My story is entitled During the Polar night in some particular countries.

Written in response to: Set your story during polar night.... view prompt


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My story is titled During the Polar night in some particular countries.

Once upon a time it can be noted that during polar night,the pole receives less radiation and for more than one month the sun never rises on this particular pole, during the twenty four hours of the day.

This is often called Polar night.

It is within this moment of polar night that the sky remains almost dark and the stars can be seen for 24 hours.

In addition during polar night period there is no trace of daylight except around midday.

It happens when nautical twilight occurs and it is only Astronomical twilight that occurs at the solar culmination.

However nautical twilight occurs when the sun is between six and twelve degrees below the horizon.

At some countries during the polar night which lasts from November to January the sun does not rise at all at that moment.

At that moment the days gets progressively longer until the Midnight sun period that is from the month of May to July the sun never gets set.

After the midnight sun, the days gets shorter and shorter until the polar night and yearly cycle repeats.

Some countries like Norway, Finland, and Sweden have experienced polar night for over ten thousand years.

Again people often go to work during polar night. Also schools cafes and restaurant are opened during polar night,there is no restrictions.

Even it is during polar night that many festivals are being organized.

Also the farther north you are, the longer the polar night.

However in Sodankyla ,Finland the polar night lasts for four days but for Utsjoki, Finland it is for 52 days.

Again this means that in the municipality of Utsjoki ,the sun cannot be seen for nearly two months.

It can be noted that Polar night occurs before and after the winter solstice on the 21st December.

The polar night is a dark period in which the sun never rises over a period of about twenty four consecutive hours.

Also the polar night does not mean a complete black-out like during a pitch black night.

Also during polar night each of the Earth's pole leans towards the sun at approximately half a year.

It is during the polar night that one pole receives more solar radiation and for more than one month the sun never sets on this pole during the whole twenty four hours of the day.

The country Svalbard in Norway often experience polar night.

Also Svalbard in Norway is famous for attracting visitors during polar night season of mid-November to the end of January. The island is plunged into a seemingly everlasting night.

Also the country Norway has twenty four hours sunlight.

Norway is situated in the Arctic circle called the land of the Midnight sun,where from May to late July the sun actually never sets.

This means that for around a period of 76 days ,the sun never goes down.

Norway is the country that is often dark for six months.

The country Norway is specifically the Region within the Arctic circle.

Also within this area there are periods of continuous darkness during the winter months and continuous daylight during the summer months.

The Polar night occurs in many populated areas of the Northern hemisphere.

As often Norway promotes itself as the Land of the midnight sun ,the midnight sun can also be seen in parts of Alaska ,Canada,Greenland ,Finland,Sweeden and Russia.

Others argue that polar night is a phenomenon in the Northernmost and Southernmost Regions of the earth where night time lasts for about twenty four hours.

Some of these countries with with longest night are Tromso ,Norway, Barrow , Alaska, , Svalbard, Norway ,

Murmansk, Russia and Alert ,Nunavut Canada.

It is noted that polar night can last days to months depending on their location.

On the North Cape ,the sun remains under the horizon for more than two months in Tromso ,the dark period lasts for six weeks.

Also polar night is caused by the rotation of the earth in relation to the position of the sun. The earth rotates on a titled axis of around 23.50 degrees.

The Axial tilt are periods of the year where the Arctic circle and the Antarctic circle are either completely exposed or obscured from the sun.

In addition the Arctic and it's southern counterpoint ,the Antarctic circle are defined by the fact that they experience polar nights.

Also much often polar night affects humans in diverse ways.

The polar night seeks to increase the risk of depression and make people nervous and irritable.

During Polar night humans become overwhelmed by drowsiness, quickly tired or suffer from anxiety.

The human immune system during polar nights deteriorates making them more prone to diseases and aggravations of some sort of chronic illnesses and increasing weather sensitivity.

According to most kids,Polar night is defined as the period when the sun is below the horizon for twenty four hours a day.

The length of the polar night does vary according to its latitude.

The Pole lasts for 185days.

In Svalbard ,Norway it can be noted that there is a cluster of islands between Norway and the North Pole where people wear headlamps day and night for two and a half months of the year.

The polar night is the period where the sun. doesn't rise above the horizon in the Arctic.

At times during Polar night ,the night is brighter than usual the moon is clearly visible in the sky.

The full polar night is the time of day of which there is no twilight and there is no total darkness.

The Polar night or day is known as the Midnight sun. The Polar night is actually when the sun rises above the horizon.

Also Polar night occurs when the sun does not set or sink below the horizon for 24hours or more.

The Polar night creates the appearance daylight during PM hours.

In other instances ,Polar night occurs in the Northernmost and Southernmost parts of the planet when there is night for more than twenty four continuous hours.

