Fiction People of Color Romance

In love, we have all kinds of confessing dual systems of expecting promises. Sometimes, the promise-making becomes a far stubborn tone when we enter into the relationship. I too had a lovely stubborn experience which I don't ever forget in my life, the drift valley of deep scar is daily encountering in my day-to-day life. Life has so many musical note transactions of more ups and downs. I never wonder Why I have sudden instant changes when I was to encounter somebody in my life as a life partner.

I have a different set of numpty problems like;

When I like a person at first sight, in the end, I don't like them or talk to them forever, either they become my enemy or their behavioral changes could hurt me a lot, which makes me desperately separate from them forever.

This is What All my friends say to me that YOU ARE AN ALIEN, quiet enough to say that literally and really not fit For anyone.

'I never indulge myself in any false manner of fake promises, if one does it to me it becomes a hard time for my mind to encounter that same person in my life even though I love them throughout my entire life.

It doesn't seem that I don't care much!

I only separate myself from them not to hurt myself more and more. But I constantly hurt my inner emotions which trigger my mind in a depressed state. I do not share the particular life of my love fantasy with all. I share everything with my parents. Still, I have no guts to speak on my LOVE OF TRULY DESIRE TO THEM!

When I was in my home. A whispering husky sound was breezing through my ear. I went closer to that sound. I peeped through my bedroom window and saw my sister and my father were laughing silently, a grace was over to them. Later, my mom joined them too.

I feel weird, a slight curiosity was overwhelming like a storm inside me.

I asked What is the Matter?

Still, they can't lift that naughty sense of humor of bliss from their faces. I literally noticed that it was a piece of good news but definitely not for myself!

I repeatedly asked them to shut up and tell me What is gigging in their minds?

They told me that, 'They had found a groom for me!'

It felt like Holy Cow! I had a blank space in my mind. I have no idea What to do! I slipped silently the way to my room.

My mom told me to look at THE GROOM PHOTO! But I stubbornly ignored that!

I already told you I decide on my likes and dislikes at my first sight of experience! Generally, I had a confusion about confessing my love to explain to my parents How I feel personally about love!

But I never attempt to do that!

Especially, my Dad and Mom were in Cloud Nine. They were expecting and eagerly waiting to see their future Son-in-law, seriously guys I don't have that little emotional attachment of love or eagerness for that Groom!

I and Mom just started to clean our home and decorated to impress that Groom who was coming on his way to my home, like the first impression is the best impression!

The next day THE GROOM came to our home with a bright smile along with his family and friends, my parents do inform my relatives too!

All were laughing. And my father called me, Come Here Greet them with hello like VANAKKAM! Vanga!

I properly greeted them. I felt really hot inside and chill outside! A fearful voice inside me said, 'Just shut up! All is well everything is fine!'

Perhaps after 2 mins, I controlled my emotional fear at once. Now I was trying to see the groom's face He was looking good! He was a perfectly decent guy, a lot of shyness was across all over his face, and often Smiling a little bit. But to my concern, I noticed He was not at all looking at me even once. I loved that so much!

After formal greetings and a lot of talks. Finally, my parents and his parents told us to speak in private conversation.

I thought He was not ready to see me! because He never saw me even once! Definitely, He will not speak too!

To my surprise! He stands like an army officer and confessed to talking to me. A piece of piano music was playing inside my heart! I enjoyed and loved that!

We walked through the corridor edge to talk privately!

He looked too shy to see me, but I was gazing at him and enjoying him over in my mind. He talked nicely, genuinely to me, I really felt comfortable. I never felt Such embracing connectivity with anyone else. All went fine, We know we both liked each other!

I thought It could be a happy ending but wait it was not!

All was fine! After they went to their respective residence! My Dad Had a call! A fury of anxiety running in his face! He took his bike and went on without saying a word to me and my mom.

My mom was asking him what happened, 'He don't speak a word!

It was night and I was dreaming my life with my groom, that night I slept peacefully!

After that night I woke up happily! But my parents were not!

I could see a self-disappointment in their faces! Morning the first news I could hear from them was FORGET THAT GROOM HE IS NOT FIT FOR YOUR LIFE!

A sudden jerk just shake my entire body! I asked Why?

My dad told that His Uncle is not ready to accept your hand in marriage, he wanted to marry a perfect bride who follows all the religious customs!

Now feel my emotion How it would shatter my "Confusion Confessing in Love".

I respect my parents more than anything else. After that, I did not speak a word about it!

I loved that person And I knew He loves me too! Why would it was letting a stubborn bridge between us I don't know!

I too never talked to him after that incident, nor him too!

But Both of us loved each other due to some nonsense loose self talk both of our parents never took an effort to take it forward for us a little.

Till now I and He never rejected both of us in our sight! So, this was the stubborn Confusion Confessing in Love for both of us.

Tell me What do you feel about it?

May 17, 2021 14:50

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