My Halloween love story

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt


Drama Fantasy Holiday

I roam around my neighborhood when I was alive. Yes, I am indeed a dead person and I am currently roaming as an unseen entity in this world called a ghost. I actually don't remember anything about how I died and most of my memories when I was alive are all blurry and hazy. I don't know... I just suddenly woke up with a scary guy wearing an all-black outfit with a gun dangling on his belt.

He introduces himself as Diether, The grim reaper. I thought grim reapers are some fairy of death or somethin' who looks like a creepy skeleton carrying a giant sickle but I was wrong! He was a handsome man carrying a gun, How cool is that?! if there is something identical to him and the rumors it would be the all-black outfit except it was a suit that he was wearing.

Anyways back to my story. I woke up beside him telling me that I am dead and must go back to the heavens to get my judgment. Though I am a bit scared, I still nod my head and obediently walk towards the door. You know, like that door Doraemon always carries. But when I was about to cross the door... a sudden force stop me and even made me fly a few meters away from the door which totally shocked the other ghosts and their grim reapers who are busy crossing their respective doors. My grim reaper called Mr. Diether even had his eyes grew wider because of that. He quickly moves like Edward Cullen towards me leaving a trace of black smoke along the way.

"Are you okay?" I look at him with furrowed brows.

"Of course, I am okay. I died so I can't die anymore right?" I answered but he just shrugs his shoulder and look at me with serious eyes.

"It seems like the door of judgment is not accepting you." He said. I look at him shocked as multiple scenes cross my mind.

"Am I gonna turn into dust once the sun rises?!" I asked almost crying.

"No, You are not a vampire" I exhale audibly, totally relieved that I won't turn into dust just like the scenes from the movies.

"Can't we just fly?!"

"We don't fly, we teleport"

"Then let's teleport now!"I exclaimed in panic but he just points at Doraemon's door and shakes his head.

"You teleport using that thing?!" I asked but he just nods his head with his android face.

I sigh in disappointment and look around. The people around us are currently busy with their Halloween activities. Wrappers of candies, chocolates, and almost anything sweets are all over the place, some kids are even throwing toilet papers at the houses that didn't give them some treats. I can't remember everything but I want to live my life again. Sigh...

" How did I die?!" I whisper to myself when I saw Mr. Grim reaper gesture as if he remembered something.

"Are you perhaps holding a grudge against someone?" He asked. I just look at him and vehemently denied his accusation.

"No! I am not that kind of a person!" I said as he thinks deeply again. 

"It's no good. You have to think about it more so that I can deliver your soul to heaven. I don't want to work overtime!" He explained making my jaw drop. Does he mean it?! That's the only reason why?

"Aren't you working 24/7?"

"Don't be ridiculous kid, Just like you we also have chill time,day-offs, and shifting of schedules. Shit! I shouldn't exchange my schedule with that jackass!" He mumbles to himself. He's still in the middle of his monologue when I smell something delicious.

"Oh" I walk towards the delicious smell with my assigned grim reaper tailing me until I found a small bakery right in front of the special school I am attending before. The flashes of memories then flooded me... I remember attending this school, It was a school for blind people...It was the bakery I usually eat at. Am I blind before I die?! Is this possible? Then I felt a tingling sensation on my hands before a warm feeling crept inside of me. 

"Oh my..." I mumble to myself.

"Why?" The grip reaper asked.

"I think I remember now why I can't cross Doraemon's door," I said and walk inside the bakery. A familiar smell invaded my senses as more flashes of memories flooded my head.


"Are you okay?" A certain man said. He held my hand as he helps me stand up again. I was born blind so I never see how beautiful the world is but my other senses are more accurate since I have to live without sight. I felt his warm and soft yet firm hands as If I was safe if I was near him.

"Yes...T-Thank You," I stuttered and gave him a smile though I don't know how I looked when I smile. I heard him chuckle as he guides me towards somewhere.

"Be careful there's a table in front of you" He said.

"Thank you"

"Anyway, Are you looking for bread?" He asked. I actually went inside because I want to order the brownies I usually eat for breakfast before my class starts but the counter said that it's not prepared yet. so I just nod and walk towards the exit with the help of my cane when suddenly I bump into someone and lose my balance.

"Y-Yes I am." I felt his breath fanning against my cheeks as my heart double its pace. Then I felt him a bit hesitant for a moment before he held my hand again.

"May I?" I just nod my head and swallow the lump forming on my throat because of nervousness. The butterflies on my stomach were making a mess inside me making me dizzy. Oh my, This is the first time I felt like this.

"This is a loaf bread with nuts," He said and place my hand over the bread, letting me run my fingers through the bumpy part of the bread. Then he guides my hand on the side of the bread squeezing it a little bit so that I can feel the softness of the bread against my hand.

