent light. It was nothing like Saliria nor Torim had ever seen, towering over them; it seemed to be made of the very darkness that surrounded them. Its body was massive, blackened flesh pulsated with a sickly energy. The edges of its form were indistinguishable from the shadows of the darkness around it.

The only thing that stood out was its glowing eyes – glowing orbs of malevolent light. The eyes radiated a terrifying ancient intelligence – the kind of intelligence that is only gained after a being has witnessed countless millennia pass.

As the pair stood frozen in awe of the beast that presented itself before them, it opened what Saliria could only assume was its giant maw and let out a deep, guttural noise so low and loud that the ground around them shook in the violent display. The sound alone was enough to freeze the blood in their veins, a primal, soul-shaking cry that reached into the pits of their stomachs.

This was far more than just a dark creature that inhabited this land. This was a guardian who, over many eons, had one job – to prevent anyone from entering or leaving with the light of the mystical star.

Before Saliria could stop him, Torim leaped forward with a battle cry, his sword clashing against the creature’s dark form. The guardian met his assault, swiping at him with a massive clawed hand. Torim dodged the blow and rolled to the ground.

Saliria, drained of her power, but knowing she had to fight alongside her travel companion, focused what little energy she had left on the beast and aimed a beam of light directly into what she assumed was the creature’s face. The light struck the guardian square in the eyes, causing it to shriek in pain as it retreated a few feet back. It didn’t take long, however, for the creature to begin to regenerate, and soon, it was charging the heroes once again, this time with reinvigorated fury.

Unphased, Saliria channeled the last of her remaining strength and once again shot a beam of light into the beast’s face. The creature howled and thrashed, its claws slashing wildly in an attempt to swat the light away from its face. With this, Torim saw a vulnerability and made his move. With a burst of speed, he charged at the guardian's exposed flank, driving his sword deep into the side of the beast.

The dark entity bellowed in agony. A rushing wind roared out of the wound on its side, and it was obvious the blow had weakened it. But the creature was far from defeated. It swung its entire body around to face Torim, catching him with a backhanded swipe that sent him flying through the air and crashing into a nearby rock formation.

"Torim!" Saliria screamed, her voice filled with desperation as she saw him struggle to rise. She knew they couldn't win if they fought separately—they needed to work together.

Summoning every ounce of willpower, Saliria unleashed a burst of light that momentarily blinded the guardian, giving her just enough time to rush to Torim's side. She extended a hand, helping him to his feet as the creature began to recover from the blinding attack.

"We have to strike together," Saliria said, her voice resolute despite the exhaustion that weighed her down. "We combine our strengths. It’s the only way."

Torim nodded, his eyes blazing with determination. "Let's finish this."

The guardian, now fully recovered, charged at them with a terrifying roar, its massive form barreling toward them like a living avalanche. But this time, Saliria and Torim were ready. With a fierce cry, Torim surged forward, his sword glowing with the last vestiges of Saliria’s light. As he charged, Saliria poured every ounce of her remaining power into the blade, imbuing it with a radiance that outshone even the darkest corners of the Corteron Sector.

The guardian reared back, ready to deliver a crushing blow, but Torim was faster. He leaped into the air and, with a mighty swing, brought the light-infused sword down upon the creature's head. The blade cleaved through its skull, the light exploding outwards in a brilliant flash that lit up the entire sector.

The guardian’s roar of pain was cut short as its body began to disintegrate, the dark energy that had held it together unraveling in the face of Saliria's light. The creature's massive form shuddered, then crumbled into a cloud of black ash that was quickly swept away by an ethereal wind, leaving nothing behind but silence.

The Last Stand

Saliria and Torim found themselves in complete darkness, but they knew they had to press on. Through exhausted breaths, Torim called out to Saliria with as much excitement as his tired body would allow. He directed her attention to a light up ahead.

“I think that’s the star!” He uttered before collapsing to the ground.

The pair rested for a few minutes, but then, breathless and battered, they persevered. They followed the faint light that they believed to be the mythical star. The soft, calm light pulsated in a comforting rhythm.

Finally, they arrived at the heart of the Corteron Sector, where the star hung suspended in a void of darkness, its light flickering like a dying ember. Saliria reached out, her hands trembling, and grasped the star. The moment she touched it, a surge of energy coursed through her, revitalizing her with a brilliance that seemed to push back the darkness itself.

With the mythical star in hand, Saliria and Torim made their way back to Hargren. But their return was far from triumphant. The darkness had grown bolder in their absence, its tendrils reaching ever closer to the city.

As they approached, they saw the Starspire struggling to maintain its light, the darkness clawing at its base. Saliria, now reinvigorated but still weak, directed the star’s energy into the beacon. The light flared back to life, but the darkness was relentless, a living entity of shadow that sought to consume everything in its path.

Torim rallied the city’s defenders, and a fierce battle erupted between the forces of light and darkness. Saliria fought valiantly, her powers fueled by the star, but the darkness was too overwhelming. Just as it seemed the city would fall, Saliria made a desperate decision.

“Run!” she cried to Torim and the defenders. “I’ll hold them off!”

With the last of her strength, Saliria unleashed a blinding burst of light, pushing back the darkness and buying precious time. Her form flickered and dimmed as she fought, her power waning, but her spirit undeterred.

Epilogue: A New Dawn

The battle was hard-fought, and though the darkness was driven back, the cost was high. Saliria, weakened and drained, was carried back to Hargren. The city had survived, but the beacon’s light would never shine as brightly as before.

In the aftermath, the people of Hargren mourned their guardian but celebrated her sacrifice. They knew that the battle against the darkness was far from over, but Saliria’s bravery had given them a chance to fight on.

Torim stood at the base of the Starspire, now a symbol of hope and resilience. He looked up at the dimming beacon and vowed to protect it in Saliria’s memory. The star had rekindled the light, but the struggle to maintain it would continue.

And so, the city lived on, ever vigilant, as the echoes of Saliria’s sacrifice became a beacon for future generations. In the darkest corners of their world, the light of their guardian’s courage would forever shine.

August 09, 2024 22:01

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09:49 Aug 20, 2024

That was epic! Hats off to you. So hard to portray so much in a short space of time and do it successfully! The chapter format definitely helps. I think you nailed it. RIP Saliria


Samantha Bull
03:09 Aug 25, 2024

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it - It was certainly a challenge to keep this story brief as I wanted to go into the details of everything! So I'm glad to hear you appreciate the overall plot!


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Shirley Medhurst
17:08 Aug 11, 2024

Wow! There’s the makings of an entire novel here…


Samantha Bull
18:03 Aug 11, 2024

It was so hard to keep this one within the word limit! I almost scrapped it but I was dead set on this idea. Thanks so much for the read and comment!


Shirley Medhurst
18:36 Aug 11, 2024

Go for it!😁


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