Crime Horror Thriller

It was Harper's 21st birthday and we went out for drinks, my treat of course. My birthday was a few weeks ago and we celebrated together in secret since she wasn't allowed to actually go to a bar yet. We've been friends since preschool, we were always at each other's houses. We recently bought a house in a smaller city of Minnesota. Harper was having the time of her life right now, shs was dancing with this guy, he kind of gave off weird vibes but I didn't want to destroy Harper's night by being overly protective, so i just watched them closely. The town we lived in was so small it gained the nickname the Village. I didn't want to drink too heavily in case I needed to step in and get Harper away from the guy she was dancing with. She was laughing and smiling, she was just so happy and I was happy for her.

It has been a long few years for her, this has been the happiest I've seen Harper since losing her mom a few years back. Her mother was in a plane crash and it destroyed Harper, she started drinking and smoking, but I finally got her to stop. It wasn't easy though it was super tough. Harper still has those days where she will just lock herself in her room, but I check on her every hour seeing if she needs anything. The guy Harper was dancing with went to the restroom I think, so I went to tall with her. "Good birthday so far?" I asked her, "Yes! Thank you so much Hadlee, the music is awesome and the drinks are very tasty." She replied, I smiled at her and decided to order some food. I ordered piggly wiggly fries and a burger for myself, and pizza and wings for Harper. 

I went back to the table to wait for our food and Harper was at the bar flirting with the bartender. The bartender was returning her flirtations happily, he seemed sweet enough. He didn't have as much as a weird aura as the other guy she was dancing with previously. The said guy came back and brought Harper back to the dance floor and I was alert and ready to strike if need be. He wasn't being rough with Harper or anything but I didn't trust him at all. I have always been the protective friend and I know I may seem like I'm too protective, but I care about my friends. The sadness on the bartender's face was heartbreaking. He seemed to like Harper really well, but that jerk took her away from the bartender. 

The waitress brought our food out and I waved Harper over and she skipped over happily. We ate our food and she told me she was ready to leave. I nodded and we ate just talking and laughing, but guess who was watching. I tried to ignore him but that anxious feeling was still there. We finished eating and left, we took a taxi just to be safe. We arrived home and I helped her inside and to the bathroom so she wouldn't fall over. I left so she could shower and I made sure the doors and windows were locked. I felt safer being home but that guy's face and his aura was still haunting me. 

After Harper's shower we cut her cake and enjoyed a piece with cold glasses of milk. Harper wanted us to watch a movie so that's what we did. We talked more than we watched the movie, she told me how she really felt a connection with the bartender. I told her I could sense their connection and it was a deep one. I told her that I hope they would cross paths again. She also told me how that the guy she was dancing with made her uncomfortable. I told her he did give off a weird vibe but I didn't want to ruin her night. She told me it would have been just fine if I had mentioned how weird he made me feel.

Around 5 in the morning, we decided to go to bed. Harper was tired and I was tired so we were ready for bed. Harper had fallen asleep with ease, but I seemed to struggle. I just couldn't shake the negative feeling I had, that guy was still haunting my thoughts. That guy triggered something in me and I couldn't handle it. I ended up falling asleep but not without nightmares. They were horrible, gorey, and just flat out terrifying. I woke up all sweaty and my heart was racing. I have always had nightmares, but these were worse. 

I didn't wake up until 1 the next afternoon, but Harper was awake and she was very cheerful. She was making us lunch, she was a very good cook. She was humming and dancing around the kitchen. I guess the only thing she really needed was that party last night. Maybe we'll go shopping today after I get woken up and I eat. Harper was making her famous burritos that she loves to make, they were always so good. I still had a gift to give her but I figured I would give it to her later. I got to the kitchen and greeted her with a smile and she smiled back at me, and went back to cooking. 

After we ate we went shopping together like old times. I worked the night shift at the hospital so I didn't have to be in until seven tonight. We went to the mall and stopped in Bath and Body works first. We wanted some candles, our place still smelled new. We got some perfumes, lotions, and body wash. We got the lot, we probably shouldn't have but we're girls! Our next stop was Hot Topic, that was our all time favorite store. After we spent money there we went to Rue 21 to buy more clothes. 

After our shopping spree we went home and I got ready for work. I told Harper bye and that I loved her and I headed to work. I clocked in at 7pm and started my duties. It was a long night, morning arrived slowly. I clocked out at 7am and drove home after stopping at Starbucks. I stepped in the house and it was quiet until I heard Harper scream. I dropped the coffees and rushed upstairs. That's when I saw the guy that was dancing with her last night and he had his knife to her throat. I tried to stop him but that only led to me getting a slashed hand. My best friend got stabbed that morning, I called 911 and they said they would send someone right away.

Harper died before the ambulance arrived, the guy's eyes were nothing but a black abyss; he wasn't human. I tried for weeks to get the cops to keep the investigation open, but without any evidence they couldn't give me closure. That guy got away with killing my best friend, I constantly wish it was me that got killed but it didn't happen that way. The guy wasn't from this realm, but people would think I was crazy, after all demons don't exist right? Well I knew they did now and I will forever remember that morning my best friend was killed. 

November 07, 2020 04:18

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Rick Bramhall
21:44 Nov 18, 2020

This is a good story, but you need to add descriptive details to make the reader feel like they were there. Describe the bar and the way people looked. Also, when you change topics, start a new paragraph. For example, when you say in the first paragraph that Harper was having the time of her life, that should start a new paragraph.


Samantha Newell
22:20 Nov 19, 2020

Thank you for the tips I'll try and remember them next time i write.


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