Adventure Black Crime

My name is Hassan mai wurno pronounced wuruno, I'm 42, am about 5’8,in height, hair was black curled as if jerry curl was applied. I tell you truth, I have never touched any oil on my head since my secondary school days. I'm a fulani man, that is why my hair is like that. I weigh about 68kg. My profession changes every season, somethings, it doubles per season but I am staff of local government in record,others are side kicks. I came from sokoto northern nigeria. I passed through schools, primary to university level where I studies agricultural science, but considering situation I found myself now, I'm not sure whether the school I passed through really passed through me. If it does and I still found myself in this predicament due to my stupidity, I swear, when I balanced again allah permitting, None of my children will waste money as school fee anywhere for It is of no use. 

I worked in my local government secretariat as deputy bursar, I was happy with my work, the pay was good enough for my family of six. I was married to fatuah, happy with her too. Very beautiful woman, educated and wise, managing my family affaires smartly till February this year when I started listening to those nonsense group known as colleagues. If not for those group called colleagues, I would still be a happy family man today.  

This February, they started advising me to be a man, a real man as they put it. Meaning, I should add to my wife another wife as our culture demands for me to command respect due to my status in the community. It was true, my people don’t respect you if you marry only one wife, it means you are not man enough. So, I started given thought to advise I should have thrown into trash can. My best friend then kabiru was the most outspoken of all the colleagues that were pressurising me.

“why must you allow your colleagues to be talking down on you?, Why give people opportunity to rate you low?” kabiru began. 

“Man, I don’t want to marry two wives, one is enough headach?” 

“enough headach?, you mean you’re not in control in your own house?”. 

“of course I'm”.

“Am saying this because this persistent advise is turning to insult”. 

“why two?", I querried. "how come our former presidents marry one and still command respects?” 

“You said former presidents, they were military, had money and power, people follow both” .

“I work in local government, one day, I might be chairman and command money and power too”.

 “I'm saying all these as a friend, I know what is being said behind your back. Soon, they will prevent you from coming near them. Some believed that you are odd man in their midst”

That was how I started searching seriously for second wife inorder not to be odd man again and belong. Infact, if you lay eyes on my first wife, you will know without being told that I'm a man of high taste. I like them beautiful, educated, tall, wise. I was looking for who will surpass my wife in all those qualities. The ones I saw refused to be second wife, some urged me to divorce my wife first. I got confused, I was planning to increase, I am being advised to drive away the first one before new ones will coming. The one’s that were recommended by so called colleagues were cargos, even my first wife with four kids were more fresh than most of them. I said capital no to all those ones. 

Then in April, one colleagues recommended one by name hatinu. She was 28 according her, she was about medium in height with a golden gold complexion that can only be possible at 28 in sokoto weather through constant staying in air conditioned room or cool place. Her hair was black and smooth, to be honest with you, I was smoothed immediately I saw her. Her eye was blue like those Russian girls that walk the streets of guangzhou. Her voice was like melody that I got smoothed again and again. Her shape was exactly what was refered to in sokoto as ‘huku huku’ 

 I said to myself, it must be this one. To my surprise, I never knew I have to start spending money again in the name of wooing, I learnt that she had boy friend that was selling cows and other things, that were planning to marry her soon. I started spending after finding out that although the boy friend is little bit wealthier than I, I am more educated and hatinu being educated will choose me over the guy I reasoned. 

The guy aiba was around 35 or less, I'm not sure, he looks like 38 to me, his physique was like that of Anthony Joshua. Height, just like me. hair was black, weather he was herder before becoming a saler, I will not contest that insinuation, most were one and the same. I heard his education stopped at secondary level, how he made his money with that level of education and maintain it, made me to start questioning the need for ivory education. Another out of order thing I noticed about this aiba guy was his hygiene. He usually look clean from outsides, I thought he was one of those people that use perfume to dampen the offensive odour oozing from them due to lack of shower, I cunningly went near him on one occasion to confirm my suspicion. I was disappointed; he was genuinely clean. I knew from that day that I had formidable opponent, so, I went Home to plan my moves. I came out totally committed,shooting from all angles, after all, I'm up there and he down as far as education is concerned. This is Nigeria, education has it’s own invisible power just like money, if you add politics to it, you became mini god. Hatinu herself seems to enjoy being the grass on which two elephants fight. She refused to tender any definite answer to me, my ego and arrogance will not allow me to think clearly. The situation I supposed to be controlling seems to be controlling me without my knowledge. From the last census in sokoto state, the population of female was said to be 2,234,280, and I could not find a woman to add to my wife from that number only hatinu that was manipulating both of us then without our knowledge. 

