The Bayou Ballad

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: Write a story about characters going on a summer road trip.... view prompt


Friendship Funny Romance

Verano. Town of gold and love. The semi rusted sign read. “So, are we almost there yet. We’ve been in this death trap for ages.” Danny groaned. “It’s dad to you, buddy. And yes, we are.” His dad retorted. The tangled woods of the dense Florida trees began to open up as they drove further. They drove over a bridge overlooking a narrow river, bending, and curving as it went along. Marvin, Danny’s dad kept his course as they began to drive into town. After a few twists and turns they made their way down a short dirt road, giving view to their vacation home.

               “Ahh. Paradise boys.” Trevor grinned stretching his restless limbs. The four boys exited the van as Marvin opened the trunk. Cassie still sitting in the car on her phone. As they entered the dilapidated front door the house had an ominous feel to it. “What a dump.” Zack announced as he entered the door.

               “Hey who brought you on this trip. You should be grateful for this.” Danny said facetiously. His dad began bringing in their bags and suitcases. “But seriously dad. Why is this place so uh? You know um- “

               “lame.” Zack interjected.

               “I found it on Airbnb. It was super cheap, and it can fit all of us. You were pretty adamant about bringing your whole friend group. Besides it’s homey. A little creepy but home.” Marvin said proudly, placing his hand at his hips.

               “Duuude. This place is so cool. Look the chairs even recline.” Trevor yelled in excitement.

               “Trevor. I think the chair is just broken.” Vincent said as the others snickered.

               The boys explored the rest of the house, claiming the rooms as they went along. “Dibs.” They called out, racing for the rooms. “Guys make sure you leave the king for my dad; you know how he can get when he doesn’t sleep right. And don’t break anything.” The boys made their final claims. Danny past all of the rooms making sure they were all situated comfortably.

               “Uhh. Your soo annoying.” Cassie yelled as she stumbled out of the one of the queen bedrooms. The door slamming behind her. “Danny Vincent’s being an ass.” She moaned in annoyance.

               Her brother tiredly walked the length of the hall to his sister. “What the hell you want me to do.”

               “I mean he’s your friend. Keep him on a leash or something.” She replied.

               Still having her weight on the door and hand firmly gripping the handle. She immediately through all her weight. The door swinging open wildly. Vincent already made himself at home, his stuff thrown about. Cassie berated Vincent with insults. Vincent only stood smiling, throwing a jabs in himself. Danny only watched in amusement at the whole ordeal.

               Vincent suddenly went white as their ex-marine dad stood in the doorway; arms crossed. “Fighting with my daughter, are we?

               “Mr. D. Funny seeing you here. I thought you’d be napping or something. Your daughter was here first. I-I was just leaving.” Laughing nervously.

               Marvin stood, annoyance enveloping his face. “Here’s what’s gonna happen. Your gonna take your things and get your little be-hind outta here…” Danny stood snickering. While Cassie smugly smiled, satisfied with the results.

               Just as Vincent began scurrying around, picking up his stuff. Marvin began to smile. “Danny help him with his stuff. You are gonna be sharing a bed after all… Now go on buddy I’m hungry.” His smirk now a smile, he high fived Vincent as Danny slumped his way to his friends suitcase, lugging it out of the room. Cassie cackling as they exited.

               The boys all congregated downstairs after all was in order. Trevor laid sprawled out on the couch, Danny sat next to him, Zack and Vincent sat on the kitchen counter, and Joshua sat silently looking at his phone.

               “Man, I’m hungry. Let’s get some good Cajun grub or something.” Trevor blurted out, his stomach letting out a loud rumble.

               “I think it might be too late guys. It’s like six.” Danny said. As his dad barreled his way down the stairs.

               “All right boys who’s hungry. I’m thinking McDonald’s. Meet me outside when you’re ready.” Marvin said as he grabbed his keys.

               The boys all rose up grabbing their shoes as they beelined for the door. ‘I think its too late guys.’ Zack said mockingly.

               The boys piled into the van. Danny usually would take shotgun as he always did on road trip. Though this time his sister with them and he couldn’t let her sit with the animals in the back. Finally, his sister climbed still staring at her phone as usual.

               They drove to the nearest McDonald’s. Marvin paid for everyone as he was always more than happy to. They had to pull over to the side after paying as their order was so large. After getting their food they drove back to the house. Madness soon ensued as they began to gorge themselves. Burgers, fries, nuggets, and apple slices flew across the room. The apple slices of course for Danny as he never seemed to grow up. They slurped, chomped, and sucked nearly all the food they had.

               By the time they were finished it was nearly nine. “Well boys I guess I could get some shuteye. A man such as myself needs his beauty sleep.” Trevor announced as he slipped off his shoes stumbling his tried body up the stairs.

               “Yea you guys should get some sleep. We’ll be hitting beach early tomorrow.” Marvin said as he left the table entering his bedroom. “EARLY I said, Cass.” He shouted as he shut his door. The rest of the boys followed suit. They filed into their rooms. Danny and Vincent into one. Trevor, Zack, and Josh sharing the other.

