Where Dreams are Bottled

Submitted into Contest #233 in response to: Set your story in a bar that doesn’t serve alcohol.... view prompt


Fantasy Mystery Suspense

The neon bled the last of the twilight as Anya pushed open the heavy door. Inside, the aroma of a hundred simmering teas washed over her, chasing away the chill of the alleyway. Mismatched mugs hung from the ceiling, each a whimsical canvas whispering forgotten stories. Behind the bar, Milo, a mountain of a man with a beard tangled like ancient roots, chuckled at a gnome-like woman in a rainbow shawl, who clutched a bottle of "Dragon's Breath" like a precious jewel.

Anya's stomach fluttered. Places like this usually screamed raucous laughter and clinking glasses, not whispered poems and steaming mugs. Yet, a yearning she couldn't name drew her in.

"New face, eh?" Milo boomed, his voice as gentle as the cinnamon tea Anya craved. "First time at The Quirk? What ails you tonight, kiddo?"

Anya fumbled for words. "I don't drink," she whispered, her voice swallowed by the hum of conversation. "And, well, places like this…"

Milo's grin, as warm as the flickering candlelight, broke through her awkwardness. "Ah, a teetotaler in a den of decadence. You're braver than most. What stirs your soul tonight?"

Anya's gaze drifted to a bottle, emerald green and flecked with gold. "That one? The 'Wanderlust Waltz'?"

Milo's eyes, deep as a starlit pond, held hers. "For restless souls with itchy feet, dreaming of uncharted maps and unclimbed mountains. Sweet as sunrise over dew-kissed meadows, sharp as the wind whispering through pines, intoxicating as the promise of the unknown."

Anya took a cautious sip. The tea danced on her tongue, a kaleidoscope of flavors - mint, citrus, a hint of pine. It tasted like the thrill of leaving, the ache of goodbyes, the exhilarating uncertainty of new beginnings. With each sip, the knot in her chest loosened, replaced by a spark of wanderlust.

The night became a tapestry of woven stories. A young musician serenaded a shy librarian with "Moonlight Sonata," their whispers painting melodies on the air. A grizzled sailor traded a worn seashell for a mug of "Storm's Fury," his weathered face mirroring the tempestuous brew. As Anya listened, The Quirk ceased to be a bar and became a haven, a sanctuary for lost souls seeking solace in shared narratives and liquid courage.

Later, Milo leaned against the counter, his beard catching the glow of the fairy lights. "Everyone comes with their own map, kiddo," he rumbled, his voice laced with a lifetime of stories. "The Quirk just helps them set sail."

Anya, emboldened by the "Wanderlust Waltz", confided her own yearning. A childhood dream of traveling beyond the city walls, a map with blank spaces longing to be filled. Milo's eyes softened. "Then let's find you a compass, kiddo. We've got elixirs for journeys too."

He led her to a shelf tucked away in the shadows, the bottles there shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

He pointed to one, amethyst purple and swirling with stardust. "The 'Voyager's Vial.' For those who chase constellations and map constellations of their own. It tastes like starlight and courage, etched with promises whispered by the wind."

Anya took a sip, and the night, already swirling with stories, spun into a kaleidoscope of possibilities. The taste was of distant galaxies and unclimbed mountains, of roaring waterfalls and sun-drenched beaches. It was a taste of her own future, waiting to be charted.

As the first rays of dawn kissed the sky, Anya stepped out of The Quirk, the taste of wanderlust sweet on her tongue. The city, once familiar, thrummed with a new energy, an invitation to explore. In her hand, she clutched a worn map, no longer blank, but brimming with possibilities.

The Quirk, with its whispers and starlight-infused teas, had not just offered solace, it had ignited a fire within her, a compass pointing towards a horizon waiting to be embraced.

