
Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten days.... view prompt


Drama Sad

Author's Note: I only wrote the first five days, so please, someone do the other five. I did it on purpose; not because I didn't have time. I want to see where someone else takes it. Let me know if you do and submit it! Please and thanks and enjoy!

Day One

I roll out of bed and stumble my way into the kitchen. Patricia is drooling all over my dad, who was making breakfast. Ugh. She tries way too hard.

“Hey, munchkin,” Dad greeted. It took Patricia a full minute after he said that and I said hi back before she even looked at me.

“Oh, hi, Reese.” Patricia smiled at me, but I saw the anger in her eyes. Whenever I tried to be around Dad, she was there, and Patricia thought that she should have Dad all to herself; I was just a little servant girl like Cinderella. It was disgusting.

“Morning.” Nice of you to finally notice me, I thought. I sat down at the island, watching Dad flip pancakes and continually grossed out by the way Patricia was all in Dad’s face.

“Oh, you’re doing such a good job at that, hon. You should really become a professional chef. I’m sure I-” Patricia stopped. “-I mean you could have a lot more money that way.”

Oh, yeah. That’s another reason I hate Patricia. She only married Dad because he has five million bucks in the bank. He won the lottery a couple of years ago, receiving eight million dollars. After spending three million on paying stuff off and getting a new house, Dad put the rest in the bank. And now, behind Dad’s back, Patricia is taking small amounts out at a time. To be exact, there is now three-million-five-hundred-and-seven dollars in the bank under Dad’s name. I can’t get Dad alone to have the chance to tell him.

Day Two

Today could be the day. It really could be. The day I show Dad all of the checks that Patricia had pre-written out to make money go from his account to hers. The amount of money that was in his account. The day that I reveal the truth to him.

You see, Patricia got a call (for the first time in her life) yesterday from her mother, asking if they could go out to lunch and see a movie, just the two of them, today. They would be gone for a couple of hours, which would give me enough time to tell Dad, and enough time for Dad to get rid of his devastation, turning it into anger.

Day Three

My plan failed yesterday. Right before Patricia was going to walk out the door to go meet her mother, her mother called and said that a couple of her old friends dropped by and she wouldn’t make it. So, Patricia was all over Dad again. And she, quite atrociously, won’t let him out of her sight. It’s like he’s a dog that you can’t leave alone or it’ll chew something up. But it’s more like she’s chewing him up.

Now I have to wait for another chance that might not ever come.

Day Four

Dad sat me down at the table this morning. I looked around, looking for Patricia. He must’ve known what I was doing because Dad shook his head.

“She’s not coming. She left just a minute ago to go to the mall to get ‘a new shirt because this brat Reese ruined mine when she went horseback riding’. And I quote her directly, kid. I heard her talkin’ on the phone,” Dad admitted. The look on his face broke my heart as he sat down in front of me. Pain and heartache were written all over it.

“Dad. Where is this going?”

He continued. He talked about how he had just found out about the money-taking and pre-signed checks. He knew about everything. And I had to tell him that I already knew.

Patricia will be gone by morning.

Day Five

Waking up in the morning and walking into the kitchen, and not seeing Patricia… It was delightful. No short, curly, pink hair. No drooling over Dad. But then I saw Dad.

The way he stood--it wasn’t quite right. The way his eyes looked at me--they were red and droopy. The way his mouth was curled into a frown--it was so upsetting.

“Dad?” I asked, concerned.

“I...I miss her so much. I know what she did and said was so wrong. But I miss her so much, Reese.”

extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words extra words

December 30, 2020 00:35

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04:34 Jan 05, 2021

Hi Bailey! I would actually like to write the next 5 well you know me and, the only ideas I have for it involves death/murder/something really creepy! So it might not be a good idea for me to write the next 5 days. -CJ


Bailey D.
20:17 Jan 06, 2021



00:18 Jan 10, 2021

So you're good having me do the next 5 days even if it's creepy or involves murder?


Bailey D.
13:38 Jan 10, 2021

I'm definitely good with that! I really want to see where it goes. :D


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22:55 Jan 02, 2021

Hi! Bailey 👋 I loved reading your story. You have done a fantastic job writing this story. It was enjoyable and a little sad . I would love to read the remaining five days though . Keep up the good work and happy writing .😄 And can I upvote you ?


Bailey D.
20:19 Jan 06, 2021

Hi, Alina! Thank you so much! Cj Mayer is very possibly doing the next five days! You can find her account in my following and followers list. OMG Yay! Please! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will up-vote you back soon!


13:10 Jan 07, 2021

Hello 👋 Aww,you're welcome! Oh , that's good news . Yay !! Will be sure to check it out. My pleasure! 😊 That's the least I can do to help a friend and a fellow writer . Thank you very much! 🙂


Bailey D.
23:52 Jan 07, 2021

Awwwwwwwwwww :DDDDDDD You're welcome!


11:08 Jan 08, 2021



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13:23 Jan 07, 2021

I just finished upvoting you 💬


Bailey D.
23:51 Jan 07, 2021

OMG Yay, thanks!


11:07 Jan 08, 2021

😁My pleasure !


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Danny -
05:36 Dec 30, 2020

The concept you have is so cool. I enjoyed reading it too, can't wait until somebody finishes the remaining 5 days.


Bailey D.
17:25 Dec 30, 2020

Thanks so much! Me, either! XD -Bailey


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00:52 Dec 30, 2020

Oh, wow! Great job, Bailey! I actually like it. Short, but powerful. And I hope that whoever does the last five days makes it awesome! -Brooke


Bailey D.
17:25 Dec 30, 2020

Thanks! I hope so, too! -Bailey


17:26 Dec 30, 2020

No problem!


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