Drama Funny Holiday


Bella barged into the house followed by Ethan with his hand full of luggage and wondering why in the god’s name he said yes to her for moving into the place like this which has no connectivity with the city life. A wise man once said “no one can understand women” well he is feeling it right now because he couldn't understand his writer wife's logic towards living in a place which is so close to nature that even his phone signals couldn't catch the city , don't know what will happen to his internet life.

“Ethan…...Ethan…..ETHAN” Bella cried.

“God  woman what's the matter with you?” Ethan asked.

“I have been calling you for 5 minutes but you are busy in your la la land,I am sure you must be thinking about  the girl we saw in our way” Bella huffed.

“What!!! Which girl? I think i need to remind you that we only saw the various types of trees on our way here , short trees, long trees ,crooked trees and straight trees. Didn't we ?”Ethan asked 

“Stop being a kid and help me bring life to this place” Bella said .

“We can't bring life to this place , cant u see there is nothing around us but trees, you can bring furniture here and nothing else , how are we gonna survive without our social life.GOD DAMMIT, there isn't even any signal here . Why are we even here? '' Ethan shouted.

“But we are close to nature here, in the city life we were so tense about work that we weren't even able to give time to each other. Here we can lead a happy life .” Bella concluded.

“I don't know about you bella but i am for sure not gonna lead even a life here , being happy is not even close. Can you imagine how insecure I will feel thinking that you are sitting in an isolated area working on your laptop where we don't even have a signal and no help can reach you in an emergency.” Ethan sighed.

“Hey , Ethan I got the signal ,see.”Bella exclaimed and shove her phone on Ethan's face to show the hope of their netizen life.

“Problem is much bigger than that bella. We can't live here, you have to understand it sooner or later.” ethan said 

“If this idea was so repulsive to you why did you even say yes Ethan.” Bella asked with her glossy eyes.

Ethan stared at his love of life and couldn't find the courage to admit how helpless he was to say yes because he couldn't snatch the happiness from his wife’s eyes after months when she shared this idea of moving out . She has  been struggling with work and couldn't find her muse for writing something new , so he left the responsibility of finding a new place for them on his wife's shoulders and that's where it all started but now he is having second thoughts on his decision because his wife’s security is above all for him.

"God, you are still thinking about that girl. That's why you have been drifting from our conversation ." Bella complained.

"First , I don't even know  who the hell is this girl and second is I only have eyes for you and now stop distracting me. Let's talk about the real issue here ." Ethan said .

"Fine!!! But Ethan the environment here is so soothing , I think if I live here I'll be able to find my muse." Bella concluded and sat down on the floor in indian style with hunched shoulders .

At this point , Ethan didn't know what he should do . If he considers his wife's happiness then her safety will be in danger and if he puts her safety first then she will be in melancholy because of not finding her muse . Ethan was in a dilemma which was quite unknown to his beloved Bella. 

Ethan starts walking towards the window and he could see the movers truck which they brought with them . He looked back at his wife and again looked in the darkness of trees. At that moment  he knew they could not stay here .

"Bella! I have an idea " Ethan exclaimed .

Bella looked towards Ethan with gloomy eyes and raised her eyebrow asking him to continue .

"Bella , how about we stay here tonight and see how things go. Maybe you'll be able to find your muse in the meantime. What do you say ?" Ethan suggested .

" Hmmm .. well that's much better than leaving right away." Bella sighed.

" Ohk!! It's settled then. Now let's…

"But Ethan, where will we sleep , what will we eat if we won't unload our luggage." Bella cried .

" We have to sleep on the floor and we will eat whatever we have in my shoulder bag." Ethan concluded .

Bella nodded . 

Later that night both decided to go to  sleep after having their dinner which includes a bottle of cold drink ,Doritos and a few sandwiches .

Ethan was sound asleep due to the fatigue but  Bella kept thinking about her muse.She kept tossing and turning from one side to another but was not able to get even an ounce of sleep . She finally got up and started walking towards the window . She stared into the darkness of the trees in order to find her muse but her mind was blank and her body was tired because of the exhaustive trip. When she decided to go to sleep finally , she saw a little movement in between the trees . She could not figure out what it was but she knew something or someone was there . She kept looking in the depth of trees and could not comprehend when a deer ran out of there . She awed at the deer , it was nothing like she saw in the geographic programmes. Its skin was glowing and the deer kept turning its head here and there .At that moment , things stopped for Bella she could not conclude why a mere deer was looking so alluring to her . Why she was not able to take her eyes off it and why she felt like trapped in a spell casted by nature . When the deer was out of her sight she realised that the deer was not magical , it was only looking beautiful because it was the only one who brought light in the darkness of these woods . It was the deer who broke the mundane silence of the trees . It was the deer who brought life to the place like her husband does to her . Realisation hit her hard and she turned fast to look at her husband who was sleeping with his mouth open . Moonlight was making his chiseled face more handsome and she realised that the muse which she was trying to find in the outer world was always with her only . She smiled and went to sleep .

Next day Bella woke up with a smile on her face and looked up to see Ethan already waiting for her . She approached him and gave him a morning hug . Ethan could not figure out the reason behind his wife's happy mood.Ethan looked at Bella with suspicious eyes.

"Bella , I know you wanted to find your muse but your safety is more important for me . We can't live here bella. Maybe we can find a nice place where we have both safety and nature but for now let's leave." Ethan said .

"We don't have to go anywhere else Ethan." Bella concluded .

"What!! What do you mean? Bella,  I just told you we can't live here why don't you …

" I mean we can go back to our old place. We don't have to go anywhere else ." Bella exclaimed.

"But what about your muse. Bella you don't have to compromise on your dreams. Don't worry we will find a place." Ethan said 

"I don't need to find my muse now ." Bella said.

" But why ?" Ethan asked .

" Because I already found it " Bella said and a smile broke on her lips. 

_______________THE END

September 18, 2020 12:46

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