Wicked works Downstairs

Submitted into Contest #277 in response to: Write a story with the word “wicked” in the title.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Fiction

How does Wicked work downstairs, because Virtuous works upstairs, and yes there are two separate floors or levels that are set between them. Both have ideas that can either work for you or work against you. While Wicked wishes you would not succeed, virtuous wishes you would. Wicked has plans to ruin your day and to wreak havoc on your life in general, Virtuous wants to intervene in preventing Wicked's untimely demise of your happiest of moments. How does Wicked plan these unholy moments to become reality? Most are aware that Wicked has never been your biggest fan or even your best friend, yet sometimes Wicked does get the upper hand, but of course, only if Wicked get invited inside your mind and becomes aware of all that we humans have planned for any day, any way and anywhere. Virtuous is the keeper of the light, while Wicked makes the batteries go dead. It is amazing how knowledgeable that Wicked can portray itself to be, when it is more better at deception and deceit, more cunning at misleading you down the path of broken promises and broken dreams. Wicked wants nothing more than to have you to feel disgusted and dejected. Wicked was you to be a pawn in the endless game of chess. Wicked has its arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders, only to make you feel cramped and uncomfortable, which is the beginning of its well laid plans and plots. Virtuous shows its true self by not deceiving you but only being straightforward with you. Wicked always gives you ideas about all the things that you wished you had instead of what you already have, convincing you that you are never satisfied. Wicked may even trick you into thinking that you need "sign your name in blood" to get what you truly deserve in life or in the moment. Yet when the "chips are down", Wicked is nowhere to be found much less standing by your side, of course, letting you to take the fall (falling face first) for the consequences that may be the reward for the deception that Wicked concocted as a fool proof plan. Fool proof, it seems was the word, spoken more often than not and it became like an endless chant that caused to "black out" from reality. Wicked knew you from the beginning, while you were still developing and soon to become a baby born into the cruel cold calculated world. Wicked was waiting in the shadows while you unknowingly arrived, never aware of the plans Wicked had in store for you. As Wicked, laughed with glee, at the idea of your unsuspecting mishaps, Wicked arrived at your birth with gifts galore. Every ill-willed problem that would make a baby's life all the more troublesome, not the promises made by Wicked as from before. Of course, throughout your early childhood, Wicked was there to cause havoc and dismay at every twist and turn, walking effortlessly behind you, creeping in the shadows, like a criminal waiting to pounce on you to hurt and rob you blind. Wicked would have succeeded, but Virtuous was there as well. It was the ongoing battle of Wicked and Virtuous fighting over who would be victorious in the end, never knowing down which path you would choose to take. Wicked had such evil and such vile thoughts that was Wicked's own brand of humor or the lack of it. Wicked half the time was unsuccessful and that sent Wicked on a mission to try even harder the next time. With Wicked, there was no "grace period", no "second chance", no "waiting for you to come up with a better reason" for Wicked to wait with any patience or compassion. And why would Wicked care one way or the other? Why would Wicked one minute be your worst enemy or frenemy? Well Wicked was never your friend nor enemy, Wicked would rather see you fail at every turn, cease to be a success in life, love and happiness. Wicked brings with itself only misery, despair, and agony. Wicked is only happiest when you are not, so know that Wicked will surely catch you on the rebound and will keep honing its skills, sharpening its wit and working harder on its plans to bring you everything that you wish was never seen or heard or known by you. Wicked has always been around, for some more so than others. Wicked believes in and tries to convince you that Destiny, Fate and Chance, can bring you anything that you truly want if only you place your wishes in their hands. Of course, Destiny, Fate and even Chance are all three working evilly together along with Wicked (as their master, allowing Wicked to be in charge and yet bring about ill=gotten gains that Wicked will want payment in full at a late date, but sooner than expected. Wicked is never upfront or willing to admit when Wicked is wrong or "made a mistake". When either of these happens, Wicked storms off like an unhappy spoiled brat. Wicked only believes in one thing, which is what can Wicked benefit or achieve from your demise, despair and dismissal existence? Wicked can be right around the corner, or Wicked can be with its claws out and bearing its razor sharp teeth, at the same time appearing to be no more harmful than "a walk in the park". Wicked has only been out for itself and it will never change for anyone, even if it was able to or willing to change, it would deem this as "too much work and effort". Wicked is selfish, Wicked is a self taught con artist, Wicked thrives off of bad luck, or letdowns, putdowns and humiliation. Wicked is even willing to speak ill of its own self, just to convince you that Wicked is your "friend". No matter what Wicked "brings to the table", Wicked has already devised a plan that will make all your nightmares come to life, all of them to come true, metaphorically speaking. Yet Wicked always has to compete with Virtuous, who only wishes you well in your life.

November 16, 2024 13:16

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Paul Tyree
14:07 Feb 17, 2025

To apologize for the way it was written. I was not paying attention when I wrote this and should have separated the paragraphs. I would be happy to do a rewrite.


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Rebecca Hurst
10:00 Nov 28, 2024

This is broadly an interesting idea and it has some good writing and concepts, but the lack of paragraphing makes for a difficult read. These matters are easily corrected, however, and don't detract from your skill as a writer. Well done!


Paul Tyree
14:08 Feb 17, 2025

thank you for your feedback. I agree that to some degree, it leaves much to be desired. I am willing to do a rewrite, if this will help it out some.


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S.R. Brar
09:15 Nov 25, 2024

To be honest, it's soo long. BTW, the last line: "Wicked always has to compete with Virtuous, who only wishes you well in your life" is my favourite line. Great work, keep it up


Paul Tyree
14:09 Feb 17, 2025

I agree that sometimes I get carried away when I am writing a story. Thanks for your feedback.


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