Cupt galeatum - the man who could pause time

Submitted into Contest #253 in response to: Write about a character who has the ability to pause the passage of time.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction

Flora Flores and her family welcomed her newborn son, Louis Antonio Flores, on August 6, 1948. Maria Santos, the local Curandero (medicine woman) with great spiritual healing powers, was present during Louis’ birth. As the doctor took the child from the mother, he turned and gave him to Maria for a blessing. Holding the child, she looked down at Louis and saw a Caput galeatum (veil) encompassing his face. She screeched with excitement, chanting incantations and jumping in celebration. She began to shake as she felt his spiritual powers emanating from his tiny body.

With great reverence and joy, Marie turned to Flora, saying, “Flora, your son has been given the gift of Caput galeatum. I can feel the power of healing within him. Someday his gift will be revealed to him. I do not know what the power within him will manifest, but one day Louis will feel the power and know how best to share his gift with the world.”

The entire barrio gathers to celebrate Luis’s birth. It had been over 100 years since a child had been born Caput galeatum. With Louis’ birth, everyone in the barrio knows the entire community is blessed. The barrio will prosper and grow.

By the age of twenty, Louis’ life had not changed. He worked with his father on land leased by a local farmer in Callen, Texas. It was hard work, but his father always told him brutal and honest work was its reward. Louis often wondered where the spiritual gift Maria had said he was given at birth was. On this day, his birthday, he decided that the Caput galeatum was an old woman’s tail. He had no gift. Louis decided this day, he would move to Austin, Texas, and begin a new life. Far away from the evil looks he now received from his neighbors, who wondered why he did not use his gift to help the barrio.

Living in Austin enabled Louis to be just another person, with no expectations as to his abilities. He was comfortable being an ordinary man without an extraordinary secret.

He first discovered his ability to pause time on a rainy Wednesday morning. Rushing through the crowded streets of Austin, Texas, late for an important meeting, his heart racing; he knew that missing this meeting may cause him to lose his job. In his mind, he suddenly screamed, “I wish desperately that everything would just pause for a moment.” And then, miraculously, it did.

The bustling street froze. Cars halted mid-motion, raindrops suspended in the air like crystal beads. Pedestrians stood like statues, mid-step, and mid-conversation. Louis looked around, heart pounding, trying to comprehend the stillness. He tentatively touched a floating raindrop, watching it shatter into a thousand tiny droplets that hung in the air. Fear was the first emotion he felt. Louis took a deep breath, wondering, “Is this real, or am I losing my mind?” Just as quickly as time paused, everything returned to normal. Rain poured into the streets, and cars raced by. He shook his head, rationalizing that the stress of the meeting he was late for, caused him to imagine time paused. Running to his meeting, his last thought before entering his office was, “I am not Caput galeatum.”

The following day, Louis called his mother Flora, telling her about his pausing time. He wondered if he was losing his mind. In a calm voice, Flora reminded Louis that he was indeed Caput galeatum, and pausing time must be his gift. She told him she would have Maria call him to discuss his gift. Flora said, “Son, all will be well; Maria will help.”

That evening, Maria called, sharing techniques Louis must use to embrace his gift. She told him it would take time to learn how best to share his gift. Maria said, “Louis, you must be careful with this gift. Any gift can be used for good or evil; it is up to you to stay the course, using it for the well-being of others.”

Over the next few weeks, Louis experimented with his newfound power. He discovered that he could pause time at will by focusing his mind and clenching his fists. Releasing the tension resumed the flow of time, with no one the wiser.

He used the pauses to his advantage, finishing tasks in seconds that would take hours, sneaking into restricted areas, and, at first, indulging in harmless pranks. But the more he used the power, the more he realized its potential and peril.

One day, Louis wandered into a hospital. Walking through the eerily silent halls, he stumbled upon a critical surgery in progress. The patient’s heart had stopped, and the doctors were frantic. The doctor looked at the clock on the adjacent wall, saying, “We are running out of time; the patient’s heart has been idle for too long. If it is not started within the next few minutes, we will lose him.”

He heard the doctor instructing his partner what needed to be done, but time was failing. Louis struggled to decide what to do. He hesitated. Was it right to interfere?

He decided to act. After pausing time, Louis manipulated the surgical instruments using his power, guiding the doctors’ hands. When he resumed time, the heart monitor beeped back to life, and the doctors cheered in relief, unaware of the invisible hand that had aided them.

The more Louis used his power for good, the heavier the burden. He stopped a bank robbery, saved a child from a burning building, and prevented countless accidents. But each intervention felt like playing god, and the moral weight began to wear on him. He became

overwhelmed with each effort. So many people to help. Louis spent more time alone in his apartment, contemplating what this gift really meant. He wondered if this was really a gift or a burden.

He reached out to Maria Santos, pleading for guidance. She listened, hearing the toll the gift was taking on him. “You need to find a balance, Louis,” she advised. “You can’t save everyone. And you can’t lose yourself in the process. A gift is only a gift provided it does not destroy the recipient. Others have your gift and need guidance on finding and using it within themselves. When you are ready, reach out to me, and I will guide you to them.

Louis hung up the phone, revitalized, knowing that he did have a gift and that he should strive to utilize it properly. He decided that when the time was right, he would help others find and use their gifts.

One evening, Louis saw a news report about a corrupt businessman evading justice. The temptation to use his power for retribution was overwhelming. He could quickly gather evidence, expose the man, or even cause an “accident” that would remove him from society.

But Louis remembered Maria’s words. The line between good and evil was thin, and he was teetering dangerously close to crossing it. He decided against direct action, instead using his abilities to nudge an investigative journalist in the right direction. He guided the journalist to others involved with the businessman and documentation that proved his guilt. The story broke, and the businessman was brought to justice through legal means.

Years passed, and Louis continued to use his power sparingly, focusing on small, everyday acts of kindness. He subtly saved lives, inspired change, and helped others find their own strength. He never sought recognition, content with the quiet satisfaction of making a difference.

As he grew older, Louis set forth a plan as to how best to help other Caput galeatum bring forth their gift. He spoke with Maria frequently, patiently waiting for her to identify one who had been given the gift. Maria had found a young woman, Mia, who had been born Caput galeatum, displaying a strong sense of justice and compassion. Maria introduced Louis to Mia. He revealed his secret to her, teaching her the importance of balance and the weight of responsibility.

Louis watched Mia take up the mantle, pausing to save lives and spread kindness. He felt a deep sense of peace, knowing that the power was in good hands. His legacy would continue, not through grandiose acts of heroism, but through the small, meaningful changes that truly shaped the world.

And so, Louis Flores, the man who could pause time, left an indelible mark on the world—not by being a hero, but by inspiring others to be better.

June 02, 2024 17:37

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Douglas Render
20:48 Jun 09, 2024

Thank you I missed the tense. I am considering expanding this. Based on what you see, is there enough meat to do so?


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David Sweet
02:56 Jun 09, 2024

I enjoyed this story--well done working with the prompt. I would like to offer a couple of constructive thoughts: 1) This paragraph seemed out of place grammatically because it is written in present tense and the rest of the story is written in past or past perfect tense: "The entire barrio gathers to celebrate Luis’s birth. It had been over 100 years since a child had been born Caput galeatum. With Louis’ birth, everyone in the barrio knows the entire community is blessed. The barrio will prosper and grow." 2) I feel the stakes should be...


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