Polar night or Midnight sun occurs in the United States of America and White night occurs in Russia.

This occurs when the sun stays above the horizon for more than twenty four continuous hours.

Also the country with fourty minutes night is Norway.

It can be noted that Svalbard,Norway has polar night.

The area is also famous for attracting visitors during the polar night season of mid-November to the end of January.

The Republic of Kiribati is the first place on Earth to see the first rays of the rising sun.

Svalbard in Norway experiences a polar night that lasts for several weeks.

The capital hongyearbyen plunges into an extended twilight with the sun setting in late October and rising again until mid February.

Norway is often known as the Land of the midnight sun.

The country Norway experiences broad daylight.

The sun tends to shine too glaringly around this time and the night is shrunk down to span of 5hours.

Countries that have six months day and night is Norway.

Most countries close to these Regions are Alaska, Antarctic and Norway.

There are approximately millions of people living in the Arctic who are indigenous and non-indigenous countries.

Among the eight countries includes Canada ,the United States of America, Denmark, Iceland , Russia, Sweden, Norway and Finland.

The longest day in the world of the summer solstice marks the longest day of the year and the start of the summer in the Northern hemisphere.

During the Polar night,the line that separates both day and night is known as the Terminator.

What is referred as the grey line and the twilight zone. The Atmosphere bends sunlight by half a degree which is about 37 miles or 60km.

You can survive Polar night through Adaptation and Survival Strategy.

Among them includes

1. Artificial Lighting: Where light becomes a precious commodity during polar night.

2. Utilising Natural light.

3.Outdoor activities.

4. Cultural festivities.

5. Diet and Nutrition

During life in the Polar night some Norwegian often survive in the darkness , although there is darkness.

At the exact location of the North Pole the polar day or night lasts no less than 6months.

During lower latitudes and above the Arctic circle the sun sets for a shorter period.

Also around the Arctic circle Norway is called the land of the midnight sun.

Within a period of 76 days from May to late July is often the time that the sun never sets.

Norway is a country that has 45minutes night. Also Norway is famous across the world for its beauty and it is one of the richest countries in the world.

In Hammerfest a town in Norway ,the sun sets at 12:43 in the night and then rises again after 40 minutes.

It can be noted that Norway has the longest day , Norway is famously called the land of the Midnight sun.

This is because the country is situated in the Arctic circle does not experience sunset from the months of May to the end of July.

Norway has 24hours of daylight for as long as 76 days during summer time.

Mostly during winter it is often dark.

This is because the Northern hemisphere is tilted more toward the sun when it is summer time.

This can make the days feel shorter and thus it becomes the shortest day of the year.

During Polar night ,Polar bears with their thick fur and heightened night vision have an advantage over their prey so this happens to be the best time for polar bears to hunt and make the winter too important to sleep through.

As often during polar night there is deep violet ,then blue colour.

It is at this time that the sky glows cotton candy pink, infusing the endless snowy fields with a warmth and energy that belies the temperature.

After an hour the stars begins their twinkling once more and then night falls at 2:00pm in the Afternoon.

This period is called Polar night.

Also during polar night there is a period of both morning and evening.

The Morning refers to the period of time between Dawn and noon while evening refers to the period of time between sunset and bedtime.

Some places like Norway, Sweden , Finland,Iceland and parts of Canada often experience the mid-night sun phenomenon.

It is during this time that the sun remains above its horizon for an entire day providing some continuous daylight.

The winter solstice will occur on Friday 22nd December at 3:27AM GMT.

The winter solstice occurs in December and in the Northern hemisphere that date marks the 24hour period with the fewest daylight hours of the year.

The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year or the longest night of the year.

It can be noted that Norway is a country that has 15mins night. It's during this time that the entire part of the earth has 10 degrees north lattitude that remains under sunlight.

This means that during this period the day is longer and the night is shorter.

This strange phenomenon occurs in the country Norway.

Again during polar night there is no trace of daylight except around midday.

The Nautical twilight happens when the sun is between six and twelve degrees below the horizon.

Norway is a country where sunset merges into sunrise with no darkness in between.

However countries near near the Poles such as Norway,Finland and Iceland experience longer sunsets due to the angle at which the sun sets.

This creates a phenomenon known as the midnight sun in which the sun can be visible for an extended period of time creating a prolonged sunset.

Japan is called "the land of the rising sun."

Sometimes during Polar night people live in complete darkness for about two months.

This is because polar night is the period where the sun doesn't rise above the horizon in the Arctic.

Finally, I will like to conclude that polar night occurs above the Arctic and the Antarctic cycle.

Lastly polar night occurs at the North Pole where the polar night begins as the sun sets around the Autumnal (fall) Equinox in the month of September.

This period lasts for six month.

January 09, 2024 02:30

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