Historical Fiction Adventure Fantasy

Julian had tracked his foe for what seemed like an eternity.   The pursuit started at Hadrian's Wall, continuing to Dover. Then across the channel to the kingdom of the Franks. After being pressed into service for the noble Charlemagne,  Julian found out his query had entered the conflict on the other side.  Just another reason to continue the chase.  While preparing for the battle Julian could not help but remember the last time he fought beside a Frankish king. Charlemagne's grandfather, Charles Martel, as they repelled the Muslim Moors from the land of the Franks. Charlemagne combined the nobility of his grandfather with the charisma of Attila.  It proved to be a potent combination. 

Julian had to think quickly when Charlemagne asked him what had become of his grandfather.  "My grandfather?" Julian's mind raced. "My grandfather fought beside Joshua and was one of David's Mighty Men. Later he was part of Caesar's 10th legion as they marched into Gaul. How could he know...oh, right. The King assumes the man who fought beside Charles Martel was my grandfather. "

"Grandfather is well, my King. He lives a quiet life in Rome in the service of the Church." "Excellent! He was always remembered as a fierce and loyal warrior who my grandfather leaned on in the most difficult battles.  I sense the same traits in you. It is a great comfort to have you at my side." "My sword is yours to command Your Majesty."

The fact was, Julian's grandfather,  Michael, died after a lifetime devoted to battle in the name of God under many leaders.  He subdued the Promised Land with Joshua. He was one of Gideon's three hundred. Michael was one of the first soldiers under Abner to switch his loyalty from Saul to David, seeing God's call on David the first time they met. Nebuchadnezzar,  Darius, Alexander and Julius Caesar all came to depend on Michael in the most arduous campaigns. After converting to Christianity,  Michael shepherded Christians throughout the Roman Empire. He died helping Constantine reunite Rome. Michael passed knowing his influence on the Emperor helped to see Christianity legalized throughout Rome.

That was the first time Julian and his father, David,  became aware of the person he now pursues. The man fatally wounded Michael in battle. Until that time, the family assumed they were blessed by God with immortality.  Michael considered a lifetime spent in the service of God an honor most high and cherished each battle as a way to lift up Yahweh. What David and Julian didn't know until Michael was on his deathbed,  was that Michael recognized his killer. They had fought many times throughout the centuries. First battling the day a young David slew Goliath.  The man was one of the men of Gath that accompanied Goliath.  From that day forward, every time they met Michael simply referred to him as The Philistine. 

The Philistine was a butcher. Like many from Gath he was a giant. Eight feet tall and ruthless in battle. Many men of great height at this time were thin and relatively weak. They were not very good when pressed into a conflict. These men of Gath were different.  Their proportions were those of a normal warrior,  but half again the height. This made them quite formidable in combat. When David slew Goliath the Philistine became enraged. He charged David with every intent to take the young shepherd's head as David was taking Goliath's. It was by God's grace Michael was able to intercept and engage him.

The Philistine's strength was incredible. His first blow lifted Michael off the ground. Michael had fought bears, lions, and most other dangerous animals in the region but he had never felt power like this. For the first time in his life, Michael was concerned for his well being. Then his faith in his God took over, and with a boldness he had never felt Michael came back at the Philistine in full force.  The next few moments saw Michael dodging thrust after angry thrust looking for an opening. Then his moment came. The Philistine's size made his movements exaggerated,  each swing taking a long time to recover.  "There is my opening. "  The next time his foe made a sweeping swing with his sword, Michael ducked the blow and buried his sword up to the hilt in his enemies belly. Blood flowed freely as the warrior was helped away by attendants. Michael assumed the Philistine was done in. He could not be more wrong. 

Four centuries later, Michael was part of an aggregate army under Nebuchadnezzar.  While in battle against the Egyptians, Michael heard a familiar battle cry from the center of the melee.  He fought his way toward the sound. As the armies parted, there was his old foe. Fighting for the Egyptians,  the monster had slain so many men the bodies were around his legs to knee level. Michael stood both horrified by the sight and in disbelief The Philistine lived. Michael was preparing to enter the fray when the honor guard sounded the retreat.  He was enraged. Bound and determined to stay, Michael had to be carried from the battlefield by his fellow soldiers.  As he was forced from the battlefield, Micheal could hear The Philistine laugh from amid the carnage. 