"Isn't it soft and fluffy?" He asked as I imagined him smiling kindly at me.

"Yes," I answered.

 Those are the moments that I treasured the most...I remember that ever since that fated day I always drop by this bakery and he automatically assists me. Though I know that It was only a one-sided crush and he might already have a girlfriend but I still love him. His kindness, his voice that explains what kind of bread I am holding, his hands...His smile that I always imagine. I love every part of him...Just like how I craved the bread that he bakes I also want to see him not just imagine his smile.

"I want to see him before I go," I said and roam my eyes. Now that I have my sight I can finally see him.

"But how could you tell if it was him? You're blind before right?" I look at him with puzzlement. Now that I think about it why am I not blind now? I would really appreciate it if I have my sight back when I was still alive.

"It's because...You must be presentable before you face the King. That's why we are given the authority to fix everything for your soul. If your deaf we give your hearing back, if your blind we gave your eyesight back. It's like a healing that way you can see, hear and feel what you've done in your life as a human being." He explained. I just nod my head in amazement. So he can read minds too.

"Yep, that's one of my talents," He said.

"Anyway we should fix your problem first so that I can deliver you back to heaven," He said. We both frown while thinking of some ways to fix my problem. 

"Can't I just touch him?" I asked.

"You can't. Only vengeful spirits can touch humans and trust me, If they want to touch living humans it was not for something as touching as your reason. It was usually for vengeance and to harm living humans. You don't want to turn into them right? You might lose your ability to see again and Satan will automatically drag you down to hell after you kill a living human." He explained. 

"Oh, I see...Then can I possess someone? Or it's against heaven's law?" I asked.

He just look at me before he closed his eyes and chant something. Then something like a magic circle lights up to the floor. I look at him with wide eyes and mouth. After a few more seconds Mr. Diether opens his eyes as the magic circle slowly disappears.

"I talked to the king. He gave us permission to use a human. You can possess him but you can't take away his consciousness" He said. I smile at him and nod. 

"That's fine I just want to say my farewell to him...and thank him for his kindness," I said. Grim reaper smile at me and points to a certain person. 

"That person, somehow you and his wavelength are on the same line." He said and point out a guy sitting on the bench just across the street beside my school.

"Do you know him?" He asked. I just shake my head and look at the guy who is looking at us. We walk towards him and he welcomes us with a wide smile.

"Oh," We both look at each other before looking back at the guy he points out.

"He's blind," I said.

"Hello" He suddenly greeted. Mr. Diether look at the blind guy and said.

"Hi. May I ask you for a favor?" Mr. Grim reaper said. 

"Sure, sure, What ca In do for you? Though my capability is limited because I am blind" He said and point at his eyes.

"I have a favor to ask," I said when he suddenly teared up.

"W-Why?" I asked worriedly. 

"N-Nothing...You sounded like someone I know..." He said.

"Your voice kinda tickles just like hers though I never see her face I'm sure she's a very beautiful lady" He answered.

"Oh, I see,"

"Anyway, what's your favor?"

"Oh, My most important person is just across the streets though because of some reason I don't know how he looks but I will know if I touched can you just have a handshake with one of the bakers working at that bakery?"

"But Why me?" He answered hesitantly.

"Oh, It's because I am shy... I just want to have a handshake whit him before I leave but I am too shy to do that hehehe" I explained. 

"Oh, You're going on a trip eh?" He asked. I just smile at him and answered.

"Well, kind of" He nods his head and agrees.


"Then, take his shadow and his shape so that you can possess him." Mr. Diether whisper. I comply and took his body shape. He walk towards the bakery and talks to the baker who is currently fixing the loaves of bread, I took the baker's hand using the blind guy's hand but it was not him. I asked for the other baker and shake his hand too but it was not him too. Devastated because of it...I walk back to the cafe beside my school and sigh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't help you at all," The blind guys said but I just tap his shoulder and assure him that it was okay and he is a great help. 

"That's odd, I'm pretty sure he's one of the bakers on that bakery," I said to Mr. Diether. Mr. Diether just look at nothing in particular as he ponders over something. His brows are furrowing as if he just understand something.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Maybe your memories are shuffled," He said. Oh, That can be it. I have to think hard...

"That time I went to that bakery to buy the usual brownies I eat for breakfast but the counter said that it's not prepared yet...That's odd, It's not prepared yet...but I usually buy it around that time before my class...Class...streets..."

"You're the one who crossed the streets"

"Argh!" I groan in pain as I hold my head. It hurts... A sudden pain invaded my senses.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Grim Reaper asked but I can't answer him because of the pounding in my head.

