Adventure Christian Horror

It was a little past midnight. Samara was just returning home from work. Usually, she would be home by 7 in the evening, but today her boss had given her a lot of work, which she was supposed to complete before going home.

Samara was a curious girl. She would always go looking for trouble. It was really dark and there was no one on the streets except her. Samara didn't have a car yet, so she was walking home tonight. She was scared of walking alone in the dark streets at night so she fastened her pace.

Suddenly she heard a loud scream, she halted in her steps and turned towards the direction where she heard that blood-curling scream. She wanted to make sure everything was fine and see if that person was alright.

Upon reaching an alley, she saw a dark figure hovering over a trembling body of a man. She quickly took out her pepper spray and her phone, so she could call the police at the right time.

"Hey! Leave him!", she shouted at the dark figure.

The dark figure turned around and she was extremely scared now. He looked like a horror movie ghost. His eyes were as dark as night, his lips were fully black and his skin was so pale, that the vampires in twilight would look tan compared to him.

"Hello there, came to enjoy the show?", his voice sent chills down her spine.

Out of nowhere, the trembling man dropped dead on the ground. Samara was so shocked that no words came out of her mouth. while the man just let out of a scoff, as if this was boring him.

"Oh My God!! H-how did h-he d-die?", she stuttered out.

The man in front of her just smirked at her, seeming to be pleased with her fear.

"I don't know. You tell me.", he feigned innocence.

"You! I know you killed him! I am calling the police. ", she screamed at the creepy man in front of her. She wasn't sure how he killed him, but she knew it was him. She started fumbling with her phone, trying to call the police with shaking hands.

"Where's the proof?", he asked.

"huh?", she asked as she was a little confused.

"I said where's the proof? I didn't touch him, so my fingerprints are not on him, and surely you didn't actually see me kill him. So, doll face tell me, how are you gonna prove I killed him. We were the only ones who saw him die, if anything was to happen if the police came it would be us becoming suspects. You don't want that do you?", he spoke, mocking her.

Samara thought for a while and came to the conclusion, it was better to not be involved. She could get out of here and live her life peacefully, she really just wanted to go home now.

"Please let me go. I promise not to speak a word of it.", she hesitantly asked.

"You can go doll face, but remember the day you speak of this to anyone, it will be your last day on earth.", He grunted out.

she timidly nodded and rushed out of there and ran to her apartment. Since then she never thought of that night again.


It was Sunday evening when the doorbell rang throughout Samara's apartment. It had been exactly 3 days since the incident and Samara was trying her best to forget about it.

She went and opened the door, only to be shocked upon seeing two police officers standing there. Obviously, she was scared but tried her best to keep her facial expression calm.

"Um...hello?", she said in a soft voice.

The two officers smiled at her.

"Hello, I am Issac Gerrad and this is my partner Brandon Clifford. We are here to ask some questions regarding the murder of Alex Winter."

Samara didn't know the name of the man that died that night but guessed that he was Alex.

They all settled themselves in Samara's living room.

"We found his body 3 days ago, in an alley not that far fro here. So, we have been going around questioning everyone. We're sorry for disturbing you, but please understand.", Brandon said.

Samara was now sure it was Alex who died in front of her that night, but she didn't say anything.

"I understand. And you're not disturbing me at all. I am sure I have time to answer a few questions of yours."

"Ok. Did you know Alex personally?", Issac asked.

"No, I did not.", she answered smoothly.

"Where were you at the night of the murder?", asked Brandon.

"Um....I-I was a-at m-my h-h-house.", she stuttered.

Now, the officers were suspicious. As they proceeded to ask more questions, they were sure that she knew something.

"Please Ms.brown we know you know something. We need to know that information, we need to give him his justice. His wife and kids don't have him anymore, but the least you could do to. help them is give him justice.", Brandon pleaded.

Samara sighed and told them everything. From the creepy man to the sudden death of Alex. Everything.

After knowing some useful information, the officers thanked her and went away. They said they will inform her if they need her in the future.


At night when Samara was sleeping she woken by something wet dripping on her face, she stirred a little and opened her eyes and screamed bloody murder.

There on her ceiling was the dead bodies of Issac and Brandon, sticking on her ceiling wall with their necks having deep cuts, through which the blood was dripping.

She heard someone chuckle beside her and she very slowly moved her head to the side. Only to be faced with that same man who murdered Alex, with a knife in his hand.

he was coming closer to her when she screamed,


Samara woke suddenly and realized she was just dreaming. With a sigh of relief, she looked around and saw she was in her alone in her office and it was past 12 in the night.

She quickly gathered her things and was out of the building, while walking on the streets, she was thinking about her strange dream, when she heard the familiar scream.


November 11, 2020 04:07

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