Gemma's Wild Mind Theories

Submitted into Contest #96 in response to: Write about a character who has to rely on the hospitality of strangers.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Funny

After wandering around aimlessly through the countryside with a good-for-nothing sparrow to serve as my guide... I had no choice but to rely on a tiny smelly town just beyond the river.

"This is your fault, Dunkin," I growled at the sparrow who chirped a hurt noise at me before flying up to sit on my head.

Thoughts and thoughts bloomed in my mind: What kind of village is this? Would I die here? Would they be angry at me for intruding? Would the smelly village smell rub off on my clothes? It was crazy to me that the last was more scary than all the rest of the thoughts that came to my mind. But, honestly? Who would want to smell for days? Or, rather, who would like to smell like this?

I reluctantly walked closer tot he village, hating the scent of cabbage and moist soil. I needed direction and Dunkin was not helping at all.

Just then, a plump woman walked out of her small wooden hutch to gran clothes off the clothes line. She glanced in my direction and I panicked!

What if she was a serial killer? What if she wanted my clothes? what if she was planning on taking my backpack? Or maybe, what if she was trying to steal Dunkin for her dinner? Well... maybe the last one wouldn't be so bad.

Dunkin began jumping on my head as if he knew What I was thinking.

"Excuse me dear?" said the plump lady who had suddenly appeared a couple inches from me. I panicked, but tried to keep my breath smooth, "You wouldn't happen to be lost, would you?

"Er..." How did she know? Why did she know? Was it the way I smelled?

"You don't look like you're from around here. Plus everyone has gone inside because of the storm."

"Storm?" I didn't like thunder, almost as much as I didn't like possible plump lady serial killers. If there was a storm, then I would have to find shelter soon.

"Oh, yes, dearie," said the possible serial killer all while Dunkin pecked at my head as if demanding I behave, "It will rain and thunder hard soon. If you would like, you could stay with us,"

"Us?" were there more plump serial killers? What if they could ambush me? What if they took me down, painfully? What if they smelled bad?

"My husband and my two daughters." She gestured for me to follow, "Don't worry, you're little bird can come too." What if they wanted Dunkin for their soup? What if they sold him for bread?

"Er..." I had no choice, it was the either the possible serial killer or the storm...

The old woman was right, and in the small hutch there was only an older man and two young girls who were marveled by Dunkin. That darn Dunkin... he was always thought of as cute and no one believed how truly annoying and useless he could be. While I looked for swords, knives or any sort of weapon that a possible serial killer could have, there was nothing but a huge pot over a warm fire and a ladle.

"May I take your robes, traveler," Asked one of the girls.

"Er..." what should I answer? I could say yes and she'd steal them forever... or I could say no and insult her and maybe she'd take her revenge at night by killing Dunkin! Was the last thought really that bad? Eventually I nodded politely. She bowed and ran off smiling while her sister stirred the pot. The wind just outside became louder and the rain began to pour hard like a waterfall and before I knew it... thunder roared through the clouds. I clutched Dunkin to me and took deep breaths before screeching the moment a bowl with soup was stretched out to me.

"Would you like some soup?" Asked the possible serial killer's husband. I glanced at his family, they were all eating the same soup so I took it because it couldn't be poisoned... or could it? Would they poison me and their entire family? What about Dunkin? I should make him try the soup before I did. I sipped it. It smelled smelly, like cabbage, but it was good. When I was finished they offered me more just as the storm raged beyond the door. I nodded and accepted one more bowl. All the while I thought about what they would think about me. What if they think I'm a glutton? What if they think Dunkin is a glutton? What if they kick me out into the storm because of all the soup I ate? I paced myself, realizing that I was full with the second bowl of soup.

As the night grew darker, the storm brewed stronger. The Family of possibly serial killers huddles by the fire and drifted to sleep while sat up and slept as best I could. For all I knew, they could wake up, and the little one could summon a demon to eat me or curse me. Or maybe they would curse Dunkin...

It was strange that wherever I went, strangers always seemed inclined to help me and it was strange because for all they knew, I could be a killer. Still, it was nice that the possible serial killer was probably not serial killing today and that the girls didn't seem to think that Dunkin could be a good pet.

When morning rose, the storm had cleared. The smelly village didn't smell as bad anymore though I suspected it wouldn't be for long. The possible serial killer packed me a lunch and sparked spark rocks for good luck. Dunkin chirped above my head, happily and somehow suddenly knowing where we were supposed to go.

As Gemma walked slowly towards the main row, the youngest in the family looked up at her mother (The possible serial killer) and asked, "Why were we being so nice to her? She was weird,"

The mother and father chuckled, "That woman is the strongest warrior within these lands. While she depends on people for resources, we depend on her for protection." They watched Gemma as she walked away, bickering with the sparrow that was always at her side.

May 28, 2021 22:05

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