Fantasy Science Fiction Drama

Judgment day!

Breaking News!

-“This is Lindsey Watts coming to you live from the Kcop studios. We interrupt the regularly scheduled program to bring you news of an apparent world event unfolding right now via the Internet. It seems President Biden, along with British Prime Minister Johnson, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Putin and a long list of world leaders are getting ready to hold simultaneous press conferences in synch with each other. There are at least twenty-seven countries in line with whatever this momentous occasion— whatever this event will be and we’re being told that more countries are soon to be on-board with some sort of accord, some sort of Covid related news I’m guessing.

-“Yeah Lindsey, Bob here in the news room, that was my exact question; do we have any ideal at all what could be so important that their holding this emergency meeting; seemingly out of nowhere, I mean the synchronized press conferences, the amount of nations apparently involved— do we have any ideal at all what has occurred in the past twenty-four hours that calls for such a world-wide media blitz?

-“I’m as curious as you are Bob, so far all I’ve got is something about a worldwide warning which again; I’m guessing is Covid related, but I really don’t know. There certainly hasn’t been much good news relative to the numbers since the vaccine was released, so maybe there’s something there but… I’m mean I’m just grasping at straws down here Bob, this is so far a complete conundr…

“Ok hold on, hold on, ok…they’re talking to me in my ear here…”

“Ok Bob, we’re getting report that it has something to do with Antarctica…”

-“Lindsey did I hear you right, did you say something about Antarctica; as in the frozen continent Antarctica?” 

-“That’s what the producers are telling us— something apparently that has to do with “the frozen continent” as you say, is what this is all about. Now whether that means something ecological or maybe some new accord has been met; I don’t know but it seems like whatever it is, it is far less likely to be anything Covid 19 related as I’ve maybe irresponsibly been suggesting…”   

Lindsey makes her statement and the newscasters go on for two more hours, joined remotely by colleagues here and there as the banter and speculation ebbed and flowed. The airwaves were saturated as news of the upcoming world symposium spread, traffic slowed to a crawl as non-essentials rushed home and tuned in to their preferred forms of voices through speakers. It was 11:56 a.m. PST when a small yet ominous, neon blue cursor appeared on every satellite connected screen— pulsing rapidly between ends. At the same time a sound that resembled a bunch of basketballs hitting a gymnasium floor began throbbing rhythmically in the background of every radio signal. A growing angst began creeping up the collective human spine as the pulsating gradually slowed and the thumps persistently reduced.

-“So we’re down to what seems like the end of this countdown or whatever it is Linds, it’s 4:19 p.m. here in Palmdale CA and still no governmental explanations for the hubbub, nothing on these odd visual and audio timing systems, other than the now-usual “everything will be explained shortly” that we’ve heard I think five times, it appears though that we’ll be getting some answers soon as time has just about run out…

Just as Bob’s last word trails off a final pong, a last pulse, followed by the final hundred and thirty-six seconds of humankind’s arrogance and delusion as a species. It was as if everybody in the world was stuck in ‘Mannequin Challenge’ positions in anticipation of what was next— waiting to be told by their masters that there was no trouble.

It started like a faint, distant-sounding trumpet and it took a minute or two for people to realize that the sound was not coming from anywhere within, but from outside. A sound resembling a synthesized trumpet or a foghorn that modulated in pitch and amplitude bellowed from out of the sky and could be heard everywhere, by everyone.  

Walls trembled as the atmospheric sound display went on for close to thirty minutes, immediately after, every electronic source of communication could be heard playing the Star-Spangled Banner (In America’s case), just before President Joe Biden walked up to the podium:

-My fellow Americans today is a day unlike any other in our collective histories. Just as I am here before you, so too are my counter-parts around the globe speaking to the peoples of their nations about events that will certainly change; if not dramatically the course of our collective civilization. Now I’m going to be blunt, because I believe that the best way through an obstacle is to deal with it straight on, but I want to warn you that what I am about to say may be difficult for many of you, so if your unsure about your ability to cope with unusual news, or if you have children that may take some time adjusting to a new paradigm then please take care of that; just know that there will be upcoming occurrences that no one will be able to avoid experiencing, so the sooner we all accept our now rapidly evolving situation the better things will be for us collectively and as individuals.

