The family of Abalanze of Umuneze clan in Osisioma kingdom has been known for special powers possessed by every male child born into the family. The weird thing is, they are born crippled and either deaf or blind or born with one eye. This physical challenge never deter them not to be strong and ironically, they were seen as the strongest in the land irrespective of their physical challenges. From the first generation, it was so and as time went on, it became a concern for the people to know the secret behind their gifted powers. Abalanze is the fourth generation and in the time past, history had it that his late father was also born crippled, deaf and blind yet was recorded as the greatest hunter in his time. This mystery remained a secret of the family.The lineage continued as wives married to crippled men kept giving birth to their likes, crippled and either blind, deaf or with one eye. Abalanze during his time was a great warrior he never backed down and still never came back without his men unhurt. This singular act put words in the mouth of the villagers, tongue kept wagging and Odogwu who was the right hand man of Abalanze conspired against him and told the king not to let him go for wars again that the able body men were enough and do not need a "half man" Like Abalanze. The king was thrown into a dilemma and after few days concord to Odogwu's suggestion.
Well, will it hide forever? As time went on, Abalanze was no longer summoned by the king as usual and he tried finding out but no good reason was given and he decided to stay at alert on his own. He is gifted not even the king or Odogwu can change that. On one afor market day, invaders attacked the land and made away with their young ones and took them to slave trade. This haunted the king and he decided to release his warriors against the invaders. This was done without the knowledge of Abalanze the great warrior. As they advanced, they were all brutality killed by their enemies, the invaders. On hearing that, the king cried out in a loud voice
Oh no! They have rubbed me of my shield, on whose arm will I find consolation?" The people both the bereaved and the entire clan was thrown into morning as they saw their warriors lying lifeless in their own poll of blood. Abalanze was perplex and could not but wonder why all happened in his absence and for the first time in the history during his time, they did not only lost to their enemies but all that went for the battle not even the life of one person was spared. This he thought within him. What could it be? I am graced? gifted? Oh! My chi, you have in this, proven that the rejected stone has finally become the head cornerstone".
He murmured. The king could not hold his guilt anymore, he called Abalanze and begged him to forgive him and the people as he urged him to raise more warriors for the land. Generations after Abalanze came and it was now the 10th generation, which this time, it was no more hidden that everyone was ready to know the secret of the family. That behind their questionable body type and powers. The tongues of the people were wagging before but now, it came up higher as people began to feel unease to get closer to anyone from the family both the females and the only son. This time, the only son, Mukusorlu was born with his two legs complete but with one hand and one eye. The wired thing is that he was now times two as powerful as his ancestors. His light skin was no where to be compared with the sun that gives light in the day and go to sleep at night. His light skin was both a light in the day and at night. His presence made people to treble and at the mention of his name, there was tension. The king could no longer hide his curiosity. He summoned the chief priest who also was eager to know the secret of that family for so long. He then traveled miles away from the clan. He spent three nights in the forest of Idioche. On the fourth day, on his way back, he was visited by a rushing wind. In it, was a loud voice who said, " Your curiosity has brought you answers"!
Look to the east were cometh the sun and see the answer you seek. Immediately, the picture of the first woman married to the family appeared. Her name was Miridoredo she was the only child of her late parents. She went to beg the god of power and mystery to bless her womb with male children as that was the only hope of her to remain in her husband's house after giving birth to nine daughters. The god heard her plead and granted her with a condition.
From this generation to the 10th generation, your family will only begat one male child and as many daughters as you and generation to come desires. The male child in each generation will be born incomplete but will never be discriminated. The day they will, those who did will pay with their own blood'!
These were the words of the god.
"For your desire to come to pass, you shall give me your first fruit for a wife. Do not bab her hair for I take delight in long hairs". This was the sacrifice Miridoredo paid to begat a son. And so, that was why till date, the daughters born into the family were always having the best husbands any maiden will wish to have and irrespective of the awful look of the male child or the father, men come in their numbers to marry the females. Also, this was why those warriors during Abalanze as the leader of the warriors paid with their own blood for putting Abalanze down because of his looks. After the secret was revealed to the chief priest, he, ran as his legs could carry him and before night fall, he was at the palace and the king summoned the people to come hear from the horse's mouth. To the amazement of the people, the chief priest narrated all he saw, heard and then the family secret of Abalanze that was hidden from generation to generation was later revealed.
And so, it became an "open secret".
The chief priest after revealing the secret lost his tongue as a sacrifice for his curiosity and that of the people of Umuneze.
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Who will bell the cat?
It was curiosity that killed the cat right?
Thanks dear... 😘
Awesome story! I really enjoyed it
Thank you
This was a powerful theme, I liked it.