My story is titled the military officer General Ankrah learnt an extreme hobby of skydiving in the United States of America

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My story is titled the military officer General Ankrah learnt an extreme hobby of skydiving in the United States of America.

Once upon a time the young military officer General Ankrah travelled to the United States of America where he learnt an extreme hobby of skydiving.

Skydiving is also called parachuting that is the use of a parachute for either recreational or competitive purposes to show a divers descent to the ground after jumping from the Aeroplane.

The parachute was first made from a hot air balloon by the French Astronaut Andre Jacques Garnerin in 1977. Also the modern skydiving is usually performed from a propeller driven Airplane.

The young military officer General Ankrah had his training during the Annual Free Fall convention in Quincy, Illinois in the United States of America.

Again some parachutist were given the mandate during the military training to jump from such diverse crafts such as hot air balloons, helicopters and the Boeing 727.

Also skydiving is known as Aerodynamics. The typical jump altitudes in modern times for some experienced skydivers ranges from 7500 to 15000 feet.

The length of the freefall is the time between which the young military officer General Ankrah exited the Aircraft and deployed the parachute which is dependent upon such factors as exit altitude,opening altitude and fall rate.

General Ankrah also noted that the fall rate is then determined by the jumpsuit the skydiver wears and the way in which the suit conforms to the body during the freefall, a looser suit offers more resistance to the air and then slows the fall, by the divers body configuration relative to the ground.

The freefall speeds for skydivers falling "belly to earth" standard arched position range 110 to 130 miles per hour.

The military officer General Ankrah learnt during his training in skydiving to always fall headfirst with the body in a streamlined position. The military officer used extended "birdman" suits.

General Ankrah also learnt that the altitude at which a parachutist opens the canopy varies but 2500 feet is usual.

During the training the skydiver who was General Ankrah initiates deployment by throwing a pilot chute into the airstream , also other parachutes have pilot chutes that was automatically released by General Ankrah pulling an attached cord.

The Pilot chute is a small chute opened by air resistance that acts to pull the main parachute out from the bag in which the parachutes are encased. The main parachute increases the skydivers air resistance and slows the divers fall to the ground to a speed of about 10mph.

Again the modern ram-air parachutes are made of seven to nine nylon cells that immediately and quickly inflate and acts as a wing or glider these canopies allowed the parachutist or the skydiver who was General Ankrah by then to steer and sail gently to the ground.

In order to maximize safety most military officers and other sports skydivers wear two parachutes one which is main and the other one reserve.

General Ankrah the skydiver used a variety of altitude sensing devices in order to know when to deploy their parachutes.

Some military officers also engaged in Parachuting championship which was held in Yogoslavia in the year 1951.

Some competitive events now includes classical style in which the diver completes a series of timed acrobatic maneuvers accuracy trials in which the diver has to land on. There is a relative work in freefall whereby the number of divers build formations after their duties have opened and freestyle which then involves a mixture of free-form Acrobatic and gymnastics maneuvers by the diver combined with relative work involving a videographer.

During the training , General Ankrah learnt about the original military training known as the static-line program where a skydiver exits the Aircraft and then later wears a chute that is always deployed by a tether line.

Also during the training which was the United States Parachute Association Accelerated Freefall program two "jumpmasters" dive with General Ankrah at altitude of about 10,000 feet above ground level. They trained General Ankrah to maintain stability freefall and how to appropriately deploy the parachute.Also during this training General Ankrah learnt how to use the parachute as a safety equipment in times of attacks during wars. The parachute also helps military officers to escape from Aeroplanes and helicopters in times of severe attacks in order to land on the ground safely.

In General Ankrahs home country the parachute is used in mountain areas in Kwahu to attract tourists in order for the country to gain foreign exchange.

Tourists and visitors visit Kwahu a place of tourist attraction during Easter festivities in order to paraglide and use the parachute for fun and sports.Other skydivers often visit Kwahu during Easter festivities to train students ,workers and other individuals on how to use and paraglide the parachute in order to build stamina and some sort of confidence in them entirely.

Most tourists and workers pay a fee to the instructor or the parachutist before they are allowed and trained on the Kwahu mountain on how to paraglide or ride a parachute in the air to safely land on the ground.

This creates job opportunities for the instructors and they gain income and foreign exchange for themselves at their work places.

In addition, there is the Tandem training program where a dual parachute is always capable of carrying two skydivers ,where the student is Infront of the Instructor.

This then is used to introduce military officers and other students to the sports of skydiving under the direct control of the experienced specially rated Tandem instructor.

In addition one of such sport is the paragliding in which a pilot is seated in a harness arrested to a parachute canopy that launches from a high place and glides using air currents.

As noted earlier on by General Ankrah skydiving is a mental game of overcoming fear and then battling with your sense of judgement. During skydiving you come out changed for the better as observed by General Ankrah.

Again skydiving creates some sort of confidence as it was noted and observed by the young military officer General Ankrah.

Lastly the military officer again noted that skydiving seems to create some sort of optimism and positive feelings within the community and the society at large

January 21, 2022 07:48

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