Post-Apocalyptic Zombies

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic story that features zombies.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Fantasy

They say if you live long enough, you'll experience everything. This short story will give credence that if you live long enough, anything is possible. If you live long enough, lots of nice things happen. If you live long enough, you'll see that every victory turns into a defeat.

We know that life teaches us how to live it if you live long enough. Life. We all do it. We embrace it, we love it, we hate it sometimes, yet no matter what happens in life, we strive to cling on to it for as long as possible. When it comes near its end, we look at it and see what we have done with it, all the good and bad things, all our experiences, all our regrets. And when you get older, you understand more about it. You have met a lot of people and you have seen and done a lot of things and the one thing you learn the most we learn how not to sweat the small stuff.

All I know is that I was one of a few million people who survived the after math of a new virus that struck the world immediately in 2027. The viruses ground zero started in all places Vatican City the smallest country in the world, measuring just 0.2 square miles, almost 120 times smaller than the island of Manhattan.

The Pope on an Easter Sunday who was metamorphosing right before our very eyes told the world that the seven signs of the Apocalypse has finally come to pass today.  1. Israel became a nation. 2. All Jews around the world were suddenly exiled back to their homeland especially when it was rumored that Adolph Hitler had resurrected from a hidden bunker in the South of France. 3. In 2025 after fending off an Alien attack the world was governed by one world government. 4. No more Middle East conflicts there was no need to fight over barrels of oil. 5. increased sins. These times were worse than Sodom and Gomorrah times. 6. Alien Wars and 7. Lastly after stealing all of the knowledge and technology from the defeated Aliens the world was now ready to destroy itself.

Some mad Atheist scientist who insisted upon being referred to as Dr. Evil  created a deadly virus called the Frankenstein virus because if you survived you’d look worse then Frankenstein did. Initially it seems that the virus did not work because it was first tested on cock roaches and rats, monkeys, but when he tried it on human beings with more than 10,000 unwilling human guinea pigs, transformed in to living and breathing zombies if they didn’t die immediately. However, it then began to have much more of a lethal effects and mutates from a contact-borne virus to an airborne one. 90% of people who were infected with the virus died. 1% (about 12 million people on the planet) like me were immune to the virus. The remaining people transform into Light seekers turning into rosy pink pale skinned zombie like creatures with a savage lust for flesh, enhanced strength and speed and no apparent higher brain function. The only safe haven from the Light seekers that could only survive during the daylight hours since their strength came from the flickering sun’s UV light. Was to stay out of sight during the daytime.

On that Easter morning in 2027 I’m looking out of my 188 story high condo zombie proof window with a pair of high power binoculars to see all kinds of zombies.

Zombies were afraid of height over 666 feet for some strange reason and the dark.

I first see the Generic Zombies, who are persons who were infected by the virus and reanimated by the pathogen, often, but not always due to the Frankenstein virus. They were usually aggressive. They can be curious but disorientated and at a loss to fully understand their environment. Their most notable trait is that they kill and eat uninfected humans. I watched Walking Zombies (colloquially known as Walkers) are basically synonymous with generic zombies. They may not be as immediately threatening as Runners, but they tend to attack in groups and have astounding durability which makes them a major threat to humans. Walking zombies can be found in series such as The Walking Dead andNight of the Living Dead. Then there were the Runner Zombies (sometimes known as The Infected, Sprinters 2 or Rage Zeds 3 ) the Zombies that have the ability to run at a full sprint. This ability separates them (in dealing with them and in classification) so much, that GOD believers who were left on the planet earth minds disagree whether they should even be considered Zombies at all. Fast Infected quickly gain ground on survivors and bring them down, attacking them in a frenzied manner. A survivor should never try to outrun the Runners, since they do not tire like humans do. Some theorists propose runners are newly made zombies that have not begun the process of decaying yet and therefore still have most human capabilities. The only way to stop them from running is to disable their legs through severing large muscle groups, major bones, or completely severing their legs. Other than that, the only other way is to outright eliminate them. Runners are technically living infected but are still a form of zombies (though the distinction is thought by many(whom?) to be impractical and antiquated). As such, they are able to run for long duration. What they gain in speed and fervor over their slower cousins, they lose in durability, as they can be killed by wounds to the chest, bleeding out, thirst, starvation, or even the virus itself. But do not count on that, they may still require a head shot just like normal infected zombies. Fast Zombies can be found in the works of World War Z (i.e., the film adaptation, not the original novel), Dawh of the Dead (2004, 28 Days Later, REC 2, the hit video game series Left 4 Dead, Day Z, Zombieland, Z Nation and many others. 

Out of the clear blue about 3 miles from my condo window comes the Voodoo Zombies, they are the resurrected dead by an infected virus witch doctor who was forced by the devil himself to do the bidding of the resurrection. They shouldn’t be a threat since they typically do not have the need to feed on human flesh. They are considered the progenitors of the Zombie “Species”. Under rare circumstance their condition may be curable unlike the vast majority of zombies.

I’m rubbing my eyes profusely not wanting to believe what I’m seeing through those binoculars until I see Ghouls who are like zombies, except they spread radiation, which rots away them to the point of making them feral (feral: referring especially of an animal in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication) and only determined to do one thing. To attack anyone who is not affected by the Frankenstein virus. 

I was awakened by the sound of the phone ringing. When I finally picked up the cell phone in a cold sweat? It was Mela my ex wife screaming at me for her not receiving her monthly alimony check. I hung up and laid there thinking about what does it mean to dream about zombies?

A dream about zombies can have significant meanings. In dreams, zombies can indicate fears, unpleasant situations, bad habits, complexes, stress and negative emotions. These dreams are often caused by working too much and not having enough rest.

If you live long enough you just might have a dream about a post-apocalyptic event about zombies.

September 23, 2020 05:46

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Fplldg Wakdwwdg
08:06 Sep 23, 2020

"On that Easter morning in 2027 I’m looking out of my 188 story high condo zombie proof window with a pair of high power binoculars to see all kinds of zombies." Your style of description is marvelous! Can you pleaseread my stories too?


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Corey Melin
17:54 Sep 25, 2020

Enjoyed the zombie read. First one about the numerous types of zombies. Quite creative. Well done.


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