
Submitted into Contest #241 in response to: Start your story with an unexpected betrayal.... view prompt

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Fiction Fantasy Thriller

“So, this is what I get for trusting you.” The vitriol oozed from Cain’s words. His eyes burned with hate as he glared into her gold flecked orbs. All he needed to do was pay attention, but initially, that was something he didn’t want to do. It was only now, knowing the end was near, that he saw her for what she actually was—a demon.

Cain’s business consisted of buying and selling relics created by artisans from ancient civilizations. Most of his clients were museums and wealthy collectors. At periodic intervals, Cain took part in trade shows and physically displayed some of the more commonly found items in his collection. For the truly rare objects, he exhibited detailed photographs while keeping the actual artifacts locked securely in a vault at his office. Most revered of all his possessions was a jewel encrusted gold necklace created by a Sumerian artisan over four-thousand years ago.

It was at one such trade show that Cain first saw her. Their meeting seemed innocent enough, or so he thought. He was standing behind his display table, rearranging some items in the case, when she strolled over from another booth. Cain did his best to appear unaffected by her stunning physique, dazzling smile, and gold tinted eyes, the rarest of all human eye colorings. She feigned interest in a few of the items on display, then gravitated to several pictures of the necklace. The unique piece of jewelry breathtaking beauty radiated even through the photographs.

“That’s the centerpiece of my collection. My pride and joy,” spouted a beaming Cain.

“I’m sure it is. It draws me like a magnet and always has.”

Her voice was soft as a gentle evening breeze, its tone resonating in him like a violin solo. Cain thought her comment about the necklace was odd, but maybe she had seen pictures of it previously. That was a question for another time. Right now, he wanted to know more about her.

“I’ve never seen you at one of these shows before. Are you an antiquities collector?”

“I’d consider myself more of an antiquity's admirer. Oh, I’ve gleaned a few items over the years, but never anything as lovely as your necklace. Did you know it was created for a specific woman by the most talented craftsman of his time?”

“It appears you’ve done your homework on this piece. I had no idea it had been created for someone in particular. Did you come across the lucky lady’s name?”

“I did. Her name is Lilith, the same as mine.”

“Now that’s an interesting coincidence. You have a name that goes back to the beginning of time. Jewish mythology contains many stories about your namesake, and most of them are quite terrifying.”

“One might say the same about your name, Cain. I believe we all carry the legacy of the one that first bore our name. Do you have the necklace with you? I would very much like to see it.”

“No, I’m sorry Lilith, but I never take something that valuable to a show. I would be happy to let you look at it at my gallery after the event finishes today.”

Cain’s subconscious had lunged for the words, trying to stop them from exiting his mouth, but to no avail. Somehow, he knew this lady was trouble, but her beauty and charm were so captivating that he ignored what his survival sense was telling him and made the grand gesture.

“That’s most generous of you, Cain, and your timing is perfect. I have some information about the necklace design you may find interesting. I bet you didn’t know that each jewel was meticulously arranged in a specific pattern. Placing them this way captures the energy from the moon and several planets when they become perfectly aligned. The last time the alignment occurred was two thousand years ago. It will happen again tonight. We can share this once in a millennium experience together, if you like.”

The show finished shortly after dusk. The cloudless evening sky was darkening into inky blackness, allowing the stars, planets, and moon to regale Earth with their brilliance. As they walked to Cain’s nearby storefront, conversation was unnecessary as Lilith took Cain’s hand in hers. Cain felt a rush of adrenalin as her warm fingers gently wrapped around his. This was going to be a wonderful or terrifying evening. He found this mysterious woman to be totally unreadable.

Cain unlocked the back door, which opened directly into his office. Before he could turn on the light, Lilith passionately kissed him and whispered that the moon provided enough light.

“May I see the necklace now, Cain?”

“Of course, my dear.” It was impossible to refuse her anything now.

He opened the safe, withdrew the necklace, and presented it to her. What happened next both exhilarated and shocked him. Lilith pulled a single string on her dress, and it fell to the floor, revealing her perfectly shaped naked body. She placed the necklace around her neck and turned toward the moonbeams streaming in through the open door. The jewels pulsed with a glowing energy that transformed her into an otherworldly being.

Infused with an additional source of power, she turned and glared at Cain with contempt in her eyes.

“You killed my lover, Able. I’m here to avenge him. It has taken me centuries to find you, but at last, revenge is mine.” She pointed a finger at him and a bolt of energy arced from it into Cain’s chest. Cain the man fell to the floor, but Cain the Immortal rose from the smoldering corpse and fired an energy bolt of his own. They lifted into the night sky while launching bolts of energy at each other until the sun broached the horizon. No matter how determined each was to destroy the other, neither one could gain an advantage over their opponent.

The Immortals separated, each combatant vowing to meet again one day. Cain also swore never to ignore the little voice in his head ever again.

March 15, 2024 02:16

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1 comment

Trudy Jas
12:21 Mar 21, 2024

Hi Mark, Critique circle matched us up. I enjoyed your story. You didn't overembellish, didn't give extraneous detail, but kept me engaged by letting me in on Cain's thoughts and plans. Just enough humor to keep it human, without becoming comedy. Well done.


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