Adventure Black Mystery

"When should we embark on our mission?" Boris asked.

"What mission?" Victor asked in return.

"It seems you have forgotten so soon. It seems you are happy with the the happenings around you. I can tell you are comfortable with your present state."

"No! It's not like that and it doesn't call for all those. It seems I kind of understand what you are talking about."

"Are you asking to know when we'll be going to the graveyard?" Victor asked.

"Of course," Boris replied.

"But do we have to do it? Do we have to sleep at a graveyard? Do you believe in all those fairy tale luck? How about if they aren't true after all?"

"We have nothing to lose if they aren't true. But let's just give it a try, at least there's no harm in trying. We might just be lucky."

"OK! No problem," Victor replied.

Boris and Victor have been friends since high school. They also attended the same college. Boris is married but in a rocky marriage. Although things have not been easy before marriage but since he's been married, it's been from bad to worse and at the verge of becoming worst. He has been moving from one job to another. He hasn't been able to keep a job for a long time. He has always been having issues with his employers which has led to his sack now and then. Bills are accumulating and his family is running low on adequate food supplies. They have resorted to a decrease in daily ration so as to scrimp and save. His wife is absolutely tired and fed up with his incessant change of job and his ill-attitude at work.

"You know what? I'm sick and tired of your bad habit. You know you have to do something about it before it tears this home apart. I can't keep up with your frequent change of jobs due to one messy attitude or the other. When are we going to have a better life? When are we going to have a happy home? When are we going to give our kids all the necessary things they need?" She spoke with a crying tone.

"Miranda dear, please bear with me. Just give me one more chance to make all things right. Just give me one more chance and I promise this time things will be better," Boris pleaded on his knees.

"You know I love you so much. But this is no longer healthy for us. This is no longer healthy for the family. There has to be a change. And you had better work on it fast or I'll take a french leave."

"OK! I sure will dear."

Though not yet married, Victor has had several tumultuous affair. He hasn't been able to keep a relationship for long let alone talking about marriage. He had tried all his best but one issue or the other has not made things work out well. He is fed up of all the break up saga. Though an intelligent and dedicated engineer, he is yet to land the job of his dream. He is tired of his income. They don't understand what is happening to them. They can't make sense of all the messy encounters.

Boris in search of a way out from all the troubles he is going through met a gypsy woman that directed him to a graveyard miles away from his residence.

"How can I help you? Why have you sojourn here?" She asked.

"I have come in search of solutions to my many problems. I was told you have the key to lock and unlock any door," Boris replied.

"No!" She shouted.

"Point of correction. I don't have the key to lock and unlock any door. But I am a leeway and a path to that one that might have the key you are in search of. Now! Tell me your problems. I am all ears," she implored.

He narrated all his experiences and encounters including that of his best friend. She directed him to the old and forgotten graveyard. She instructed him to pass the night at the graveyard with his friend and at about 2 a.m., early hours of the morning they will hear s whistling sound. She told him that they will have cold and chilly sensations but they shouldn't fear for that is the procession sound of the spirit of enquiries.

"Are you set for us to leave?" Boris asked.

"Yes, am kind of," Victor replied.

"But are you sure of this? Can't we look for another way out?" He stuttered.

"Am sure of this. Moreover, as I told you, if nothing finally happens, we have nothing to lose," Boris replied.

"How about if something happens to us?"

"Then an end has come to our problems. See! It's more fatal if we don't try. We can't sit and watch our lives crumble before before our very eyes. Don't you think so?"

"OK, I agree with you," Victor spoke with a faint tone.

They embarked on the journey to the graveyard by midday and arrived there at dusk. The place was indeed old and abandoned. They went inside and prepared a place to sleep. They discussed for a while and later fell asleep. At exactly 2 a.m. as the gypsy woman had earlier said, they were woken by a loud whistling sound afterwards they had cold and chilly sensations all over. They were about getting frightened when they remembered what the woman forewarned. They looked at each other and nodded. Next, they saw s bright light approaching towards them with a very tall being coming with the light. It moved towards them with swift speed.

"Why are you here?" It asked with a thundering tone and eyes with blazing light.

"We are here to seek for help. A gypsy woman directed us here. She said you have the answer to our questions and the key to the doors we seek to unlock," Boris spoke with lips trembling.

"Yesss, I know the gypsy woman who often calls herself the leeway. I can help only if it's not beyond me for am just a subordinate to a higher superior. Now! Tell me what ails you?"

They both narrated their plight in turn. The spirit then took them down memory lane and made them realise that they have deeply hurt a lady. They both took turns to sleep with her and afterwards abandoned her. She later found out that they were friends. It said she wept bitterly and placed a curse on them and only she can reverse the curse.

"Count yourself lucky that she is still well and alive because if she hadn't been, it would have been very difficult. Go and search for her."

"Thank you very much," they both spoke unanimously.

The spirit told them where to find her and then left. When it was dawn, they set off for home. They found the lady, she was happily married with children. They knelt and confessed their wrong deeds to her and pleaded for forgiveness. She at first didn't accept but after three weeks of pleading, she broke down in tears and told them that she has forgiven them. She reversed the curse and set them free. That was the dawn of a new era for them. Everything turned around for them like the Midas touch.

October 26, 2020 01:01

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