Science Fiction Creative Nonfiction Fantasy

Before I fell asleep, Maxwell, Lucy, and I were still in our apartment. I was preparing for a much-needed nap under the rays of the setting sun, too sleepy to care for the debating between my people.

"We need to get out of here, Luce," Maxwell said in a hushed tone, almost as if he were worried about who would hear him.

"What about Nox? There's no way I'm leaving him here." Lucy responds, and I can feel her gaze as she speaks.

"I still have an anesthetic for him somewhere," Not daring to open my heavy eyes, I only hear Maxwell rummage through a crate. "It'll make him sleep long enough for us to make it to the tower's bunker."

Are we going on a trip?

The next thing I knew, I felt a sharp poke in the back of my neck— but I couldn't even protect myself as my drowsiness increased even more.

When I woke up, my surroundings were new. The atmosphere was uncomfortable and stuffy, with the dim lights and lack of color. I got up, ignoring the heaviness of my limbs, and walked around the small room.

It was filled with machinery everywhere, grey and blocky, which took up most of the space in the room— I certainly wouldn't be able to run around and play in here. Things felt bleak, and I felt even more despair when I descended upon Lucy and Maxwell, who were conversing with a bulky man I didn't recognize.

He reminded me of a humanoid gorilla, with broad features, thick eyebrows, and black eyes. His voice was low and guttural when he spoke, but that wasn't the only reason I didn't feel any fondness for the man. He reeked of dog, and when he locked eyes with me, I could sense the hostility he held within.

Deciding not to spend another second on the gorilla, I circled the three... And that was when I saw it.

It reminded me of the devilish glow of that menacingly red dot that always jumped around whenever my Lucy held that peculiar device, but this light held something pure and serene.

I must have it.

The light glowed in the form of a large circle, and it was just within reach... If I could just jump aboard the countertop and reach it.

I must pounce on this ample, round, crimson light. It has no choice but to be mine!

Yet, as distracted as he is conversing with the gorilla, Maxwell sends me an authoritative glance every time I near it.

They're standing around my light, likely coveting it for themselves.

But then I hear their arguments. Their voices get louder with every word, and it sounds like Lucy and Maxwell are trying to prevent the gorilla from stealing it.

Such good people, Lucy and Max. They know it belongs to me, so they're trying to protect it.

"Enough of your foolish save everyone or no one routine!" The gorilla practically growls, speaking in a tone that makes the fur on my back creep upward. "We need to make a decision! The world is at stake, and they're only looming closer with every second you hesitate like a baby!"

"You make it sound so easy," Maxwell scoffs, and I spot his nostrils flare. Oh— he's outraged.

My Lucy chimes in, sounding as calm as a walking mediator. "We still need to take the time to think about this. Max, Brutus... Not everyone has turned. If we press this, it'll be the end of everyone and everything. We're not like you, Brutus. You're willing to murder hundreds of people for—"

"What's one-hundred people got to do with the billions?! This is a sacrifice. If it saves the rest of the world, what's the hold-up? Isn't it worthwhile in the end?"

In spite of understanding every word, the things these people are spouting sound like a foreign tongue to me. The only thing I can make out is that they're deciding whether or not to press my glorious light.

I appreciate Maxwell and Lucy protecting it from that gorilla, but if I could just—

Just one pounce, okay, Maxwell?

As I leap onto the counter, the light being the only thing my eyes hone in on, Maxwell shouts my name, "Nox, no!"

But it's too late. I don't understand why he's so upset, though. It's my light, after all.

Both Lucy and Maxwell try to stop me, but I'm too quick for them. I almost hesitate as I see the gorilla smirk as he watches me— didn't he wish to steal the light from me?

No matter.

I turn my focus back to the light, where the glowing hue entrances me. I can't bear to comprehend the screams my humans are spewing as the urge to pounce on the light intensifies... But I can't help the thought in the back of my head. Why are my humans so upset at the thought of me claiming the light?

Should I leave it be?


I finally give in, pouncing on the light with all my might, and I'm delighted! It was a button all along, which meant I could pounce on it as much as my heart wished.

I paw at it over and over, amused by the clicking sounds that I don't notice the horrified expressions Lucy and Maxwell are giving me. Nor do I care for the strange things that followed.

The windows were covered with thick and impenetrable shields, and previously blank screens lit up with views of the town. Through the thick walls, I could hear blaring sirens emitting throughout the very town we could see on those screens, but I still didn't pay them no mind.

My energy now spent, I elected to curl up next to my button and close my eyes.

Before I went back to sleep, I heard the gorilla say with an entertained tone, "Well, at least we don't have to fight about morals anymore. Your dumb cat made the decision to cleanse the city for us! Both zombies and humans alike will be eradicated."

The gorilla sounded like a foreign speaker again, so I'm not sure what he meant by that... But I'm elated that I chose to push the button. I might just pounce on it again tomorrow.

"...Lucy." Max murmurs.

"Yes, Max?"

"D-did our cat really just set off a nuke?"

"Yes, Max," Lucy repeats.

February 09, 2023 20:26

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Keith Maynard Jr
22:37 Feb 15, 2023

I think Lucy and Maxwell are going to get a new cat. Honestly, at first, I felt that Lucy and Maxwell were cats as well. Well not at first, I thought so for the majority of the story, especially with the gorilla reference for Brutus. Only at the end did I see the light and I went back up top to see and I realized the hints were there and I just missed them. A great story, that shows your creatively by showing things from the perspective of a cat. Welcome to Reedsy. :)


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Wendy Kaminski
22:17 Feb 14, 2023

LOL :) This was so great, loved the feline perspective of "just a red light." Extremely clever and enjoyable, Alyeska! Thanks for the fun story, and welcome to Reedsy!


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