               BING, BANG, BOOM, BOP.

               Morning came almost too soon as Trevor began banging a pot and pan together. “Come on boys. I gotta show my steamy abs to all the babes.” He said loudly.

               “I told you to wake them up as quietly as possible Trev.” Marvin said, coffee in hand.

               They all got dressed for the day. Josh was the last of the boys to come downstairs. He was dressed in a white tank top and orange swim trunks, goggles on his head. The rest of the boys laughed and snickered.

               “Hey man, the ladies dig the goggles.” He quipped.

               The 18-year old’s quickly tumbled outside. Racing to the car as no one wanted back seats. Twenty minutes or so went by as they drove to the beach. The beach was packed. It was almost fourth of July. So naturally the boardwalks and light poles had American flags strewn around.

               “All right men. Go grab a spot at the beach. We’ll rendezvous later. I’m going to find myself a beer, maybe even a beautiful beach babe.” Marvin proclaimed.

               But dad I don’t want to stay with them. They’re gross. Cassie whined.

               “You’ll be fine sweetheart. You’re a big girl now.” He replied.

               “Come on dad I’m almost seventeen. I can drink at the bar with you. I’ve drank before.”

               “All right I'll pretend I didn’t hear that. Good luck guys. Call me if you need anything.” Marvin walked away. The troop then set out towards the beach. Sun shining brightly above. Cassie trailing behind her brother and his friends.

               “I’m going to find myself a hottie before the end of this day. I’m saying it now. You guys can call whatever you want if I don’t live up to my promise.” Josh announced.

               “Deal.” Trevor said, sticking out his sunscreen covered hand. They two shook hands, Josh wiping his hand on his trunks afterwards. “How about you Zack. Catching any babes?” Trevor asked.

               Before he could answer Zack’s phone began to ring. He reached into his pocket fumbling for his phone. Scoffing in annoyance he began to walk off. “It’s Samantha. I gotta take this.”

               “Women. Am I right?” Trevor said confidently.

               Vincent took a soccer ball out of his bag looking for a spot they could play. Cassie finally made her way to them. Dropping her stuff down. Taking her sweatshirt off first, then her jeans. Vincent paused his search. The entire world was eclipsed by her. Time nearly felt like it had stopped.

               “You’re not staring at my sister are you.” He heard Danny say from his peripheral.

               “Nah. No. I was just uhh. You know looking for a spot we could play soccer.” Vincent said lifting up the soccer ball plastering an uncomfortable smile on his face. Danny was always super protective of his sister. Though that never stopped her seemingly endless number of boyfriends.

               They made the best of their beach day. Playing mock soccer games. Cassie keeping her distance as much as her brother would allow. Before they knew it the day came to a close.

               Josh decided he wanted to find some girls just a little while longer. After a while of walking aimlessly he began to lose hope. The little guy in the back of his head sprouting seeds of doubt. However, that all stopped once he saw her. A gorgeous looking girl about his age stood only a few yards. She had beautiful blonde curly hair. The rest of her made him nearly have an aneurism.

               But he kept his composure and began to channel his Spanish charm. As he began to walk towards the girl, her eyes met his. Josh froze. Forcing his eyes past her shoulder, keeping his course. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. Nope. That’s it, I blew it.

               Josh made sure to keep his distance from the girl as he made his way back towards his friends. He felt defeated as he got back. Walking up was always the hardest part for him. “How do I even start.” He always tells himself. He usually wasn’t too bad when it came to talking to girls. The initiation was always the hardest.

               “Don’t worry my friend. There’s plenty of gorgeous southern belle’s around these parts. I’ve spoken to dozens at this point.” Trevor said, giving his friend a brotherly pat on the shoulder. Though in truth Trevor nearly knocked his arm off.

               “Guys my dad said to meet him at the bar. He got us a table at the restaurant there.” Danny said, motioning for his friends to follow. They walked a short way down the road, the smell of cigarette smoke and marijuana polluting the air.

               The Tipsy Tuna. The sign over the bar door read. Marvin was already outside by the time they arrived, cigarette in hand. “This way boys… and gal” he said. They all took a seat. Once they made their orders to the waiter, they left to explore the park right next door, until their food was ready. Though Cassie stayed for fixing of Instagram.

              Josh trailed behind the others looking at his phone. Trying to keep his mind off from before. Clunk. He felt as if he were hit by a train. Though he kept his balance. He rubbed his eyes for a moment. “HEY. Watch where you’re going.” The girl he bumped into said. He stood in awe for what felt like an hour.  Thank you, lord.  He thought.

               “Josh.” He said nervously, reaching his hand out for a handshake.

               “You just broke my glasses. Are you serious?” She said back. Her blue eyes glistening.

               Trying to keep his composure he ignored her. “You look better without them anyway.”

               Her face lightened up, though her stance stayed abrasive. “You’re an asshole.” She said sternly. There was an awkward pause. Josh began to shift his weight as if to walk away. “Liz. My name Liz” she said. “There not even real anyway. I Just like the look.”

