“The War against time”

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic story that features zombies.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Kids

Once upon a time, when the world was about to fall apart there were only two clans left. These clans had always been hating towards each other since the start of time. There were always wars and fights going on until finally there were only two clans left to fight each other. There had been so many wars that even the world was about to end with only a few creatures left in it. Yes creatures, these two clans were the resurrected clan and the mortal clan. The resurrected clan was made up of zombies. Yes you heard it right, zombies. The mortal clan was made up of humans, normal, going to die and not eternal humans. It all started with only two twin brothers. They used to play together and live like normal people live. They used to eat, play in the garden, and go for shopping and all that. Until one day, they fought and it was really surprising for everyone because these two brothers never fought. They were always nice and kind to each other like two best friends. Their names were Squire Godefray and Kester Godefray. The fight started on the day of squire godefray’s birthday. They were having a talk about whether being mortal and dying is better or being immortal and aging until you become a zombie is better. Squire thought that being immortal was better because you could do anything you want never die thus never pay for what you did in the afterlife even if it made you a zombie but Kester was completely against the idea he said “being mortal is better as the world will be in order as no one will go against anyone saying that they won’t have to pay for it in afterlife”. They kept debating on this topic until it got to the point and became so heated that there was nothing anyone could do anymore. It ended when Kester said to Squire “I‘ll kill you so that you don’t go around planting the idea of being immortal in other people’s mind” and that was the end of Squire Godfrey. After some years Kester grew up, got married and then he had children. One day he was walking outside the house with his family when he thought he heard a familiar voice calling his name. He thought “it must be simply someone with the same name as him”. He wasn’t so sure anymore because these incidents had been happening since the day he killed his brother. He was sleeping one night and when he turned around in his wooden bed he thought he saw a shadow on the muddy wall of his room. He turned around and looked what he saw made him faint. “I must be dreaming” he kept repeating to himself. But lest did he know that it wasn’t. He had actually seen Squire Godfrey as a zombie.

That’s how all this started and now just because of them the world divided in two clans and now those clans were against each other. Now the technology was very advanced and there were nuclear bombs, robots, time machines, teleporters and all that kind of technology. Now in the resurrected clan there was a zombie named plunger pygmy. He was very thin, short, shy and a ‘fraidy zombie. He was scared of every little noise and all these wars tired him out. One day plunger was coming home after buying some delicious blood flavoured bubble gum. While he was absentmindedly chewing on it and thinking of his life he had an idea of a life time. He knew his parents Mr. and Mrs. Pygmy won’t allow him but he was going to do it for the betterment of the whole wide world. If the idea that came to his mind worked the world would be in peace and no one would’ve died or been a zombie. He knew he was too much of a ‘fraidy zombie to do it so he called his best friend lecher gagg. Lecher gagg was the complete opposite of his friend plunger he wasn’t scared of anything but they made the perfect team. Plunger had the brains and lecher had the courage they needed for this adventure. They started working on their idea at once. It was all hustle and bustle for a few months and during those months those clans were literally eating each other. The zombies were eating the humans to get the blood they needed for survival and it was all chaos. Finally after all their hard work they finished with the part A of the plan with beads of sweat on their head. In front of them was the result of their hard work, the incredible time machine. For a while they bickered to find the perfect name for their time machine. They finally settled on PL (their initials). Now all they needed was a battle cry. The came up with “onward”. Now it was time to get the plan into action lecher asked to go over the plan one last time. Plunger groaned but said ok. Plunger started” so all we need to do is walk into this time machine, go to the time and the place where the two brothers, Squire and Kester lived and stop Kester from killing Squire by explaining the reason”. Lecher interrupted “won’t they go nuts when they see zombies in front of them and the kind of zombies that came to warn them not to kill when the brothers are best friends” Plunger replied “ stop interrupting me I am getting to that point” he continued “it’s not mandatory to show ourselves as zombies. Is it? We could hide the fact that we are zombies and make ourselves look like humans. We just need to put away the habit of drinking blood milk and eating flesh chips for a few days and that’s it. It’s not like we are green it’s just our habits and some of the features that make us zombies. So now we won’t release that we are zombies until we get to the point that when they kill each other we will explain how it all happened but we need to be careful not to eat them or anything like that or it may end up worse” lecher monotonously said “Yeah yeah long talks but I get it.”

They started their journey for the blessed cause. They knew it may lead up to no good or it may lead all up to good. They took one step in the time machine. While looking at each other they took a few deep breaths and pressed the button that said “the start of everything”. They felt a swish and a bit of drowsiness and they landed with a big thump. When they came out of the time machine they had to hold onto each other to prevent falling. When they looked around they were knocked for six. They saw that all the houses were made up of nothing but mud and if not mud, it was sticks. They also saw that there was a lot of open space for playing and there were trees and flowers all around them it was just like how they saw it in the movies and the books. Lecher looked at plunger and asked him “uhm… how are we going to find two kids in all this chaos and how are we going to recognize them?” lecher replied “we will ask the people around here they will probably know them as they are well known for their affection towards each other”. Lecher thought to himself “which didn’t last for long.” They started towards one of the houses and when they reached there they asked the person there for the two brothers. The person thought that they looked very weird with yellowed out teeth and extraordinarily red lips but nevertheless he told them where they lived. When they reached the place where they lived it took them a while but they explained everything and the brothers understood what was going on but they were a still bit suspicious. So they asked plunger and lecher to take them to the future. Plunger and lecher discussed but they agreed. When they reached the time machine Squire and Kester Godfrey were fascinated by what they saw and they started to trust them more. They felt the same feeling again and with a thump they landed again. When they reached there they were surprised by what they saw. There were no fights and no eating it was like they had stepped in a complete different world. There were a lot more people there were no two clans there was just humans but the fact that they were the only zombies took them some time to understand. Then they realised they made a big mistake by doing what they did they couldn’t find their house or their parents. They knew they didn’t do a good thing by messing with time they realised it may be good from the rest of the world but it wasn’t good from them so you know what they did? They again went back in time but this time they went back to the time they decided to make a time machine they stopped the other version of themselves from making the time machine and telling them that they were making a big mistake and it will bring nothing but gloominess. They stopped but know that they did plunger and lecher didn’t have a time machine to go back so they had to stay there for the rest of their lives.

September 21, 2020 02:36

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Noor-Fatima Khan
00:57 Sep 28, 2020



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Noor-Fatima Khan
00:57 Sep 28, 2020

good job kashy washy


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