Submitted into Contest #54 in response to: Write a story about a TV show called "Second Chances."... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction

What is second chance ? To know what is it read it ahead.

Once there was boy named Charlie. He lived in Florida, U.S.A .  He was  in 3rd  standard in Canterbury School. He was hard-working, intelligent and good in athletics. His Goal was he wanted to become a scientist. His mother is a doctor and his father is a police.

But he used to come second every time. He questioned himself that  “Why I  should do hard-work because I am not coming first ?” His body replied “You should not do hard-work as you are not coming first.” His parents were listening what he was telling to himself. 

The parents went inside his room and questioned him “Why you don’t want to do hard-work ?” He answered in unsound voice “ Because I am not coming first with my hard-work.” His parent exclaimed “You have SECOND CHANCE !” 

He told “ What should I do with second chance ? I am losing in first chance so, what about second chance. In that also I will lose.” His parent left his room sadly.

His parent went to their room and started thinking what had happened to their child. First he was so good in studies and now he is not studying only. 

The parents thought that they have done any mistake or not encouraging at times. They started encouraging him but then also he was not taking interest study and sports. 

His exams arrived. His parents were worrying he would be FAIL or PASS. The result was fail but Charlie didn’t care about his result. He just used to spend his time on TV or listening music. 

His parents were thinking that what he will become when grows up. First he used was thinking to become a scientist but he didn’t cares about it.

They were thinking how they tell the meaning of the word – SECOND CHANCE. 

Then an idea struck in the parents mind. {both the parents had got same idea} Both parents told together about ‘ THE SECOND CHANCE SHOW .‘ 

The parents were amazed how their idea was same. Charlie’s dad told “ How our idea was same.” Charlie’s mom  said “ I got the idea because I have watched it for a year.” Charlie’s dad asked “ Why you were watching it ? 

Charlie’s mom answered “ When I was small I was like Charlie. I was intelligent but then I didn’t took interest in studying as I was coming last. Then my mother ‘ told me that from now onwards you will watch a TV show named THE SECOND CHANCE SHOW.’ “ 

“That’s the story how I got know about the show.” Dad exclaimed “Me too, I got the idea by the same way. Can you continue the story ?”

Mom told “ Yes! She continued then when I started seeing the show, first 2-3 days I was not understanding what was the show all about. Then my mother said that, this will help you to again take interest in studies. I watched it and understood what is second chance all about. Then I started studying again. I was not thinking how many marks I got or which place I came in sports. I just started studying and focused what I want to become. I wanted to become a nurse which I am now. “

Dad said “ Lets tell Charlie about the show.” Both parents agreed and went to Charlie.

Both parents went to Charlie and told “ Will you watch a TV show known as THE SECOND CHANCE SHOW  ? Charlie answered “I will see it for a week and then decided whether to see or not.” Parents said “Ok my child!” 

Charlie started to see the show. He didn’t understood what was the show about. His dad exclaimed “ It’s a show about second chance. It will tell about how people behave when they lose their first chance and how they prepare for the second chance.”

After a week of watching Charlie was amazed how we behave when we lose the first chance. Then his parents asked “ Do you want to watch the show ahead or not ? “ Charlie answered “YES , I want to see it ahead.” 

Both the parents were happy as Charlie was taking interest in the show. 

The show was talking about when we do hard-work and we lose are first chance or we come second we take decision like we will not study or do anything in the life. There was person in the show known as Morris. He was actually narrating his incident.

How he got to know about the term SECOND CHANCE. When lose the first chance we should keep trying till we succeed. We should see are mistake and work on it. You should remember some important lines.

1.    We should try till we succeed – “try try till you succeed”

2.    When we work-hard we will get what we  are going to achieve – “one they our goal will touch are feet” 

After watching for a month Charlie realised where he went wrong. Which attitude was wrong at the time and which attitude should be there on time. 

He asked his parents to “ I want to meet to Morris. So I know where which attitude should come. His parents answered “ Yes my child , if you want to meet Morris we are ready.” 

They went to the Morris Manor where he live. They talked to him and they got which attitude should come at the time. 

§  Never lose hope when we lose a game or are first chance

§  We should always go through are mistakes and overcome on it when we are preparing for the second chance.

Charlie promised to his family and started taking interest in studies again. After 15 years of hard-working he became the head scientist is the U.S.A’s  number 1 lab.

After 5 years a virus came in the world known as COVID-19. There was no vaccine for it. Charlie’s team worked hard but didn’t succeed in the first vaccine but he encouraged his team and made the vaccine for COVID-19. He was awarded the best scientist award by W.H.O . 

So, now can you tell what is SECOND CHANCE  ? 



August 10, 2020 09:35

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Tariq Saeed
15:32 Aug 19, 2020

V artistic approach.


Amogh Kasat
01:42 Aug 20, 2020

thank you :)


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Barbara Burgess
08:09 Aug 18, 2020

this is a lovely heartwarming story. With a moral too. Well done. Try using Grammarly to help with your writing. good luck


Amogh Kasat
09:51 Aug 18, 2020

thank you :)


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Zion Hintay
07:51 Aug 18, 2020

A second chance is the ability to relive your life with the experiences of the mistake you made. To learn from them, to grow and to understand. This story was absolutely wonderful and I hope you become a great author one day. People need stories like these to bring hope, uplift, entertain and enjoy. Best of luck to ya, Z


Amogh Kasat
09:50 Aug 18, 2020

thank you :)


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Keerththan 😀
02:57 Aug 18, 2020

Amazing story. Your first attempt on Reedsy is great. Welcome. Well written. But you have some grammatical mistakes. It will come to us naturally. Nice job. Would you mind reading my story " secrets don't get burie?"


Amogh Kasat
03:05 Aug 18, 2020

thanks and I will read your story


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Leya Newi
22:43 Aug 17, 2020

Definitely an interesting story. I think it was really good for a first submission despite a couple grammar errors which have been pointed out already. Keep writing, Amosh!


Amogh Kasat
01:39 Aug 18, 2020

thank you! and my spelling is Amogh:)


Leya Newi
12:01 Aug 18, 2020

Oh, I’m sorry, Amogh.


Amogh Kasat
12:13 Aug 18, 2020

It's ok Leya :)


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Deborah Angevin
12:05 Aug 17, 2020

Here as requested! The story was amazing but just wondering about the font sizes as it did distract me... (and possibly some other readers!)


Amogh Kasat
01:40 Aug 18, 2020

I know that the font size was big but in my other story I managed it. Thank you :)


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Maybe Jupiter
22:52 Sep 12, 2020

Great story! There are a few grammar issues, but that is all easily fixable! The title instantly caught my attention, and overall a very interesting concept.


Amogh Kasat
05:45 Sep 13, 2020



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Benny Njuguna
05:34 Sep 09, 2020

Second chance is another opportunity to redo what you didn't or to try once again to achieve what you had aimed but failed.


Amogh Kasat
06:03 Sep 09, 2020

It's right


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Utkarsh Sharma
07:44 Aug 13, 2020

Your Story was Fantastic


Amogh Kasat
05:23 Aug 16, 2020

thank you :)


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