Adventure Fantasy Romance

"Yep its happening again. I had another flashback." " Really." stated her husband Conner. " Well, hopefully it doesn't last long this time. Just know that I love you and that was a long time ago. Not every vehicle situation is dangerous." they stated as they rode the flying car. They stole the vehicle the night before not realizing it was some unique flying car. His wife pleaded with him that they should agree to return it in hopes that the legal charges would be less. He pleaded a little differently; I say we keep it secret for as long as it it would go on. I ended up going on longer than they thought.

As they were driving down the highway in New York City he was having a discussion about work in Statten Island. All of a sudden the car took a voice command to take them to an island. The car slammed its gas pedal and landed o the mystic island of Olahaig. The couple began to dance at the sight like two young lovers under the moonlight to the strongest strangest but beautiful love songs they had ever heard. They danced with excited romance together for hours and hours . A sewing of a heart pillow in the colors of red, black, purple and golden thread would best describe the energy in the dance.

The first plan was to turn around. Then on second hand the husband decided to use the island for a place to hide. They got really cozy then made love in the backseat of the car. She said under her breath that she wanted to have a baby, so they tried. They sung a song: " I don't know whether to hit you or thank you my husband. You have really taken me for a ride. I love you so much in this safe and adventurous car ride that you have given me along with this gift we will share for the rest of our lives. Much like your care ride, freedom will ring I am expecting a baby. Hopefully and a new ring to represent our new little one. My heart is forever yours truly love your wife, Ginger. He sang back to her; "No problem m wife and I shall make you a ring fit for your slinder finger and your lovely gestures suits me just fine. I love you also Ginger now sleep tonight for tomorrow we have work to do and remember that good times bring the biggest of pleasures and they have come to me and you!" Then they fell asleep in the back of the car with no clothes on.

Only to find their adventure was made up of more rythym and rhyme in the morning.

When they awoke at twelve in the afternoon he went searching for food he came back with chunks of interesting fruit. They sat down to eat. She began to brag in a song" I wonder how pregnant I have become I feel the need to tell you this is the happiest in life I have been and I am sitting in a car! I feel free I feel welcome, loved and completely like a daredevil and maybe will top you next time. I love this place and the food and with that big cheers to you and a kiss on the face. She then kissed him on the face ,dug into her fruit and ate then they made love to celebrate.

As the day went on the put on their clothes and decided to go hiking. But before they could leave a group of ten dancing indians appeared to tell stories and this what they sang about the island Olahaig:

Indian number one: " i tell you it is dangerous now go back to your place. The last time I went down the first road one got in my face. I will never forget the big monster that almost killed me and I barely got away. The big brown sand creature was 10 ft. tall and opened his jaw to have me to eat. That is why my jaw surely shows. I ran up a tree and barely escaped.

Indian number two: " This is what happened last night. I sat sighing and singing to wait for my huge wife and a huge tree monster came to me at my sight. He bit of my finger then left with a meal and acted a if it was sarcastically a big deal by a hundred moons."

Indian number three: " Road number three is known for big birds, watch out for these monsters. They are bigger than told by myth. The third indian danced in the sand the kicked it then zoomed in to show his story. " The bird looking beautiful and fit for his son was nothing buy trouble when it came to eating tongues. The bird flew from the sky then jerked at his face then bit out his tongue for a gory meal. " said the indian.

Indian number 4: " The fourth road is marked with signs all over to represent the attractive cottage of what you would call a witch , a sina, we say . Stay clear of the cottage for you will be in regret. A curse I well know and will never forget. Now I cheat on my wife!"

Indian number five: " The fifth road full of loving memorinces and will surprise you with ghosts, gloom and darkness of mood as long as you walk on this path, like poison to your head. When I walked down the road I found darkness and painful sticks coming from a shaking ground. I was easy to see I was welcome there!"

Indian number six: " I have a report for you. Stay away from this road for these little midgets will hurt with lots of fire lit logs. The hurt me too one starry night and I will never forget the gory sight. I online have half a le and to to show when I hunt. One stuck up behind me and pulled a dirty trick!"

Indian number 7: " I feel the need to tell you that this swamp land is full of what you call a kind of fish that likes to brawl. The road leads to a tempting pond full offish that hate humans and eats their flesh. Do not be fooled my friend and this pond is tempting on a road like this. The fish jumped from the water, not your average fish for he was twenty feet tall and pulled me right in! They circled and circled around me thin one attacked and tore out my eye with his vicious teeth."

Indian number eight: " Stay out of road eight for it is full of sandstorms, this would be best for you. The sandstorm pretty and tempting blew up a very gigantic gust the carried me across the land to chew me in and spit me out. The storm was as big as the island itself. When I landed on the ground my body was broke in five places."

Indian number nine : "Steer clear of road nine for its full of what you call huge snakes as big as your car looking for a meal.

the huge snake bit me so I went home to stay in bed hoping to stay alive. The blood dripped and dripped. The pain was like knives through my whole body and a barely survived of dripping pain after a year."

Indian number ten: " Road ten is the worst of all. It is full of gold, but don't be tricked the gruesome is too ugly to be told. Stay away from road ten! I can't warn you enough my friend, from me to you and from experiences on this road I've been n, I plead with you , don't fall this road's trick. IT IS VERY VERY DANGEROUS!"

"Sweetheart" the wife began to sing. "My flashbacks have become very heavy" she sung wearily. The decided to leave the mystic island and came to know that it wasn't worth it to them. They both agreed. Then all of a sudden the car didn't start. they were stuck and on account of her being pregnant they would stay in the clearing where the car had landed.

She began to wearily sing to her husband, " I have never felt so in in love like I do right now.

take me to a place in my mind and all around my body until this mystic piece of earth it hard to find"

So he sung back to her, " Oh my Ginger fly away with me for this love spell is bigger than any indian story this I know. All you have to do is believe!" She answered with glee" I can feel your heart and I know you're right. I agree, we will pass the horrific maze, you and me. Romance is the best that there is for us three."

He then began to kiss her and she kissed him right back. They then sang a song to celebrate, "

The next morning the indian tossed him a deal he couldn't refuse for food for his wife. He said he would trade him a map showing the better places to walk for his car. The couple agreed on the map so they could travel a far. The couple began to dance around a fire and it was full of romance.

They led him right to the food and water and enough nature to build a house and a ship.

The couple lived there for the rest of there lives and had nine more children throughout their lives.

November 28, 2020 15:37

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