Cornish Rivera express

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Funny Happy Holiday

(Renee and her sister allie are traveling to their grandma's place with their mother. While on the train, the family converses in detail after a long time and they end up discovering a thing or two about each other.)

Renee: it's getting pretty cold in here isn't it, I wonder how it might be at grandma's, my God I can't with this chilliness I need to get a hot beverage and a blanket ASAP!

Mom: well I think that's because someone decided to strip off as much clothes as possible while visiting their grandma, if only you both ever listen to your mother! Allie please make your sister understand my simple words.

Allie: please don't make this journey more awkward than it already is mom, l don't think we need to fill the silence here,I mean at home we barely talk using an entire sentence.

Renee: Well atleast someone is smart in this family, I'm totally with you.

Mom: I always try to bond with my family but look what happens, alright I'll shut up as long as you both listen to me when we are there, I don't need a lecture from my mother on how I should've brought up my kids and everything related to that area yet again!

(Both the sisters pretended to ignore what they interpreted as their own insults on some level)

Renee: I'm bored

(placing her hand on her sister's shoulder with a smirk she said)-

So sis how's school? Do u still like that boy? Whatever his name was?did you tell him yet, oh I miss school so bad already

Allie:can we please not talk about that low-life, narcissist, creep? I decided to forget about him, besides I've got higher standards than you think

Renee: mom why can't we supress our laughter these days, like we once used to?

(Both burst into laughing so hard that a tear drop almost rolled down Renne's eyes)

Allie: alright, alright for some of us, our crush mostly doesn't even know that we exist, but what can we do except for just try to forget about them, even though as hard as it is, and whenever he walks with another girl,you just wanna be her but then again it can't happen in a million years so you've gotta just try to forget about him, but it's so tough.

Mom: Oh Rosie let it all out (the name of her sister)

Allie: mom, my name is Allie, you picked it up for me yourself remember?

Mom: nevermind dear, go on.

(They were interrupted by a food vendor lady)

Vendor lady: anything from the trolly dear?

Renee: I'll have some gummy bears please

Allie: wait you like them? I can never eat them, makes my teeth all chalky

Renee: what do you mean? Firstly they're amazing and secondly since when can't you eat them? You'd always steal mine!

Allie: really? I've got no memory of that, however I do recall being head over heels for twizzlers so I'll get five of them please.

Mom: would you happen to have hot Cheetos?.... What? Quit glaring at me you two! I'm gonna need energy to deal with my mom, besides I've been craving them for the past couple of days.

Renee: I don't think I've ever known you both better than I do right now and that concludes that we're a pretty weird family, on dad seemed almost normal, if it weren't for his goofiness

Allie: I miss him, we certainly had some great family time back then. Remember when our cousin José had that bunch of tacos and some other greasy mexican stuff and then went on the rollercoaster ride with Renee and when they came back Renne was drenched with his puke

Renee: I'll kill you, anyway that was years ago, forget about it already

Allie: believe me, if I were you, I would've killed myself at the spot then and there.

Mom: I remember and then we had to rush her (Renee) home saying that our neighborhood locked himself outside and needed some help ASAP, leave it to your dad, coming up with the lamest excuse one possibily can.

Renee: and to our suprise they all actually bought it, man that was one tiresome day for all of us wasn't it?

Allie: and do you remember when grandma found out about that, we had to eat only boiled sprouts and vegetables for Thanksgiving!

Renee: and the year after that, when allie got so drunk on Thanksgiving and was so into her dark, gothic pop, uncle Stephan was actually terrified of her

Allie: he was trying me with all sorts of weird questions, he was probably expecting me to open up about my cult activities and I humoured him

Renee: I remember so did Dad, and it was the only talk amongst all our angsty relatives for 2 years straight. I wonder how he is now- Dad.

Mom: well you do visit him every now and then, I haven't seen him for three years now

Renee: no I know but it's different with him now, you know with his new family around and everything I feel like I don't even know him.

Allie: he's definitely not happy, I can sense it, in his home in his eyes, but he is too prideful to ask about you, I know he misses you

Renee: well I don't think they were much compatible to begin with, when he and his wife couldn't even communicate in one same language. To add on she isn't even that pretty, certainly no competition in front of you mom.

Mom: well I couldn't agree with you more on this topic, however we can't jump to conclusions. Maybe we could be wrong, maybe he is happy, maybe he just feels guilty whenever he sees both of you

Renee: but what about you mom, are you over him, you haven't seen anyone in the past seven years and you have met pretty great people since. you go on a date maybe once in two years and you eventually cut them off, you've even cut dad off for years are you still in love with him?

Mom: Renee, I'll always be in love with him, he was my first true love and he gave me you both, and there's nothing I want, sure it hurts that we're just strangers now but deep down he'll always be my family, even though he has a different family now

Allie: I seriously don't get you. Infact I don't get most women such as you, dad cheated on you, never gave you the explanation you deserved, walked out all of a sudden, has got himself a new family and you act like you're okay with all this? No! To make things worse you're still supporting him?

(There was silence in the air)

Renee: well this has been quite a long journey hasn't it? I need a nap before we get there because I know once we reach grandma's, there will be plenty to do, I can't wait to see her dog April, she was so tiny the last time we met, anyway please wake me up once we're nearly there.

(Allie plugs in her headphones and sink onto her seat listening to Billie ellish songs and their mom burries her nose under a book)

Mom: and it looks like we might be back to our normal selves once again (she whispered in sarcastic tone) it was indeed good to be a close family for 40 minutes.

The train makes it's final stop to Castle Combe, Wiltshire

"Attention all the passengers train Cornish Riviera Express has reached its final destination, all the passengers are requested to evacuate the train Cornish Riviera Express..."

Renee:oh no! (She squealed)

Mom: what?

Allie: ohmygod what Renee?!!

Renee: it's colder than I imagined I'm freezing

(The two chuckle softly)

They hear a loud joyful noise from their back all of a sudden, making the three of them almost jump

Grandmother: and here are my beautiful girls, gimme a hug now. My Renee has grown so much more beautiful than the last time I saw you and Allie you've grown taller than your mother and I hear that you topped in your class this year? I'm so proud of my girls, anyway it's freezing, let's go home, I've made a deliciously warm apple pie along with a special feast for you all and Renee dear, have you been studying well now that you're a big college girl...

She and Renee lead the way, Allie looked at her mom boaring a reassuring smile

Allie: I'm sorry mom, everything will be alright from now on, I had the best time today on the train and I'm sorry about the sudden outburst (they go in for a quick hug)

The four of them head to their car waiting on the side and embraced the memorable yet familiar drive to home, those green fields surrounded by all the houses in a row, a beautiful lake downside, it felt good to have a close family.

January 11, 2021 14:53

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