The sun painted golden streaks across the cobblestones as Anya stepped through the city gates, backpack bouncing against her shoulder. The worn leather map she held crackled with anticipation, its blank spaces eager to be filled. The smell of spices and roasting meat swirled around her, blending with the excited chatter of travelers and merchants. A wizened woman with eyes like polished stones offered her a string of amber beads, claiming they'd ward off misfortune. Anya declined politely, her lips still tingling with the stardust promise of the "Voyager's Vial."

A rickety cart piled high with mangosteen and durian rumbled past, the driver, a sun-baked man with a mischievous grin, winked at her. Anya laughed, the sound light and airy against the hum of the marketplace. She stopped at a stall overflowing with woven fabrics, their vibrant colors singing her name. The air thrummed with a language she didn't know, but the smile of the vendor was universal. She ended up with a crimson scarf, soft as a whisper, its fringes embroidered with silver stars.

A melody on a bamboo flute drew her further, weaving through the crowd. She found a young boy, barefoot and grinning, his fingers dancing across the wood. The music spun tales of ancient forests and starlit rivers, of wind whispering through hidden valleys. Anya closed her eyes, the air around her tingling with possibilities. When she opened them again, the boy was gone, leaving behind only the echo of the flute and a spark of wanderlust in Anya's heart.

She continued, the city dissolving into a colorful blur. The worn paper of her map flapped in the wind, guiding her towards sun-baked hills and the promise of uncharted valleys. As the shadows stretched long and the air turned cool, she found herself near a hidden meadow, the last rays of daylight painting the wildflowers a fiery orange. She spread her worn scarf on the grass, a crimson splash against the emerald green, and leaned back, watching the first stars prick the twilight sky.

Sipping the "Voyager's Vial," the taste of starlight and courage washed over her. This was just the beginning, the map merely a starting point. The true adventure, she knew, lay in the open pages of her own story, each step beyond the city walls a brushstroke painting her own constellations across the canvas of the unknown. With a smile, Anya closed her eyes, lulled by the chirping crickets and the whisper of the wind, ready to embrace the endless possibilities that stretched before her like a star-dusted map.

January 18, 2024 05:50

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18:10 Jan 20, 2024

Mandy, this was so beautiful and poetic. Firstly, I am a tea drinker, and I just adore your premise! Tea that is laced with longings and dreams, just ... that is gorgeous! The whole story has a very warm and cozy feel, and your descriptions are lovely. Well done! <3


02:28 Jan 22, 2024

Thank you. I appreciate it!


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Shirley Medhurst
17:20 Jan 20, 2024

What a marvellous concept and a lovely uplifting piece of writing! And your vivid descriptions of the different teas were amazing 😋 Well done 👏


17:40 Jan 20, 2024

Thank you Shirley!


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C.N. Jung
17:02 Jan 20, 2024

Your attention to details and your creative descriptions kept the story flowing and exciting the whole time. The way you describe the taste of the tea is so well done, I felt I could almost taste it myself. Awesome story!


17:40 Jan 20, 2024

I was hoping readers would feel that way. Thank you!


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Elspeth Taylor
03:47 Jan 30, 2024

This story is so beautiful! Brimming with adventure and the thrill of discovering new things, and having the courage to do so... I loved this story so much, and it's more lovely than anything I've read in a while.


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Graham Kinross
09:46 Jan 29, 2024

The different teas containing emotions and dreams would be amazing. Could be awful as well depending what was in there. Fascinating concept with all of the social and ethical implications when you start going into it in detail. Those teas could be used to mess people up really badly or transform their lives for the better. You could write dozens of stories based on the concept alone and take them in completely different directions.


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Alexis Araneta
07:52 Jan 22, 2024

The imagery in this story is just impeccable. So vivid and immersive. Very creative concept too. Loved it !


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J. D. Lair
16:17 Jan 20, 2024

Teas that inspire adventure. Some nice uses of alliteration and vivid imagery. I think I caught the wanderlust bug myself after reading this. :) Welcome to Reedsy Mandy!


16:27 Jan 20, 2024

Thank you!!!


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