Submitted to: Contest #70

An Interdimensional Portal to Venus Sounds Safer Than My Mom (But Not Really)

Written in response to: "Write about someone who’s so obsessed with a goal that it leads to the destruction of their closest relationship."


Before we start this whole "It was her fault" sort of thing, let's get this straight.

I've got a 4.8 GPA, skipped sixth grade, have joined every club possible, and still managed to screw things up with my mom. Why?

Because I was dumb.

But Sophia, you must be like a genius with that GPA!

Yeah, well, apparently I'm smart academically, but not when it comes to life decisions. I tend to screw a lot of things up.

At least I definitely didn't do anything as bad as my mom did when she was high school. That's pretty hard to beat. You're probably wondering what she did that I can't, but that would take a pretty long time to tell you. She gets enough spotlight's my turn.

But long story short, my mom, Callie, accidentally created a portal that opened up a gateway for a bunch of mindless goons that walked around for a bit and disappeared when the sun came out the next day.

How am I supposed to live up to zombies?

Maybe I could do something with demons...

Stay on track, Sophia. Your mom may have gotten a lot of attention and popularity for what she did, but that doesn't mean she wasn't grounded for three months.

Besides, demons would be a lot more work to clean up. They'd probably start a rampage through my town then move all through the country. After the whole country has been destroyed, ripped to shreds, and terrorized by demons, I'd then take the pleasure of telling them to head on over to somewhere tropical...maybe Jamaica. I think they'd like it there and might decide not to drive the world into total chaos and destruction. Who knows, maybe they could take me with them.

I could lay on the beach, drink in my hand, stretched out on the sand and chilling with my new demon friends. I also heard that there's a lot of cute (not to mention shirtless!) guys that are on vacation on the beach. Curly brown hair, perfect body...

How did we get to this subject? Like, where did we start? Because I'm getting way off topic. And embarrassed.


Anyway, my mom's getting all this attention for nearly destroying the freaking world. I'm the smartest in my grade (maybe even the state) and guess how much recognition I got?






I needed to be seen. I needed to recognized. Enough about the wonderful Callie. It's time for Sophia.

So I got to making the portal.

You're probably thinking: Wow! You must have a cool lair to hang out at, and tons of super techy stuff. They're probably really expensive!



My "lair" is the dingy old basement that nobody ever uses. And the super expensive tech that I've got? The remains of my mom's old portal.

At least that part wasn't bad. I was planning on making a portal anyway, so parts from an old portal were just what I needed.

It only took me about three weeks. And the thing was, it should have taken me longer than that. My mom had like five gazillion different portals before one of them actually one point Sophia!

Oh, and I don't know if I already mentioned this, but my mom has a weird obsession with naming things. My dad, Ben, was just happy that one of them wasn't named after him. Especially because they all blew up.

So, I've decided to name my portal. Its name is Callie.

You know, because it's gonna blow up. Kinda what I want my mom to do.

I'm kidding. I don't really want her to blow up. She's the only person smart enough to help me with something, she's the only person I can go to talk to when I need to. She's always been there when Dad was off playing football for the stupid NFL.

Now you're probably wondering: But Sophia, if your Dad plays for the NFL, then why aren't you living in a mansion, and why don't you have a lair and super expensive tech?

My dad is a funny guy.

He's using that money to pay whatever bills need to be paid and all that stuff, but the extra?

It's all in the bank before I even know how much is left.

I have to wait until I'm eighteen for it. Then I'm supposed to use it to go to a super nice, well known college and get a house and stuff like that. BORING.

Only two more years, I guess.

ANYWAY (this is what, the gazillionth time I've gotten off topic?).

I made a list of what I needed to do. My mom is strong believer in lists, and so it just kind of comes naturally to helps me stop and think through everything.


1. Build Callie

2. Open the portal to the 2nd dimension (why the 2nd, I have no clue. My mom opened the portal to the 4th one, so why not give 2 a try???)

3. Close the portal if things get out of hand

4. Be totally unorganized and try and deal with whatever comes out of the portal.

5. Blow Callie and my mom up

Yep. That's a pretty bad list, but hey, at least I got one.

Over the time that I spent making Callie, I may or may not have ignored my mom. And she may or may not have been too happy about it.

We kind of grew apart, and even after the whole fiasco with my portal, we still aren't nearly as close as we used to be. That sucks. It really does.

I've been rambling on and on, and you're probably getting really bored. Long story short, the portal was a bust. I opened it, but it was an opening to Venus or something. Of course, I would have gone through, but I only would have been there for fifteen seconds before I lost consciousness from the lack of oxygen.

And Callie decided to blow up in my face. Literally.

So now she's gone, I've got a major sunburn, and my mom and I aren't on the same page as we used to be. I didn't get famous. I didn't get rich. But I did get grounded. For three months.

Now we're back to the beginning.

It was her fault.

If my mother hadn't made that stupid portal to the fourth freaking dimension and wouldn't have gotten famous for almost destroying the town, I wouldn't have felt like I had to live up to that. And now my mom, who used to be my best friend, doesn't talk to me that much anymore. Life kinda sucks.

