reality window

Submitted into Contest #97 in response to: Start your story with an unexpected knock on a window.... view prompt


Thriller Inspirational Bedtime

It's the beginning of spring, in the central city of America. The mid-age man of 45 years old is working on his laptop. He's the lazy and boring person of all time. He didn't even give time to himself or gone out for a walk in months. He was a work addict and wants to earn a lot of money. He is all alone by himself and doesn't even like talking to anyone. His life was destroyed long ago when his wife and kids left him and he lost everything on the same day. he has very bad habits considering of which lieing, not accepting his mistakes and anger range. 

He was the same old self with these bad habits and didn't even realize that he needs to change and give his life some time. 

suddenly, one day, when he was working again on his laptop, he hears an unexpected knonck at the window. he ignored it once because he thought it would be street kids. then again there was a knock. he didn't even consider that one too, but when it happened for like the fifth time, he stood up and storm towards the window to check who was so stupid to knock at the window rather than the door. 

he cannot see anything outside the window and opens it, shouting: 'who the hell is here '.he used to live on the 6th floor of the building and he couldn't see any street kids throwing stones at his window. he gets his head out of the window and looks down. he suddenly feels dizzy and his foot slips causing him to fall out of the window. suddenly he blackouts hitting his head on the ground. people called the ambulance and took him to the hospital. the doctor said to his family that he is in a coma because of a heavy injury to his head. he never experienced such tragedy in his life. he waked in the middle of the night and found a young boy of 20 sitting next to him. He got up from bed and sat near him. 

John: 'boy! why are you sad, I'm okay. who are you anyway? why you came here?.

Alex: (he's talking on the phone) 'mom, I think dad would be dead anyway. he's in a coma and I don't have any hope.

John realized that he was like a shadow and no one could hear him or see him. he started to fear his own exitance and ran towards the hospital exit. he is like a lost soul and runs towards his house. which is locked and he can't even enter. at the exit of the building, he sees a man sitting to beg . as john walks by this men, he calls his name.

the man: 'need any help john, you seem lost'.

John turns around and was shocked to see that someone could see him. he replied: ' you can see me and hear me. 

the man: ' yeah, of course, I'm guidance Johnhe soul, call me Ariza. I'm here to guide you.

John: 'am I death'.

aroza: ' no! I'm just here to you realize you turn the hourglass before time runs out. he turns an hour Johns upside down and says 'your time started now'.

John: 'but I don't make any mistakes.

aroza: 'that is your part of the deal. you made mistakes. you need to correct them, make it running as sand in this glass.

John: ' i didn't make any mistake, it was my wife's mistake that we don't talk and her rude son.

aroza: let's see what happened that day

they go back to the day when his wife and kids left him. The wife was cooking dinner and he was at work. The plumber knocked on the door and she showed him the way to sink. he was repairing the sink that Greece from sink spreads on his shirt. he takes off his shirt and starts repairing it again. his hand suddenly injuries the nail, blood was coming out of his finger. she offers him a bandage and says to fellow her. they go to the bedroom and she helps him with the bandage. John enters the house and went straight to the bedroom to check on his wife as he couldn't find her in the kitchen. 

John finds his wife holding the hand of the shirtless plumber. he is angry and wants to kill his wife, but he first kicks the plumber out of the house and starts fighting with his wife. they were so much involved in fighting that she forgot to turn off the fire below the kettle. John breaks the vine bottle on the shelf of the kitchen and the fire starts. As the fire spreads in a few seconds, and she runs outside. John also runs outside and didn't notice his daughter playing upstairs with dolls. her son was gone for a football match that's why he was saved. her daughter died in a fire incident and he was responsible for her death and burning their house down to ashes. this was the last time she saw john. after that, they applied for divorce and they never met. 

John sighs and says " it's been 18 years and I think of that every day but it was her mistake, it was the cause of her lust that my daughter died".

John walks off to the lake near his home in the village and the aroma appears again.

aroza: "are you sure john, it was her mistake. every person pays for his mistake, one way or the other".

John: " I'm not guilty and stop bothering me. I rather die than accept that lie .im sure she would be paying for her mistakes and suffering alone with her son."

aroza: " oh, if that's the cause, let me show you".

aroza takes john to Andrea's home and lets him see her life for a while. she was happy with her son and a daughter 10 years old. she married a new man and he was not that plumber. they had a small house and a nice small family of four. she was happy n d she never missed john at any moment of her life. 

John sighs sadly and shock takes over his thoughts.

aroza: "so you think, she's suffering, alone and painful".

John: "I know it her mistake, she always wanted to marry another man. her wished is filled so far."

aroza: "let me take you to one last stop and then you can either correct your mistake or pay for it rest of your life'

he takes him to the police station back when the incident took place. two officers were talking to each other about the case file. 

officer one: ' do you know what started the fire so fast".

officer two: " it was the vine bottle which spread fire like in seconds".

john becomes upset and leaves to watch the sunset which he didn't watch for years. aroza comes by and sits with him. 

aroza: "do you know john who suffered so far, YOU. you are the only person who suffered from loneliness and pain. inside you know, that it was your mistake so far. all these years, you didn't even apologize. it was only a word whicI'mcould solve all tI'm problems and yIucan'tld never lose your family. 

John cries in silence and replies: "maybe you are right, I made mistake sorry for that. I'm really am but I can't get my family back. I lost everything."

aroza: "maybe the ou still l have a family, you just t have to realize who and never leave the family alone again".

aroza disappears and john runs after him but falls from the top of the building. he as I'm from the coma and I'm arounI'mhim with shock. don't his son sitting in front of him. he tries to get up but his son holds him in a hug. he says: "I'm sorry my son, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, don't leave me ever again. "

son: "I'm her dad, I won't leave you like this. I won't. 

both hugs for a long time and talks a lot about their lives. he also asked forgiveness from anderia and she forgave him but the only family left to him was his son. they started living together.  

you see, if john has listened to his wife and didn't accused her without reliazing it was his mistake, it would have saved his daughter and family. accepting your mistakes is a sure sign of maturity.  

June 11, 2021 16:45

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