“On an expedition in 1947 Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd Jr. discovered a hole in the ice sheet of Antarctica; a hole so big that he flew an entire plane in to it.

Adm. Byrd and his pilot flew downward in to the underground ice-cavern, descending for a period of five minutes or so along what appeared to them to be natural, light reflecting/crystalline walls before they found themselves leveling out in to a domain that extended as far as their eyes could see. They flew for a time…

President Biden bites his lip and stares blankly, thoughtful; like a family man about to risk his entire life savings.

-They flew for a time surveying vast stretches of land before coming across what they described as “a herd of dinosaur-like creatures being herded by two human-looking giants” roaming the earth beneath them. According to their estimates the giant men stood close to twenty feet tall and the beasts they were herding resembled Hardrosaurs; as described by the pilot who was also an anthropologist. They circled the creatures briefly, drawing no apparent attention, then decided due to fuel concerns to return to their convoy…

Now folks I’ve got to warn you that this is where this is going to get a bit weird so…

As the men attempted to swing their ship around to head back towards the hole they’d come through, they realized that they had absolutely no control over their ship. Their plane was flying as though under remote control and eventually landed itself alongside what Adm. Byrd called “The black pyramid”. As they exited their plane they herd and felt the thuds of another giant man who approached their position from the far side of the pyramid then stood alongside it. The two stood there frozen in astonishment when a portal opened up in the pyramid and two blue-skinned humanoids walked out and approached the men—one waving its hand towards the giant and sending it away.

The men were taken inside of the pyramid where they encountered other blue people and numerous odd, yet seemingly intelligent creatures that all seemed to use forms of telepathy and had immense curiosity in the two surface dwellers; two reptilian types having to be restrained from touching the men by blue armed-guards. Both men reported feeling threatened yet protected while in the structure, both men said that they were shown a great many things in a very short time and both men said the left with one very clear message:


Now folks as I’ve said or maybe simply alluded to, this story is quite astounding, yet I am here as the leader of our great nation to tell you that not only is it true but that we are now in a time a tremendous revelation in relation to not only this story, but the entire human story, which is turning out to be a much older tale than I myself could have ever imagined. As far as Adm. Byrd’s account goes, there will be a webpage dedicated to the disclosure of his entire memoir but for now I need to catch us all up on why we are here in this moment.

About four weeks ago, scientists at various research facilities around Antarctica started reporting increased U.F.O activity. In a span of just four days over thirty-two reports of unidentified flying objects came in, and on the fifth day came the realization that a fleet of ships of various sorts was  amassing over the ice-shelf—each highly technical and all coming out of Admiral Byrd’s forbidden shaft. As it stands now there are over one thousand unidentifiable vessels hovering above the South Pole… and while all of our nations have seemingly failed at our attempts to establish a two-way dialogue with our inner-earth neighbors, they have been sending us messages about an event that will occur here on earth, in just another four days. 

The event that they called “The Fifth Reasoning” is a counsel to be held here on earth that will be attended by five different interplanetary species:

The Annunaki, The Draconians, The Pleiadeans, The Sassani, and The Zetas. The Antlanteans— whom most of us until recent time likely thought of as a mythical race, are to be hosts to this event along with all of the species within their domain; hence the current armada atop the frozen continent. There will be a continually growing amount of alien ships in our skies over the next twenty-five days and while some of them may appear to us as daunting, even frightening for some; we have been assured that peril to human life is minimal so long as we do not interfere with or attempt to impede in any way their coming and going.

Now this next part is highly important so I need you all to pay close attention to what I’m about to say.

