My story is entitled The Judge , a mediator and a school counselor are often noted as those who settle disputes for a living within their own premises.

Written in response to: Write about a character who settles disputes for a living (a judge, mediator, school counselor, etc).... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Western

My story is entitled The Judge, a mediator and a school counselor are often noted as those who settle disputes for a living within their own premises.

The Judge is the person who often presides over court proceedings.

Again the Judge is noted as the one who often makes judgements such as a public official authorized to decide on questions brought before court.

Also it is the Judge who is often appointed to decide in a contest or competition.

The Judge is ultimately the one who gives an authoritative opinion in the court.

As noted the Judge provides instructions to juries prior to their deliberations and in the case of bench trials ,judges must decide the facts of the case and make a ruling.

In addition ,Judges are also responsible for sentencing convicted criminals. Moot cases filed through lawsuits are heard and settled by a jury in the court.

The five duties and responsibilities of a Judge are that:

The Judges are the ones who hear allegations of prosecuting and defending parties.

It is the Judge who listens to the witness testimony.

Again the Judge provides the rule on the admissibility of evidence.

The Judge also seeks to inform the defendants of their rights. Another role of the Judge is the fact that he instructs the jury.

Also the Judge questions witnesses.

In addition it is the Judge who provides the rule on motions presented by the counsel.

The Judges power is to judge public official vested with the authority to hear , determine and preside over legal matters in a court of law.

During Jury cases ,the judge presides over the selection of the Panel and instructs it concerning pertinent law.

The Judge seeks to rule on motions before or during a trial.

In the civil law courts ,judges often do most of the questioning of witnesses and have a responsibility to discover the facts.

In the common law it is the lawyers who do most of the questioning of the witnesses and the presentation of evidence. The highest ranking Judge in the United States of America legal system is the Chief Justice.

Judges are professionally trained in the law. A person who graduated from law school makes a choice between a Judicial career and a career as a private lawyer.

The lawyer is then appointed to the Judiciary and then enters service.

Again a Judge is noted to be impartial ,fair ,unbiased in order to follow the laws of the State which they are in entirely.

In court the judge keeps the jury informed and comfortable with proceedings that ensures the witnesses and defendants give their best account.

It is the Judge who ensures that rules are followed and that only proper evidence is being heard.

Judges often conducts hearings and makes rulings concerning pretrial business such as preliminary hearing and motions.

It is the Judges who determine how cases are being tried.

The Judges are the key to the fight for civil rights. Also the Judges are often tasked with presiding over trials and maintaining law and order.

It is the Judge who often reviews whether or not there are any illegality issues per the evidence submitted.

The Judge is the trier of law meaning he or she ensures that everything happening in the court room follows the rules set down by the law.

When a Jury is not present in a court case ,the Judge becomes both the tier of fact and the tier of law.

The Judges play the role of interpreting the law assessing the evidence presented and control how hearings and trials unfold in the court rooms.

It can be noted that all Judges are impartial decision makers in the pursuit of justice.

The mediator is also a person who often mediates and helps to settle all kinds of disputes and later creates an agreement when there is a conflict between two or more people or groups by acting as an intermediary or go between for those parties. The act of process of mediating is called mediation.

The mediator assists and guides the parties toward their own resolutions. The mediator does not decide the outcome but helps the parties understand and then focus on important issues needed to reach a resolution.

The traits of a mediator includes the fact that they are Alertness, patience, and Tact, credibility,objectivity,and self control adaptability,perseverance , initiative,appearance and Demeanor.

In a mediation ,the role of the mediator will be to act as a neutral facilitator during the mediation process.

Again pursuing a lawsuit can be costly.

When using mediation two or more people can resolve a dispute informally with the help of a third person.

The five stages of Mediation includes the following stages.

Stage 1: Opening statements.

Stage 2 : Joint Discussion.

Stage3: Private Discussion.

Stage 4: Negotiations

Stage5: Settlement

Mediatiors can shift conflicts away from finger pointing, sharing and blaming .Again Mediators help people focus on mutually beneficial outcomes and interests.

Mediation can continue while it meets the needs of the individual parties involved.

The initial meeting lasts approximately fourty minutes. A full mediation session will usually last between one or two hours depending on the complexity of the situation.

Also Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process wherein a neutral third party the mediator facilitates a discussion between the parties to a lawsuit in order to promote the voluntary resolution of disputes before trial.

Mediation is a process used to settle disputes between two or more people ,business or other organizations.

Again Mediation involves appointing a mediator who happens to be an independent and impartial third person to help the parties talk through the issues , negotiable and come to a mutually agreeable solution.

The school counselor helps to reduce some sort of obstacles to help reduce preventing students from reaching their potentials.

Again the School Counselor seeks to arm students with skills.

The good qualities of a school counselor includes the leadership traits that every counselor should have entirely.

The school counselor has all sorts of leadership traits which includes listening being empathetic building relationship performing Assessments,coordinating efforts, and Activities , exercising Authority ,being flexible and having a sense of humour.

The school counselor is a qualified individual who uses counseling methods to help manage and overcome mental and emotional issues.

Again the school counselor duties include listening to patients ,developing treatment plans and creating coping strategies.

The school counselor works in mental health facilities , hospitals and other schools.

The role of of a school counselor is that they design and deliver school counselling programs that improves students outcomes.

Again the school counselor lead,advocate and then collaborate to promote equity and access for all students by connecting their school counseling program to the schools academic mission and the school improvement plan.

Finally the school counselor helps students to identify and then nurture specific strengths and other interests. It is the school counselor who helps correct weaknesses that can persist later in life.

Some school counselors often collaborate with students to develop plans for achieving some specific academic and career goals.

July 05, 2022 07:09

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