               Josh then spotted his friends a few feet away. Though after an eye raise and a smirk, they knew he had it in the bag. The rest of the gang left him to his own devices. A few minutes passed, before they could question where Josh was, he came strolling in with the girl he had met around his arm. A pair of shattered glasses on his head. She giggled as he whispered something into her ear. “Oh, hey guys. Fancy seeing you here. This is my little lady friend Liz.” After a short introduction they took a seat.

               “I’m sorry but I have to go. I got separated with my friends they are about to leave. Here’s my number. We can meet up later.” She said as she exited out the side door. “My boys all grown up. He learned from the master of course.” Trevor said in between bites of his chicken wing.

               “Turns out she’s staying pretty close by from our cabin. Gunna have to shower when we get back. Get Danny’s stench off me.” Josh giggled. The rest of the table laughing with him.

               “Yea well you’re off the trip.” Danny retorted.

               They made the trek back to the van. “Danny you drive. Had one too many at the bar today.” Marvin said as he threw the keys to his son. Before Cassie could object Marvin took the passenger seat. The boys packed into the back. Then Cassie in the next row. Vincent following in next, bumping into Cassie as he sat. “Woah watch it. I know you can’t resist me but jeez.”

               “Never in a million years, Vincent.” She said, scooting as close to the car door as possible.

               As the week went on, they burned through the local attractions within two days. The county carnival, jet skis, and mini golf. Now leaving them with one more full day. “We’re going to the Bayou on one of those plane boats.” Marvin proudly announced.

               “Sweet. Time to hunt for them gators.” Trevor said effusively.

               “I am not going into a swamp, ew. My hairs frizzy as it is, dad.” Cassie cried out.

               “Dad this is the only time I’d ever agree with Cassie. No way I’m doing that. Besides Josh really wants to see that girl.” Danny said begrudgingly.

               “Don’t worry Marvin we’ll go with you. Your daughter’s too afraid she’ll drop her tampons.” Zack chimed in. “Oh, I meant your son.” They all laughed, even Cassie giggled at that one.

               “I promise we’ll be fine. And we’ll definitely make it back in time for you to see your girl. Deal?” Marvin said. They all agreed, some more genuinely than the others. Josh had spent most of his nights since he met the girl over at her cabin. Though he wanted to test his luck and see if he could get “Lucky.” Tonight, would have to be the night. Or else he’d never see her again.

               They all left the breakfast table to their rooms, getting ready for the day. Vincent was the last one to get downstairs. “Somebody want to get Cassie? She’s probably still in her two-hour makeup session.” Danny asked.

               “I got her.” Vincent said as he began hop up the stairs. He made his way to the room he was just kicked out of a few days prior. He knocked as he opened the door. “Hey Cass. Time to-OH GOD.” He yelped as they collided. “HEY. GET OUT YOU CREEP.” Cassie was still getting dressed as he walked in. He ran as quick as he could slamming the door behind him. He stopped just right outside. “Sorry, Cassie. I’m and idiot.”

               She opened the door Just as red as he was. “Let’s not mention this to anyone. Okay?” They both walked down the stairs as awkward and silent as possible.

               The drive only took a few minutes, being that the entire town is a swamp. Once they arrived, the only thing around was a small building. Boat tours. Written atop on a big sign. Marvin went out ahead of the group to talk and pay for the tour. After a few minutes he emerged with their tour guide.

               “Alright folks. Who’s ready for some adventure? Don’t worry no gators will be biting ya today.” The guide cackled.

               They all got onto the boat. The big fan touring over them. The swamp was considerable cooler but more moist. Making for an uncomfortable ride. They saw numerous amounts of wildlife and mangled trees. Though they didn’t last very long. Cassie began to complain of the heat, swaying back and forth. She fell backwards into the river.

               As everyone panicked, Marvin threw his things aside preparing to jump. Though Vincent beat him to the punch. Diving headfirst into the water. A few moments went by as Vincent emerged gasping for air. Cassie in his arms. They both climbed onto the boat. “Alright. I think this trip is just about over.” Marvin said.

               “Yea before the skunk ape gets us.” Trevor added.

               Once back at the house they packed their bags as they would leave first thing in the morning. Danny packed first so he began to make his rounds to each room. He went to Trevor’s first. He had been wearing the same shirt since they got there. So, there wasn’t much to pack. Zack was too busy on the phone with his girlfriend, so Danny skipped him. He made his way to Josh’s room he stopped at the door. Josh looked gloomy.

               “Why are you still here Josh? Shouldn’t you be with that girl?” Danny asked.

               “Yea. About that, she had to leave early. Some family emergency.” Josh lifted up his head with a smirk. “But it turns out. She only lives a town away from us.”

               After a small celebration. Danny walked to Vincent’s to find it empty. Not thinking much of it he went to quickly check to make sure his sister was all pack. He froze. But twirled around before the two love birds could see him. Never would have thought. Cassie and Vincent. Interesting.

               Shortly after they all began closing their doors for the night. Though Danny made sure Vincent slept in his own bed that night. 

June 25, 2021 22:09

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