I'm starting to think that maybe I should have stepped through the portal and onto Venus.

Posted Dec 03, 2020

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39 likes 22 comments

Thom With An H
18:45 Dec 03, 2020

I love love love your style. It’s so real. What a great way to continue the story. I think I said this story would make a great cartoon well now I’m thinking Netflix series. There is so much to work with. So many directions to expand. Keep it up. This is a winner of a story and you are a fantastic writer.


Zea Bowman
18:45 Dec 03, 2020

Thank you so much! That made me smile :)


Zea Bowman
16:25 Dec 03, 2020

Alright guys! Everyone really liked "Zombies Sound Safer Than My Family" a lot more than I could have imagined. 100 likes! I got really positive comments, so I made a second. It was okay, but not nearly as good as the first.

So why am I writing a third (sort of)? It's fun. I enjoy writing these types of stories because it feels like I don't have to think of a plot or conclusion and all of the super detailed bits. I can just be me in my writing. It comes super easily to me to write stories like these. I made the characters in these based off of me. Of course, I'm not nearly smart enough to create a portal, and they aren't even real. And I definitely don't have a 4.8 GPA. But the way that the character talks and interacts with the reader just comes naturally to me. It's the way I am.

So that's why I made another. Umm....yep. That's about it. I really look forward to your guys' feedback on this one.

Happy writing!


Meggy House
01:40 Dec 04, 2020

This was great; thank you so much for inviting me! I love Sophia's dialogue. This might just be a placebo, but I feel as if her sentences are a bit longer and more eloquent than Callie's, which I find interesting. Two points for Sophia! I love your reoccurring use of the portals, your lists, and the dynamics you included in this one. I also really enjoyed the title. It's so unique, I probably would have clicked on it even if I had no prior experience here. Once again, thank you so much for your wonderful writing!

Also, I can't find anything grammatically wrong :)


Zea Bowman
03:00 Dec 04, 2020

Thank you for the feedback, Meggy! I wanted to make the story similar to the first one, in the way that Sophia is much like her mother. I also wanted Sophia to be a bit different, and have a few different ways of doing things. I guess that worked out pretty well :)


Meggy House
12:51 Dec 04, 2020

It really did! This was super great!


Len Mooring
19:55 Dec 03, 2020

I think you should consider making a 'Portal' from the White House to Venus; one way, of course. I liked the laconic style and not taking life too seriously.


Chris Buono
18:40 Dec 03, 2020

Well, if this is the final Zombies tale, it was a perfect way to end the trilogy. I would love a whole series of full-fledged novels in the point of view of the narrator. I’m jealous that you came up with these ideas and not me. In all honestly though, once again, it’s amazing! Great great great job!


Zea Bowman
18:44 Dec 03, 2020

Wow, thank you so much! That means a lot to me. I appreciate you coming to look at it :)


Chris Buono
18:49 Dec 03, 2020

Absolutely! Anytime


Haha!! I loved the title so much! But the entire story is so much better. Honestly, I loved it more than "Zombies Sound Safer Than My Family"! Lovely job with your writing Zea! :)


Zea Bowman
18:35 Dec 03, 2020

Thank you! Thanks for coming to read it :D


Of course Zea, anytime! =)


K. Risner
01:30 Dec 09, 2020

Wow, the voice in this piece is so engaging! The title really caught my attention. You made me want a story about the mom bringing in zombies from the fourth dimension, haha.


08:19 Dec 07, 2020

Your writing style is so funny and unique! I had a huge grin on my face the whole time while I was reading your story!!! :D

I read your bio, and high-five (virtual high-five :P) I'm a fan of all those series too! (But, I'd number Percy Jackson and HP series as my most favorite ones!)

Happy writing! And if your free and interested, could you please check out my stories too? :)


Zea Bowman
16:08 Dec 07, 2020

Thank you for your kind feedback! I would love to come check out your stories when I get the chance :)


14:30 Dec 11, 2020

My pleasure! :)


Anii ✨
22:08 Dec 04, 2020

This is so amazing! Callie's daughter is so similar to her it's not even funny, and I'm so glad Ben ended up with her. This story made me laugh, just like the other ones did. Honestly, this was kind of better than the first two, and really interesting as well. I think it's hilarious that Sophia is trying to live up to her mom and stuff, and overall I think you did a really great job with it! The only thing I'd critique you on is that this seemed a lot like just an introduction, and I was kinda waiting for more of a plot when it ended. Do you think you could do that for a part 2? If you want to write one, that is. But still, don't let that small suggestion make you think I didn't like it. I loved it! It was amazing! Great job once again, Zea!


Maya Wen
21:51 Dec 19, 2020

thank you for creating a sequel to that first story you made... (or a prequel?)


Unknown User
10:49 Dec 10, 2020


Zea Bowman
12:28 Dec 10, 2020

Thank you! I hope you're warmed up now 😆


Sunny 🌼
15:02 Dec 09, 2020

Ayyyyyy, part 3!!! I think this was a really nice addition to this little "Safer than my Family" series. And I like the idea of seeing Callie's daughter, she's just as funny and off-topic as her mom! I love your writing style it's so funny!!


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