"It's not my fault"

"M-My head h-hu-hurts" I stuttered because of the pain. The pounding my head doubled as if something is growing inside my head.

"It was not my fault! You are the one who crossed the streets..."


"Are you okay?!" I heard Mr. Diether asked worriedly. I look at him and said.

"I remember now...Why I can't cross that door before..."

"You try to cross the door before?" Mr. Diether asked totally puzzled by what I just said.

"I have to do something first." I quickly run towards the bakery as I hear a familiar sound. It was the sound of that motorcycle.

"I remember now...That hand I am longing to feel again..."

"Hey calm down!"

"It...belong to the guy...who killed me," I said as a bitter taste invaded my mouth.

I felt anger raging inside of my body and the pounding of my head tripled the pain but It didn't bother me. 

"It was him!" I exclaimed as My body emanates blue flame and a giant horn pierced open my head. I eyed the guy who is currently wearing a baker's uniform while wearing his helmet.

"It was not my fault! You are the one who crossed the streets even though you're blind!"

"You killed me!" I growled and approached the guy who is supposed to be my hero and first love.

It was not his kindness I am trying to repay but it's his life that I wanted to take. His warm hands that touched mine one summer day is the same hand that left me to die on that one cold winter night. It was a memory I am trying to erase...the pain...the agony...I patched it and turned it into something dreamy...How foolish of me.

"I! Will Kill you! DIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEeee" I exclaimed as I possessed his body while taking his consciousness and crashed his motorcycle causing a huge accident.

I look at his pitiful state, His blood was splattered all over the place, his eyes are slowly losing its life and his hands were torn off of his body. I approached the guy that I killed and sigh contentedly...

"Help," He said. But I just look at him emptily

"Goodbye," I whisper.

"Is this what you want?" I saw Mr.Diether with the blind guy beside him.

"Yes," I answered. I saw the ground cracked open and heard the cries of many below it. 

"I warned you" He added, sadness crossing his eyes. I look at his eyes that mirrored my current appearance. A bighorn was intact on my head, a blue flame is burning my body and my usual face was contorted in anger.

"You lied. I thought God will take my sight back if I turn into something as nasty as myself right now" I asked as I slowly got eaten by the black hole of agony beneath my feet. Their cries and these cold hands pulling me inside it... I can see it clearly...oh, Is this the reason why God left my eyesight? To see how ugly I become and how ugly my righteous place is?

"That's not the reason why..." Mr. Diether look at me pitifully.

"He left your sight to fulfill your wish before you go" I heard him said. Confused because of his words I chuckled at him when my eyes laid on the guy beside him.

"Be careful there's a table in front of you" I suddenly remember the warm voice of my first love...It was indeed that jerk who killed me but he was not the one who help me up.

"This is a loaf of bread with nuts" He held my hand and run my fingers to the bumpy part of the bread

"Why did you cross the streets to buy bread when you're usually at the cafe beside your school? Oh, Sorry I bump into you"

"Oh, is it not the cafe beside my school?" I answered when he suddenly touch my face. He withdrew his hand hesitantly before asking again.

"May I?" I just nod my head and let him touch my face.

"I am blind so I don't see you but I can tell you how to differentiate the bread"

"So your name is Alicia?" I heard him chuckle...

"My name is Henry...Henry Graham"

"Hey Blind guy!" I called. My heart was beating so hard it hurts. 


"What's your name?" I asked. He look at nothing in particular and smiles. It was the same smile I imagined.

"You really sound like her..." he said. I bit my lips as a warm liquid pour out of my eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't help you much but...My name is Henry...Henry Graham...S-since it's Halloween can I ask you for coffee later? Before...your trip?" He asked shyly. I smile at him and engrave his smile at the back of my head. Thank you, God, for letting me see him one last time.

"Sorry...I can't, Goodbye" I said as a huge hand pulled me down into the eternal darkness.

If only I held my anger down maybe I can ask God for one more wish...God, I want to spend the remaining time of Halloween with him.

October 28, 2020 04:19

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Gie Garcia
02:03 Nov 19, 2020

I Repost it on my Wattpad account my pen name is BHNDTHESTRY and I changed the title to Searching for his warmth I even added my own story cover and it was a longer version than this. Hope you'll like it better and please do follow me. Thank you. PS I put credits to reedsy for the idea. hank You again.


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Grandma Story
07:33 Nov 04, 2020

Looking forward for more of your stories.


Gie Garcia
07:35 Nov 04, 2020

Thank you! Please do comment more about your thoughts especially if it's about my shortcomings as a writer. hehe though I am just a wannabe


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07:28 Nov 04, 2020

I enjoy this type of story. Looking forward for more


Gie Garcia
07:36 Nov 04, 2020

Thank You very much!


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