The Top-Ten To-Do List For A Happy Wife

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story in the form of a top-ten list.... view prompt



The Top-Ten To-Do List For A Happy Wife

By Indira Sammy

A happy wife makes for a happy life. We have heard this sentence over and over again but few know how to really achieve it. I have decided to explain with step by step instructions as to how it can be done. I will unmask the conundrum of a happy wife. Each item can be done in isolation, but if followed as laid out, the results will exceed all expectations.

1.      Make her dinner

After a hard day’s work, a woman wants to come home and not have to worry about preparing dinner for the whole family. Take that load off her by doing it. Involve the kids, make it a fun activity. Remember, many hands make light work. There are several benefits to making dinner, such as: sharpening your cooking skills, having control over the menu, teaching your kids a life skill, training them for the future, and most importantly - pleasing your wife and showing her that you thought about her. Do this several times a week to show her just how much she is appreciated.

2.      Clean up before she gets home

It is fantastic that you have prepared dinner but that’s not enough. You also need to tidy up after. What’s the point of cooking a delicious meal and the kitchen is in a mess? It mocks your wife and robs her of her relaxation, as the state of the kitchen and the rest of the house moves before her eyes like a ten slide PowerPoint presentation, reminding her that this tidy mess is all hers. You would have just shot yourself in the foot. After a sumptuous meal, letting your wife clean-up is a no-no. Don’t do it! Again, get the kids involved. Let them know that once they make a mess they clean it. I am sure that will curb their enthusiasm. Ensure that the kitchen is spotless as well as the rest of the house - no Lego on the floor, books on the table or dirty pots. Don’t forget to mop! Believe me! She will be smiling when she sees the magnificent job you’ve done.

3.      Take care of the kids

Now, not every man is capable of doing this. So, if you knock this one out of the park you will be a rock star. Your wife will cherish you forever. First, start with homework. Go through each knapsack, check through each book for homework and assignments, and check the bag for notes from the teacher. Also, don’t forget the lunch bag, you need to wash the lunch bowl and the water bottle and dispose of any wrappers or scraps of food. Second, sit the children by the table with no distractions and let them begin. Feel free to use Google, YouTube, or call a friend. It doesn’t matter. What matters is getting it done before your wife gets home. Remember, you want her happy. Third, let them have a bath - clean under their nails, and if any, remove the gum from their hair. Of course, you need to ensure that they stay clean until their mother gets home. This might be a challenge but I believe in you.

4.      Organise yourself

I know, you are probably tired by now and not looking your best. This is your time now. Freshen up! Have a warm shower, comb your hair, trim your beard, and feel free to wear your favourite cologne. Please! I am begging you. Do not and I repeat do not under any circumstance wear anything with holes in it. You have clothes - good clothes! Wear them! Forget your favourite t-shirt from high school. You don’t want your wife to feel that she doesn’t buy you clothes. Don’t let something so simple put a nail in your tyre. Look at how well you’ve done so far. Don’t throw it away on a stretchy, hole-filled t-shirt. A three-piece suit is not required, but you have decent clothes in your drawers, so use them.

5.      Welcome her

Set the table before your wife gets home. Light a scented candle, it will usher in the relaxing atmosphere that you want, and perhaps, some soothing music. Greet her at the door with a glass of wine and a smile. Take her bag and shoes, and suggest a warm bath. Didn’t I mention that you have already filled the tub, sprinkled it with rose petals, placed the bottle of wine nearby, and lit a scented candle in the bathroom? (Wink! Wink!) You have won her over already. She will play right into your hands as she enjoys this pampering. If you want to win a few points you can offer to rub her feet.

6.      No noise

Warn the children to keep the noise down before and after dinner. There is to be no fighting, arguing, bickering, or shouting of any sort. Also, nothing is to be damaged or broken while their mother is relaxing.

7.      Please do

Ask about her day and sit and listen, attentively. You can do this while you rub her feet. Let her talk. Your advice is not necessary. You can ask the occasional question to let her know that you are paying attention. Be that source of support and encouragement that she needs. She will ask you about your day when she is ready. No need to share just yet.

8.      Surprise her

Make her jaw drop with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, or a box of her favourite chocolates, or an exquisite piece of jewelry. Show your love and affection with a small gift. Nothing says that you have been on my mind more than an unexpected gift. It doesn’t need to be too expensive.

9.      Conversation during dinner

Keep dinner conversation upbeat. Perhaps discuss taking her out for dinner tomorrow and where you all should go. Discuss if it will the whole family or just the two of you. Who can you get to babysit? Give her something to look forward to. After all, it would be unreasonable to expect you to go through this every single day. You too, deserve a night out. Especially, after having worked so hard. If you want to be proactive you can get the names of a few restaurants you think she’ll want to try and also have a babysitter on standby. You will keep on racking up those points.

10.  Planning for the future

While you are relaxing before bed. You can raise the topic of taking a vacation. You can research a few countries that she has always wanted to visit, get prices, and determine when will be the best time for a visit. The idea of a vacation in the near future will keep a smile on her face for a long time. Please make sure that you can deliver. If a vacation to a foreign country is a stretch for your pocket then suggest a staycation. Find a small, secluded hotel with more pleasures and comforts than she is accustomed to, or a beach house. You just need to break the monotony.

These are the top-ten things you can do to make your wife happy. You can try them individually, but I suggest you do all ten in the order presented. It will work. You will have a happy wife and you are guaranteed a happy life. Plan, execute and repeat daily for the best results.

December 28, 2020 20:34

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