On august, I was in my office trying to balance expenditure that refused to add up, whether as result of me not concentrating or hatinu occupying my thought or even both, I don’t know. Suddenly, two men I was seeing for the first time in my life knocked and entered without waiting to be invited first. Even before they introduced themselves, I know who they were. Cops, it was screaming all over them. I stopped what I was doing eyeing them. The taller one about 38, hair blacks with waves which points out his tribe out naturally, height about 180 cm, eye black and might be weighing about 78 kg from my observation. Introduced himself as sergeant usman dikko and the other one I considered rightly to be his junior he introduced as corporal isa. My offer of drink was rejected as being against their regulation. The sergeant cut off my attempt at small talks and went straight to the business. 

“Do you know one Mr aiba?” the sergeant asked. 

“I know one business man that deals on livestocks by that name” I answered.

 “Yea, he is the one, is it true that you both are not in speaking terms because of a girl you are trying to marry?. 

“Ah!, officer, who is feeding you this rubbish?, I'm not in enemity with anyone, aiba and I might be interested in one woman which is normal, but we understand each other perfectly well. "What is the matter, is anything wrong with aiba?”

 “Yesterday, 50 percent of his cows was rustled in farm where he keeps and feeds them around 6:30 pm yesterday evening, Mr Hassan mai, where were you around that time?”

“I was in central kasuwa buying clothes for my daughter” 

“daughter?, you married?”

“Yes of course” 

“How come aiba added your name in the list of his suspects?, and yet you two understand each other well according to you”

“Officer, I'm not in position to answer that question. Some people don’t see you as are seeing them.”

"How are you seeing him?”

“Ah!, I see him as a younger brother that is interested in what I am interested in finish.” 

“How long have you worked in this local government secretariat?”

“I have been here since June 2001” 

“Ok for now, we might come again”. 

“I am always here sir"

Could you imagine the insinuation?, now I am trying to cripple aiba financially, some people are crazy.

That was when I should have put an  end to all these hatinu business, but I took it as accusation of a looser trying to stay above water. He was playing dirty games, I suspected that nothing was missing, I concluded. 

Two weeks later, I was in my office when sergeant dikko bust in without knocking or being announced and stood before me eyeing me with hatred that can melt the whole ice in sokoto. Then, he thrusts his fulani face almost into mine and shouted:

“You think you are smart, ah, well this does it. Nothing stands on your way ah?, well nothing stands on mine too. certainly, it won't be you”

“Officer, what's going on here?, you can’t burst in here talking to me like that, I can’t …….”

“Oh, I can’t ah, well, I can go a Step further than that. You are under arrest for murdering aiba, rustling his remaining cows, and snatching his car” 

“What are you talking about?, I didn’t kill anyone I want to call my lawyer”

“You will need presidential handshake to free youself from this wickedness, lawyer won't be enough”

That was how I spent three months in detention house being feed once a day. I was refused bail till last week when by magic, yes magic for I did not remember allah for a day throughout those three months. So, he could not have been the one that saved me from police net. I was freed last week when officers found out by luck that aiba was murderd by hatinu, the same girl I was sweating to marry, all that had been happening to him and the ball point pen that belong to me that mysteriously disappeared from my office officers found at the place aiba was killed, which led them to arrest me was all hatinu’s plot. I thank heaven that am still alive, maybe, I would have joined aiba wherever he is now.

It happened that the gold ring and neckless that aiba wore on the day he was killed which wasn’t on him when he was found was fenced to a dealer as original but the man later found out that they were fakes and was furious with hatinu. He went back for his money and found hatinu gone, he contacted officers whom spent five days searching all over Nigeria for a woman that is resting in a beach in east africa bearing another name.  

December 14, 2020 18:53

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Reagan Fuller
00:36 Dec 24, 2020

Hi, your story is good. But there are some grammar issues


Philip Ebuluofor
16:08 Dec 26, 2020

Thanks for commenting. Please, always point out the faults for me.


Reagan Fuller
07:36 Dec 27, 2020

Well in the first paragraph you didn't put a space next to the comma. And remember you should start your dialog with " then an upper case first word. Also, check your spaces between words. Overall the story was good even though the grammar.


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