Gay High School Teens & Young Adult

I’ve always lived in the the dark it's just how I've been but this one moment I felt the light it was so bright it shocked me 

“Hey Pyry, did you zone out again?” I look towards Eliana with her bright blonde hair and her white crop top with minnie mouse on it 

“yeah I guess” as she starts to complain about the math assignment I look towards the light that I felt but he was gone. Mr.James! I lift my head off the desk

 “yes” “do not sleep in my class ever again” watching the teacher who reminds me of a old fat dragon I look over at Eli and she’s holding back a laugh. 

The old teacher continues on about some dumb Shakespeare play and how it was so “sad” the loud bell rings telling us that it’s time to go our next prison class, “HEY PYRY WAIT UP” I try to lose her by walking fast because I know she has short legs surprisingly she catches to me and slaps me hard on the back 

“just because I’m short doesn’t mean I cant run” 

“oh no I totally forgot that short people can run” she gives me a pissed off look “dude the only reason were in this hot ass building is because you made me fail five different classes” 

“nah you did that on your own I just was moving you along” 

“rude” we make our way down the hall of the rows and rows of maroon lockers. A flash of light comes my way again I stop in the middle of what should be called traffic I frantically look around for this warmth that i've never felt.

“Dude are you okay?” 

“Hey Pyry earth to Pyryyyyy” I feel something poking at me I look down and come face to face with Eli 

“Pyry are you okay?” 

“Yeah uh let's get to class we're gonna be late if we don’t hurry up, she gives me a sus look and says 

“okay then”. Sitting in my last class for the day watching the clock ticking by I can hear the sink on with the teacher not knowing that it's on just the drops with a constant sound, I put my head back and drift off. The loud bell makes me jolt awake grabbing the assignment that I won't be doing later on I see Eli waiting for me like a lost puppy outside the classroom. 

“Pryyy English is so boring without youuuu”

 “and why is that?” She gives me a sinister grin 

“because I can mess with you all I want” 

“that’s exactly what I was thinking” I sigh as she slaps my back we walk out of the smelly building and the summer heat hits our skin hard 

“dude its so hot out here how can people even be outside”

 “Eli just because you came from the north doesn’t mean you can complain about the heat”

“dude just because your from the south doesn’t mean you shouldn’t complain about the heat” she starts to take off her cardigan

“can you see my side boob in this shirt?” 

“No and even if I could no guy can get to you because they have to go through me” 

“thanks for reminding me why I don’t have a boyfriend yet” she sighs and I smile

 “hey do you wanna stop by Connies?”

 “Sure lemme guess you have money that you want to burn” 

“how did you guess?” 

“Because you picked the most expensive ice cream place” 

“yeah your right” she smiles in the bright sun with the bouncy blue curls. 

As I get on the smelly city bus after rushing out of the house with a bagel I already know I’m going to be late, I start to chew on my bagel as my phone lights up with a buzz. I look at the dark lock screen and see Eli yelling at me though the phone that I’m going to be late if I don’t hurry the hell up, I reply with I already am late and she gives me an eye roll emoji. The bus finally gets to my stop as I step off and into the fresh air that has a sight smell of rain water I dash into the tall brown building, 

“Reason why your late” the old lady who looks like she should have retired years ago spits in my face while asking the question 

“uh missed bus” 

“here’s your pass” as she turns around to go back to her soap drama on the tiny phone I wipe my face and head to class. I sit next to Eli as she hisses at me for leaving her alone next to James the school jock who fails all his classes but still is the star player also thinks that him and Eli are dating just because she gave him a pen one time, the teacher is drowning the kids in boredom as he’s talking about the rules for class as he does everyday 

“Hey where the hell were you Jackson kept trying to touch my hair” 

“then punch him and claim self defense” 

“the last time I tried to even touched a hair on his head he screamed bloody murder” 

“I remember that he’s just to funny” I snicker as she gives me a look that could kill a person. Then all of a sudden the teacher whips around and tells me and Eli to sit outside or go to the office I look at her as she looks at me and we leave the class with giggles 

“dude I cant believe that you got us kicked out” 

“no you did dummy” 

“actually you did and this is the reason you landed me in summer school in the first place” 

“yeah your probably right about that one” we make our way out of the school instead of to the office. 

As we walk down the ram then I feel the sun again just sighty this time though as again I look around for this warmth I finally see the source, a guy looks like a junior with tan skin and deep green eyes with a smile that could blind a person.

 “Hey Pyry? You good you look like you’ve just seen the most beautiful thing ever” as I ignore Eil I make my way over to this guy 


“oh hello do I know you?” He looks at me with those eyes that could just swallow me whole and I can feel the darkness feelling as his light is giving me happiness 

“no you don’t know me but I’d like to get to know you” 

“sure! Do you have a instagram?” I give this mysterious boy my social media and can finally feel the real warmth of the sun without the darkness clouding it the feeling of stepping out of the dark and into the sun.

June 22, 2021 16:13

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