During this period the earth that we are familiar with will be filled with life forms unfamiliar to us. Each of these species is far older than we are and two of them in particular despise our very existence. However, while we humanoids remain within strict guidelines of behavior on the rare occasions of crossing paths with these species, we are protected by an intergalactic decree. This decree states that so long as a “fledgling” species (that’d be us) remains in phase II of development, no phase IV or above species may engage them directly without provocation.

So the ideal is: if you happen to come across a being that does not look to you like an average humanoid, you should avoid that being at all costs. Do not look them in the eyes, do not try to engage them in dialogue or offer them food, do not ask them to take you away or if Elvis is still alive.

Not in any way is anyone to provoke an interaction with any of these beings under any circumstance and that means ANYONE! The ships that will be filling our skies and the beings within are all completely impervious to any form of attack that we possess, so firing any type of weaponry in to the skies or in their directions can only serve as provocations that none of us are equipped enough to deal with.

As I said a moment ago, two of the visiting species are particularly a problem for our existence:

1. The Dracconians- a bipedal, reptilian race, easily identified by their scaly skin and snake or lizard-like features. And 2. The Zetas- These would be the small, grey alien’s that so many people have reported seeing over the years, about five feet in height, long appendages and a large head with large, black eyes. Add to those two the resurging race of giants called Nephalim that has been residing and recovering since the time of the flood, beneath the earth with the Atlanteans, and these three races specifically will be the biggest threats to human life during “The Fifth Reasoning”.

In the case of the Nephalim, you should be aware that many of them hold a long-standing vendetta against our species, feeling that Homo sapiens were the reason that they were banished from the surface world. So if in any case you find yourself in proximity to anything resembling a giant, give it a wide birth and as I said do not look them in the eyes; according to all reports their strength and savagery are astounding, so please avoid at all costs. The Dracconians threat is much less likely to materialize as they hold the smell of humans with complete contempt and so stay as far out of the way from direct contact with us as they can. However their disgust with humans runs quite deep, so it doesn’t take much to trigger violent reactions from them.

Biden surveys the inside of his bottom lip with his tongue and wryly chuckles.

And along that line, the Dracconians have insisted that it be made clear to the human civilization that in its eyes humans are like…”maggots and roaches that must be extinguished.”

Not sure why letting us know that was important but ok.

The Zetas are an exceptionally advanced race that is completely devoid of the concept of morality. For that reason they are a threat to our kind in every way, please avoid making any direct contact with those beings.

As the next number of days unfolds, we humans will be allowed to view some of the ceremony and whatever relevant occurrences there are over our televisions and computers, but we will in no way be a part of or privy to these discussions or their outcomes; which apparently will be all about us. We have no means of demanding a response or again, opening a two-way dialogue with the Atlanteans and these terms are being dictated to us through technical means that we simply cannot match. We’re like children being sectioned off from the rest of the house because we might hurt ourselves, or something.

Another wry smile and chuckle as the potus looks around quizzically.

You know I’ve never been one for all this alien talk, all this extra-terrestrial this and that. Damn sure never thought there was anything to all this Atlantis stuff, but here we are folks. Finding out as a nation, as a people, a civilization that not only are we not alone in the universe, but we haven’t even been alone right here on our own home planet. Technologies that we’ve never imagined all of a sudden right here, the story of human development all of a sudden turned upside down—hell, I’d bet we’ll find out who built the pyramids pretty soon right?

The weight of the moment, for a split-second almost made the elderly leader of three hundred million look like he was going to break down in tears. He stood briefly in front of the cameras dumbfounded, then pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed at his brow. He scraped together his best effort at a reassuring smile then the video cut out just as he dropped his chin to his chest. No music, no: “We’ll be right back”—just dead silent newscasters with mouths agape. The world has just come undone; everything we thought we knew has just been shattered. There was no noise in the streets, no traffic to ignore all the blinking lights just pale, stoic faces walking around like newly crowned zombies. The headlines the next day were all variations of the same line:

“Judgment day has arrived!” 

February 12, 2021 09:15

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