A lifelong prophecy being fulfilled

Submitted into Contest #249 in response to: Write a story about a character driving and getting lost.... view prompt


Thriller Suspense Latinx

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

‘All of these damned roads look the same, I’ve probably been going in circles this whole time’ My thoughts were the only thing keeping me company, considering that my radio stopped working about thirty minutes or so ago. By this point, I was surrounded by nothing but trees and the occasional streetlamp, giving me a small dose of hope that a functioning society was near. They were so spread out that when I would finally run out of that hope I would see another. They annoyed me the more I saw them, despite the relief they were able to bring me. They looked so peaceful, standing there in the dark forest without a worry in the world, no hunger or thirst or exhaustion to affect them. ‘Pfft, show off’ 

The wind was strong but my determination was stronger, my car still had enough gas to keep me going, so I had no reason to give up first. I resorted to making my own music by lightly tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, that accompanied by the occasional conversation I would have with myself about whatever topic my brain was able to dig up to my attention, I was able to stay mostly positive and sane. Mostly. There were times when the sudden realization of being lost in a country I had just arrived to that morning would consume my thoughts and cause a panic so severe I would scream and scream to be louder than they were. I kept driving though as I was compelled by a force so intense that I didn’t even understand why I kept moving. I just had to, pulling over was too dangerous in this area, wherever it may be. So driving was my only option, and there was nothing else I wanted to do. I had a feeling deep inside what could only be described as where the soul is stored that I had to keep driving, I am on the right path and must see it to an end. 

At first, I thought I was hallucinating when I saw her. It made sense that she was just some illusion of sorts created by lack of sleep and food. Once she saw my car headlights, she stopped walking and stuck her hand out to get my attention, waving it frantically with a facial expression to match. I was just about to drive right past her when she called out to me. 

“Oye! Please stop!” 

I have never hit the brakes so hard in my life. Hearing English in a Spanish-speaking country would be a relief on any regular day, but while being in the middle of no where, lost, and the time being past the bedtime of any rebellious teenager, it was a blessing from God himself. I looked over at the young woman as I had stopped fast enough for her to line up with my windows, giving me a perfect view of her with help from those pretentious streetlamps. She had a short skirt on, covering next to nothing, with a tight shirt to match. She wore short heels, nothing too exciting, but they were heels nonetheless. She had long black hair and lightly tanned skin, with eyes telling me everything I’ve ever wanted to hear. I quickly debated with myself about whether or not to let her in my car. She could be dangerous, but she was beautiful enough to ignore any crimes she may or may not have committed. Plus, I’m lost, and she looked enough like a local that she might be able to guide me to a town or city or wherever there were living people. I unlocked my car doors. 

“Get in” I said, my voice a little hoarse from the screaming and lack of speaking I’ve had to endure during this whole trip. She opens up the back door and gets in, closing it as swiftly as she had opened it. 

‘Fair enough, being dressed like that at this time of night and remoteness, I am considered more dangerous than she could ever be’ As I’m finishing up my thoughts, I noticed a smell that filled my car once she stepped in. It was odd, a smell that was nearly unidentifiable despite how present it was. I decided not to ask, who knows what this poor girl went through to end up here. I fixed my sitting position and started to drive again. 

“So, you speak English?” I asked. I look into my rearview mirror to look for her answer. 

She nods in response. 

“You from here?” 

She shakes her head no. Not much of a talker, I suppose. 

“Got a name, miss?” This time I looked back and smiled a bit, to show that I’m friendly and that I’m just as disappointed at how my night turned out as she is. 

“Yeah, Cedar” Finally, a response. 

“Oh, like the tree?” Cedars are known for their smell, maybe it’s just a local perfume of sorts. 

“Yeah, you could say. What’s your name, sir?” She sat up a bit, leaning a bit forward, getting closer to me. My radio suddenly turned on, playing loud static that startled me, but not enough to lose control of my car. I turned it off as quickly as I could. 

“Sorry about that, it hasn’t been working this whole time. Must mean we’re getting close to some sort of town, right? Where are you headed anyway?”

“I’ll answer your question once you answer mine”

Shoot, I completely ignored her. The radio really did scare me, but so much so I forgot to answer her? Ah, the need for sleep is catching up to me. 

“Right, sorry about that. My name is Ajal. Its-” 

“Arabic right? If I’m remembering correctly, it means a sort of fate, yes?”

“Yeah, how did you know? You speak Arabic?”

“No, no, I just know a lot about names. I’m a fortune-teller of sorts. That’s my main job” 

“Main? What’s your other job?”

“Something people like you tend to really like” She flashes a quick smile at me through the review mirror with a wink to wrap it up like a silk bow. 

‘Is she flirting with me? Or maybe she needs business? Either way, I’m a very lucky man right now’ 

“What type of fortune reading do you do? Crystal balls? Tarot?”

“Oh no, I only do palm readings. Your body is all about you, anything external would muddle the reading, in my own personal belief of course” 

“Really? Well we’ve got time, mind reading mine? I’ll take it as payment for the ride” I looked back at her for a second before returning my focus on the road, int hat second she smiled at me. Softly and kindly. 

“Of course, you can drive with one hand, then?”

“For the amount of time I’ve been driving today, I’m sure I could even drive blindfolded.” Light chuckles fill the car. 

‘I still got it’

“Sounds like a deal then, let me see your hand”

I take one hand off the wheel and move it behind me so that she can grab it. Once she does, I notice how rough her hands are. And cold, which confused me considering that this country runs so hot, and we were in the middle of summer. Granted it was night and who knows how long she’s been walking but still, we’ve been in the car for a while, she shouldn’t be so cold. 

“Here is your life line” She traces her finger on my palm, following the shape and length of the faint line. I shuddered a bit, both from the gesture and her cold fingers. 

“And here is your heart line” She traces another line on my palm, slowly and with care. I would have shuddered again if the feeling wasn’t interrupted by sudden warm drops on my hand. 

I quickly turn my head to look towards her, and I wish I hand’t. The skin. On her face. It was falling off. Melting. The drops on my hand. It was blood. I can see her bone. Her eye has fallen out. I have seen more than any medical professional can stomach. I screamed. So loud that both the God and the devil can hear me. I kept screaming. I lost control of the car. She’s still holding my hand, both cold from her fingers and warm from her flesh. And with a blink she was gone, and I finally realized that I’m in a car, so I looked forward and collided into a tree. I lost too much control, there wasn’t enough time to swerve or save myself. That was the smell. That was the reason for her cold hands. Her being out here. She was never alive to begin with, yet her blood was still warm like mine. My car is ruined. The radio turned back on to its deafening static. I’m so tired. As my eyelids got too heavy for me, I saw a group of people rushing to me and my car. I finally found a town and people. The sun was starting to rise, and the earth was getting warmer by the second. Oh gosh, I’m so tired. 

May 07, 2024 20:24

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Asia W
03:09 May 13, 2024

Wow! Cassandra, I was definitely not expecting that ending but it worked so so well. What a twist! <3


10:20 May 13, 2024

Thank you so much!


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