When next their paths crossed,  the battle was short but the occasion proved enlightening.   The Philistine was still fighting for the Egyptians.  Michael was a commander in the army of Alexander. As Michael surveyed the battlefield,  he spotted a familiar sight.  The Philistine,  head and shoulders above the rest of the army, shifting his weight restlessly , anxious for combat. All thought of strategy departed Michael as he led his men straight towards a foe only one of them was truly prepared to meet. Taking advantage of his elevated position Michael launched himself from the saddle at full gallop. Swinging his sword with both hands, Michael fully intended to decapitate his old enemy. Only a glancing blow off of a well armored shoulder spared The Philistine his head.  As the battlefield filled the ancient enemies were separated by a sea of humanity. Their short encounter ended in a manner unsatisfactory to both men.

The rest of the battle went as planned.  Alexander's army was well trained, well supplied, and battle hardened from previous campaigns.  Even with the extraordinary help the Egyptians were woefully outmatched. In the days to come the Macedonians went about the business of settling the port city named for their revered leader: Alexandria. While his followers did that, Alexander set about accomplishing his true reason for this excursion. He and his most trusted commanders set out to visit the Oracle of Ammon. 

Alexander certainly did not lack self confidence.  He had long believed himself to be of divine birth. He expected the Oracle to confirm him as a son of Zeus, Ra, or another powerful deity. Alexander arrived at the Oracle seeking a coronation rather than enlightenment.  What he learned that day was debated for centuries after. Michael revealed it to his family at the end.

Alexander chose Michael for the honor of accompanying him into the temple itself. Michael mused  "It is not as grandiose as the temples in Greece but it is certainly as opulent as one would expect. The Egyptians always spare no expense when honoring their gods. I wonder how many people died for the tribute?!"

Once inside the building, Alexander placed his offering on the altar.  A thick fog appeared seemingly from nowhere.  Within the fog they could discern a figure. As the haze dissipated before them stood the most beautiful woman either man had ever seen. After glancing at Alexander she fixed her gaze on Michael.

"It has been many years since you left Egypt. You are very long lived. You have spent your life in the service of the Most High God of the Hebrews. You consider each battle another opportunity to bring Him the glory that is His due." At this point Michael could not look away from the priestess if he tried. Alexander in the meantime stood staring at Michael trying to figure out "Just who is this man the gods have brought into my confidence?"The priestess continued "You are troubled. You recently encountered an old foe. His existence makes you question your beliefs. You do not doubt your God, but rather you question if the life you have lived is a true calling. Allow me to ease your mind and explain to you as much as I can discern of your roll in this world."

"There is a constant battle between good and evil. Every few generations, a family line is chosen to champion their side of the conflict. You and your descendants represent the light. This man you call 'The Philistine ' represents the darkness. Your honor and virtue are pitted against his cruelty and debauchery.  You and yours are the only ones who can take his life while he and his progeny are the only ones who can take yours."

Michael came to himself long enough to ask "How do I kill him?" "With a weapon blessed by a holy man. This is a spiritual battle so only spiritual weapons can prevail. Just as specific generations of specific bloodlines are chosen, only specific holy men will be able to enact the proper blessing.  In your travels you must keep your eyes open for the correct person. I cannot tell you how you will know them, but you will. I must warn you: The Philistine has already found his priest. That is why he has remained in Egypt so long. His blade was cursed by a priest of Anubis and in gratitude he agreed to stay and defend the land. A killing blow from one of these weapons will release the spirit. When the body can no longer contain life, the spirit  will go to it's eternal reward whether the Heaven your God espouses, or the world beyond the river Styx according to the beliefs of this child that brought you here."

"Do you know when I will die?" Ask Michael. "No. That part of your life has been hidden from me.  I do know you have many more battles in the service of your God and many more people to defend before your time comes. Be strong noble warrior.  Your life has not been, nor will ever be, lived in vain."

With that she disappeared.  As Michael and Alexander recovered Alexander said "Fear not commander. I will keep your secret. All this time I believed it was an honor for you to serve me. It turns out the honor is mine. For the first time in my life, I am humbled to have a small part to play in this eternal battle."

June 06, 2020 00:14

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03:26 Jun 16, 2020

This is so creative. I love how unique it is, I could never have thought of something like this, so beyond our every day life. Really enjoyed reading it! Keep it up!


Ray Bailey
01:46 Jun 17, 2020

Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that.


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