do you believe in second chances?

Submitted into Contest #54 in response to: Write a story about a TV show called "Second Chances."... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Drama

“Do you believe in second chances? Do you regret what’s happened in your life, and want to turn it around?”

Second Chances. The TV show for dummies who messed up big time. Where they get to go on TV and get paid to fix their mistakes. Some get new houses, new jobs, others apologize in front of a crowd. One thing they all get is a new life.

I don’t really understand how the show is so popular. The whole “everyone gets a second chance” idea is kinda dumb. Like, what happened to “you only live once”? People should be nice the first time, realize they’re wrong the first time. Not have to wait 20 years to go on TV and then suddenly think hmmm maybe I did something wrong all those digity-dang years ago.

If second chances were actually worth it, wouldn’t this world be worse off? Like, you would be free to do whatever the heck you want until you were 30 or so, and then decide you want to change your life around for the better. So we have a bunch of young idiots roaming the streets, but they get automatic forgiveness and unconditional love and support once they decide they want it?

It’s stupid, really. But here I am, sitting backstage as the camera crew gets ready to film. It takes a whole lot of makeup for someone to get a second chance.

And really, do I even deserve this? I was never given a second chance all those years ago. No matter how much I prayed for it, and no matter how much I didn’t deserve it. 

How can you know it’s your fault when you wake up in the hospital and go back into your life with everyone hating you because you did something you didn’t even know you did? When all the evidence is against you, but you know it wasn’t you. When the person who is in the wrong, who is supposed to help you, pulls out a long list of all the reasons why you did it and reads it to your face.

And then what do you do, when you have to live your life with hatred as a best friend.

And then what happens, when you’re so unraveled by all of the stupid people and stupid choices and stupid lies, that suddenly it is your fault.

And all of a sudden, after wishing you had gotten a second chance, wishing you could go back to normal, you become the villain you never were. You become the persona you had come to hate. You become the image of something that was put upon you, taking it upon yourself to fill the role you never wanted.

And now, I’m sitting on a couch, ready for the TV interview, the camera crew about to roll, and crying. The hours of dress-up slowly unraveling as I curl up in a ball and cry.

Why am I here?

Why do I deserve this?

Why? The word echoes in my head. I wish the ground would swallow me up, but instead, the cameras are rolling, taking in me, and my “second chance” to show to the world.

I won’t do any of it. They can look up all the mistakes I made, even call it a third chance that they’re giving me. They can try to make me apologize, try to turn my life around, but in the end, I don’t deserve any of it.

None of the money, the time, the effort. Because in the end, no matter what, I’ll be going back to square one. Not the “second chance” square one with a clean slate, but the “beginning of the end” square one. The square one where everyone remembers and hates me for it. Where all of the pain that’s consumed me all my life gathers into a bundle until the next “square one”. It’s happened all my life, and it’s going to happen now. 

The voice from behind the camera starts asking me questions., ones I don't want to answer.

Questions like "Do you know why you're here today?"

"What do you wish you could change?"

"What can you do to fix what you've wronged?"

"Do you know what's going to happen next?"

"Do you believe in second chances?"

Most of the people on the show say no, yet somehow they get their entire life turned around, and are put in a better place. They get proven that everyone gets a second chance. But me? What did I do to deserve one? What did I do to deserve anything?

Why do I, the person who never even got a first chance, get to have a second one? Everyone knew I wouldn't get one anyway, so why bother with the first? Some people in life are just born lucky. They have the luxury of getting any chances they want. I was born unlucky, without any chances available to me. The universe clearly didn't have any to spare.

All these people who come on the show, and even people in day to day life, get to try again and get to have people supporting them. They're given the opportunities to change, given the push in the direction to better their life. These are things that I've never gotten. Why would I get them now? Why should anyone get them? The people who need them the most don't get them anyway, and the people who simply want them because they are entitled to get as many as they want.

You aren't born with the choice of getting a second chance. You are either born with the right to try again or are born with the hopes of getting to try at all. Those on the top get sympathy and love, while those on the bottom are left with hatred.

So, no. I don’t believe in second chances. Because, chances are, the people you’re going to want to give them to? They don’t deserve it. The people who do deserve it never really get it. Because “second chances” are only for the people who have noticeably messed up. The kind of people who never really had any chance in the first place.

August 07, 2020 21:59

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Abby Irwin
19:51 Aug 14, 2020

Great story! I liked the idea of it but some parts seemed confusing to me like they were missing one word that would make the sentence understandable. Like when it said at the end "Because, chances are, the people you’re going to want to give them to?" It felt like it was supposed to be "Because, chances are FOR, the people you’re going to want to give them to?" but I wasn't sure so it ended up being confusing. I loved the fact that you never say how she messed up. Super great idea!


H. W. Autumn
01:07 Aug 15, 2020

Yeah, I can see why that might be confusing, hehe... Thanks for your feedback! I wanted to give some room for imagination here to add to the overall mood of the story. Glad you liked it!


Abby Irwin
21:24 Aug 15, 2020

Sure! Letting the reader use their imagination really did add a lot to the story.


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Genevieve Taylor
01:58 Aug 09, 2020

Wow this was such a thought-provoking story and I loved it! You’re such a good writer, and this story left me wanting for more—in a good way. I’m so curious about this character! Great work, as always. Stay safe and keep writing! -Vieve


H. W. Autumn
18:26 Aug 09, 2020

Thanks again!! It was so fun to write this story, I was constantly thinking about their character as I wrote. I'm hoping to come back to this idea of "second chances" in future stories.


Genevieve Taylor
21:59 Aug 09, 2020

Of course. Can't wait to read those future stories!


H. W. Autumn
15:44 Aug 10, 2020

Yay! I can't wait to write them! :)


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David Murphy
12:33 Aug 20, 2020

Mmm... I'm not so sure of this one. You certainly played the "I'm a loser" card, but the story ended up as a rant. Did the story go anywhere? Not in my opinion. The language used was (for a non-US reader) awkward at times, making the story more difficult to read than it should be to a mass audience - however, I take on board that this is "you" speaking. I will try to read your other submissions to see if what I feel about this one runs through those as well. But please don't let me stop you writing!


H. W. Autumn
14:40 Aug 20, 2020

Thanks for the feedback! Truthfully, I had a little bit of trouble with this one, and I can see why it could be a bit difficult to read. Your feedback is appreciated, so I'll make sure to keep this in mind for future stories! Thanks again for the feedback! =)


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Keerththan 😀
06:16 Aug 18, 2020

Wonderful story. You conveyed your message beautifully. I loved your writing style. Keep writing.... Would you mind reading my story "secrets don't remain buried?"


H. W. Autumn
14:55 Aug 18, 2020

Thank you! I would love to check out your story. :) It's always great reading other's stories to see what kind of style of writing they have and to look for inspiration!


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16:04 Aug 13, 2020

Wow, this was great! I ❤️🧡💛💙💜 your writing style—it’s quick and humorous and feels like the narrator is speaking to you. Very enjoyable. I love the sort of...plot of this story, what you twisted the prompt into, and I definitely adored this line: ‘Second Chances. The TV show for dummies who messed up big time.‘ HAHAHA. I don’t know why I find that so amusing but I do. Ooh, and I also loved this: ‘Not have to wait 20 years to go on TV and then suddenly think hmmm maybe I did something wrong all those digity-dang years ago‘. All in all, awesom...


H. W. Autumn
16:31 Aug 14, 2020

Thanks for the feedback! I, personally, love mysteries so I'll be sure to check out your submission as well!


16:38 Aug 14, 2020

Yay thanks!


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Faith Hunter
16:34 Aug 12, 2020

Wow, I love how the character took blame and thought she didn't deserve it, that formed a great character. Stay safe -Faith


H. W. Autumn
16:31 Aug 14, 2020

Thanks! I had a bit of trouble forming the character, but it was super fun to write once I had it!


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